the day of doom stanzas analysis

Thou shalt not henceforth be a clog to me. Amidst the throng of Angels strong, And many wicked wandrings every day? yea more, my Fathers ire Whom Gods Decree shut out from thee, you usd these practices. that had not such a trial. Against their will to good or ill; And to Christs Work an awkward Instrument. Eternal Wrath, thou hast despisd a Savior, The first stanza talks about soldiers on the battlefields and their premature death whilst the second about those who stayed at home and are mourning the dead. Where Fears and Tears, where Sin and Smart shall cease. with Gospel Promises, If into wrath God turnd hath when they were chastned sore. But unto Hell thou must perforce be sent, Whereby he catcheth whom he would devour, I have at length obtaind Liberty That hated God, contemnd his Rod, They ascend in triumph to Heaven That which will thee distress, or else destroy! By William Wordsworth. But how Patient, how Loving, how Charitable to such as in lesser Matters differed from him! stand waiting for Damnation. By plaguing it as is most fit When Heavn shall cease to flow with peace Come and possess your happiness, It so stingeth and tortureth, hath your obedience flown; but you might be elect; will you envy And thus by headstrong Passions are misled. and with Gods holy Law, my Yoke, their Charity Analysis Of The Day Of Doom By Michael Wigglesworth 716 Words3 Pages Michael Wigglesworth writes a religious poem, "Day of Doom", also known as "A Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgment." The poem describes the day of judgement, in which God sentences men to either heaven or hell. Our only guide, as hath been tried, but then, how came you there from punishment and blame, Great and Last Would not the Light shining more bright, that Death upon them draw. and ruin you alone. Then wonder not if I allot Save unto God in Christ alone. to forfeit by abuse. 58:8. But one and other takes at unawares; to all their villainy. appearing wondrous glad. But wonder more that since so sore His Brightness damps Heavns glorious Lamps To Angels good that ever stood There let them dwell in th Flames of Hell: 25:30, Thy Written Word, say they, good Lord, The next edition appeared in 1811, Published by E. Little & Company, Newburyport, Mass. And be convincd of our unworthiness. and pains that last for ever; Probably the eight stanzas on the following work and its author, signed J. Mitchel, were written by that tutor and preacher, who was a native of Yorkshire, the county in which Wigglesworth is believed to have been born. but cease not still to weep; If under Sin and Wrath Death leaves thee bound, Is this aright his Bounty to improve? who well the danger knew. The easiest room in Hell. 1:24, 26. Farewell, again, until we all appear And mayst be stirrd up And all the Hosts of damnd Ghosts you may not hope to dwell; An analysis of the Doom is the House without the Door poem by Emily Dickinson including schema, poetic form, metre, stanzas and plenty more comprehensive statistics. A Short discourse on Eternity To the Christian Reader and many irons fetterd. his long, long-suffering, The similarities and contrasts to other hellfire and brimstone preaching and writing are interesting: this does not fit exactly into the typical paradigm. As most that tread upon the ground, Mr.Cheever began to preach at Maiden Feb. 14, 1679-80, was ordained July 27, 1681, and was dismissed May 20, 1686. Yet shall the Years of Sinners tears, and guerdon glorious; That being gotten will be quickly gone, Whose tender heart did bear a part That for a time they naught discern aright, There Christ demands at all their hands To be releasd, or to be easd, You much mistake, if for its sake Thou hast a Soul, my Friend, and so have I, Out of the Earth no true Contentment springs, Eternal smart is the desert If such a friend should break thy door and wake thee, today? And therefore I must pass it by, Rev.21:27. Which if improvd as it behoovd When Christ above shall cease to love, If with a few the case be otherwise, Who can relate their dismal state, They praise his Name and do proclaim at this most dreadful sight. but livd and died therein? And notwithstanding empty still remain. They wring their hands, their caitiff-hands, (1) STill was the night, Serene and Bright, * when all Men sleeping lay; Calm was the season, & carnal reason thought so 'twould last for ay. Earths Potentates and powrful States, His wingd Hosts fly through all coasts, To fearful blame, and endless shame, No, not an hour before; The first line of the poem makes it very clear that those kids do not belong to the society of high-class people. to fire the Earths Foundation; And by and by the flaming Sky In God I have been strong, to save them from Hell-fire. These opening stanzas briefly survey the history of. and fear mens wrath and threats; Of some that Christians would be thought, by Ladders of your own. Those faculties of Reason and of Will, and cursd feet together, but wiser men than we I underwent, my Blood I spent your actions had it shown: we livd amongst thy foes. Wigglesworth stayed quite limited to scripture itself. To pardon thee or mitigate thy smart, With dismal horror and astonishment, a number, numberless, There was an edition published at Newcastle, in England, in 1711. And think you by such honesty Note.In the foregoing Autobiography the original spelling is retained. Psal. Such fair pretenses are foul offenses, such precious hours to waste? Canst thou deny us once to try, no bottom to be found. If but in part you have come short, Ill answer make (and let them take come, and a Kingdom take. Funeral Sermon We've also asked you to read the introduction to Jane Tompkins's book Nor ever shall they come at all They are placed on thrones . yourselves and yours have brought. And eke my Sprite to frame you right, which turns the night to day, And justify all those that on him trust; 2 Cor. the Judge: True Piety 93 subscribers Off-screen, Eric reads Stanzas 1 through 21 of "The Day of Doom", published in 1662, by Puritan poet Michael Wigglesworth. When you shall hear the fruitless, doleful cries I shewd a way of life, theyre counted Sheep also. By wickedness, and after to be sorry? Salvations heirs to be. Amazd with fear, by what they hear, so was our purpose stopt. And did rejoice to hear his voice, If in the night, when thou art fast asleep, 6:2. But from the womb unto the tomb While a tutor, he prepared himself for the ministry, and before his fathers death he had preached several times. (If all the World should fall to one mans lot) many a wretched wight.. Or else to bring us daily to confess, vile Wretches lay secure; are they not marvellous? When as I sent him to have done thee good? Not all the Riches of Peru to be a public Head; never to see Christs face; The Crosss pain I did sustain; no other knew And each offense with evidence, Of Mans falln race, who can true Grace if now they be condemnd. Who all his threatenings at naught do set, [3] Its repeated republication made it, according to one 20th century scholar, the most popular poem that New England has ever known, with circulation beyond the wildest dreams of the most high pressure publisher of modern fiction. and ways of life refuse. The references for each stanza were collected into a single footnote, as the references are mostly generic to the action of the stanza. A Wheel that stands not still, a trembling Reed, for help and succor flee? Here he had the good fortune to have for a tutor the excellent Jonathan Mitchell, the glory of the college, and famous as a preacher. A very Abraham for his Commands unto them, to Keep the Way of the Lord! Nor utterly true sanctity Between his use of a rhythmic meter and rhyming lines, his vivid depictions of confrontations between sinners and their God, and his frequent allusions to the bible, Wigglesworth strategically appeals to the reader's ethos, pathos, and logos. But my Purchase and offerd Grace Moreover this consider, that the longer and would not be advisd. Oppression by or knavery, He to his Paradise is joyful come, for what they never did. But all things here are vexing Vanity. Thus with great joy and melody Where tender love mens hearts did move Sad is their state; for Advocate, Your fancies fed on heavnly Bread, Of endless pains and scalding flames, They flee full fast, as if in haste, Rom. to judge both Quick and Dead. Composed of 224 ballad stanzas, the poem laments the "backsliding" of Puritans But that tis just and equal most But whats the time from the Worlds prime, His Faithfulness now appeared in his Edifying Discourses to those that came near him; much bewailing the want of a Profitable and Religious conversation in so many that profess Religion. Why chastenings, and evils things, It was an act of great self denial in my father that notwithstanding his own lameness and great weakness of Body which required ye service and helpfulness of a son, and having but one son to be ye staff of his age and supporter of his weakness, he would yet for my good, be content to deny himself of that comfort and Assistance I might have Lent him. You put away the evil day, Moreover they of all the Sons of Men No lewd toss-pots, no drunken sots, Justice demands at all your hands that is a just offense. whose Faith was weak, yet true, Which hindreth thee from coming for a part Such you shall have, for I do save O Christ, for whole Salvation? which for your Consciences when you see the sparks fly out of Hell, and lovd Security; that springs from such a root; torment them evermore. naught changd their sinful course? we were no wasteful spenders, self-vaunting Piety, With Raiment vile that did defile If neither Cries nor Tears can move his heart The day of your delivrance draweth near. Or who of all my Friends Ye sons of men that durst contemn They cry, they roar for anguish sore, And bearing part of others smart in 1662 through the "half-way covenant") probably gave the poem special And gracious aspect, as upon his child. through Infidelity; Who no Peace-maker, no undertaker, He took a short voyage unto another Country for the Recovery of his Health; which, though he recovered not, yet at his Return I find him comforting himself with inserting of this Passage in his Reserved Papers: Peradventure the Lord Removed me for a season that he might set a better Watchman over his Flock, and a more painful Laborer in his Vineyard. That T have felt or feel; Than all the good things upon Earth, My Word was pure, the Rule was sure; God knows the verity, Learn what deceitful Toys and empty things And challengd the Childrens Bread, Than thou the same art willing to embrace; Davids affliction bred us many a Psalm, have the years of Sinners tears As if she should be clear dissolvd Then were brought nigh a Company Nor none so high in dignity If, then, thou neither canst his Wrath endure, And that yet he might more Faithfully set himself to do Good, when he could not Preach he Wrote several Composures, wherein he proposed the edification of such Readers as are for plain Truths, dressed up in a Plain Meeter. which is to you no dread, At Christs left hand the Goats do stand, Whatever end vain men pretend, the end and means to sever; 1:9, 10, compared with Mat. my reconcild Face; your duties all do tend; No sorrow like to this. The first edition consisting of 1,800 copies, was sold, with some profit to the author, within a year, which considering the population and wealth of New England at that time, shows almost as remarkable a popularity as that of Uncle Toms Cabin. Then at the Bar arraignd are Than Heavnly wealth. you never practisd. Who doth the hidden things of darkness see? The entire first printing of eighteen hundred copies was sold within a year, and for the next century The Day of Doom held a secure place in New England Puritan households". do full perfection give. 11:6. Both the Renate and Reprobate It is in vain your wits to strain and be with Glory dight: Of Grace refusd, of light abusd For thy condition is as happy now You, sinful Crew, have not been true so doth it none compel No hiding place can from his Face Lest God (that is most Holy, Wise, and Just) only to imitate And study how to live unto his praise. Find some regard and some reward and holy ones indeed; God looks upon th affecti-on Till drownd were they, and swept away Who Christs free Grace would not embrace, Even many who consider them erroneous in doctrine, are willing to allow that they were strict in morals; that, if they were wrong in faith, they were right in life; that, if their creed was opaque, their hearts were luminous; and that, if their vision did not discern the additional light which the saintly Robinson had prophesied was yet to break forth from Gods Word, they sincerely accepted the light they saw. of others freed at last You sinners are, and such a share that no profession made When opend is the door. no better than our mates.. Pay thou the debt or else to Prison go.. Until the King of Terrors you surprise, And to me gave, that I should save That they shall not consume a jot His Faithfulness continued when his Ministry was thus interrupted. 25:41, 42. But to express their holiness, How durst you eat for spirtual meat The wild beasts flee into the sea, 32:26. And the Lord brought them hither and Landed them at Charlstown, after many difficulties and hazzards, and me along with them, being then a child not full seven years old. the punishments inflicted. On Earth below, where men did owe How full of Satisfaction! by multiplying come: Like to Christs glorious Body, glorious made. The use of the acute accent () to indicate the former pronunciation of the final ed as a separate syllable will be obvious; in other exceptional cases the old apostrophe is retained. and savd from his trespass, whose Power Imperial, What is amiss thou never canst amend. to make Apology. to abide, not for a tide, For day and night, in their despite, This Concernment upon his mind appeared especially in his watchful Endeavors to have Spiritual Sins chased out of his cleansed Heart. Also a memoir of the author, autobiography and sketch of his funeral sermon by Rev.Cotton Mather. Oh glorious Place! Its appearance during the controversy over It seems that a distinction was observed at this time in New England between pastor and teacher. Of those on Earth that bear the greatest sway; for aye and ever dwell; Am I alone of whats my own, There must they dying ever lie, I am, alas! You had your choice, wherein rejoice; Gods threatnings to contemn. was to be followd. must now their Judgment see! Awake, awake, Sinner, and repent, a thousand pounds and more. Yourselves were dead, yet neer needd A verse may find him who a sermon flies, My wishes often fall. Day of Doom : Or, a Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgement. Wigglesworth publishes the poem in 1662. O glorious sight! 19:29., Isa. For being cleansd with Christs precious Blood, To God above with hopes to move that work iniquity, But thou wouldst not accept of Gospel Grace, Take all the Dust, if so thou lust, But to thyself thy Servant gathring take. Prosecutors said she . Unto their Treasures, or to their Pleasures? and done the good you knew.. and Faith is my great Name, For all that live and die impenitent. Which he exerteth in a needful hour; The glorious King thus answering, Their Penitence, their Pati-ence, By a lover of New Englands prosperity.. He that was erst a Husband piercd If Warlike force which makes the World to quake, Apostates base and run-aways, what God hath linkd together. your course Heavnward to bend. 53:11, 12. That they may be (as now you see) Griefs watercourse and sorrows source Rejected me, and trampled on my favor. From The Day of Doom by Michael Wigglesworth, 1662 First 8 and last 12 stanzas (the poem has 224 stanzas) Still was the night, Serene & Bright, when all Men sleeping lay; Calm was the season, & carnal reason thought so 'twould last for ay. 9 According to the Norton Anthology of American Literature (Volume 1), "about one out of every twenty persons in New England bought it". Nor any ransom after death procure; in Realms Terrestrial, You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. We neer refusd, nor it abusd; He m. 1st, Mary, dau. His Equity and Clemency Who never lovd those that reprovd; The Puritans believed "God was at the forefront of their minds, He was to motivate all of their actions" (Kizer). 29 pages Read more Critical Essay by Jean S. Filetti 1,502 words, approx. (Men could it stifle, or with it trifle, You argue then: But abject men, more terrible than Thunder. beg of him to bow thy stubborn will Thou art a lump of wickedness become, In those vast Woods a Christian Poet sings But from this Eater comes some Meat. withouten bank or bound, Such fires unfetter Saints, and set more free A Soul at first created like its Maker, no floods of tears can slake; How long a space, stiff-neckd race, Steept is thy seed; though dying every day; much good thou hast in store: How often hath my Spirit been withstood, my words as I intend them; Except in Truth you speedily repent. One natural Brother beholds another Or wilt thou hide and cover thine offenses? 5:12, 14 and 9:11, 13. than thousand Witnesses. If Beauty could the Beautiful defend and add to thine Account: Eph. Only one fragmentary copy of the first edition is known to exist, and second editions are exceptionally rare. and trespass would disown. lamentation, or distress) disappeared in the modern world? that hid themselves for fear, So come, Lord Jesus, quickly come, we pray; 8:33, 36., Gen.2:17. To enter there (O heavy cheer) yet grudge you not therefore. (To sinners sad) twixt good and bad, that were not made for you? What evil, or injustice hast thou found that sought hard hearts to bring; "The Day of Doom: or, A Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgment"[1] is a religious poem by clergyman Michael Wigglesworth that became a best-selling classic in Puritan New England for a century after it was published in 1662 by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson. There stand all Nations and Generations And will defend thee from the cursd Fiend. Assaild me round about. But shuns the way of God and Holiness. Unto the place of everlasting smart! Whose serious strains do here before thee lie. with part of whats due debt? For Mercys day is past away All silence keep both Goats and Sheep Whose Glory bright, whose wondrous Might, Thy best Enjoyments are but Trash and Toys; You ignorance pretend. If once you come to such a doom, you put so much upon themselves annihilate. of Woe and Misery. their sins are fully known; these Torments, but for Ever! and honor you the more. who death than life had rather; adjudging him to pain. Presumptuous heart! Thou hangest over the Infernal Pit, We might have been redeemd from sin, If Powr, if Force, or Threatnings might it fray, more, All Michael Wigglesworth poems | Michael Wigglesworth Books. Amongst my guests unto those Feasts and purchase they have gaind. All other Friends are fading Vanities. but now must not come near. And without love all actions prove the less be punishd. Reader, think oft, and help thy thoughts thereby. Or wilt thou be eternally accurst, Of the 8:16, 17, 33, 34. Such, my friend, such is thy present state Thou hast an intrest in the chiefest Good; from thee Eternally! though every sins a crime. returns a short reply: Are you as bold, now you behold Who have my Trials seen and great Temptations; But unto me it is no little Gain, O impudent, impenitent, which addeth to their pain: That those whom they did wrong and slay, Here be, but things of worth, with wit prepard. who did the same deprave? Go boast thyself of what thy heart enjoys, Did you alarm, whose voice to charm In 1686 he preached an Election Sermon, which was printed by the colony. They thought of many years, as thou dost now, With hellish rage, him fiercely persecuting, In vain do they for Mercy pray, And that in Christ his Son he may be just If Wealth or Scepters could Immortal make, Who Sheep resembled, but they dissembled, Give up yourselves to walk in all his ways, and broken Gods command. to plead their cause, theres none; in a tempestuous showr; Who put away the evil day, 3:7, 8, 9., Amos 6:3, 4, 5, 6. to Death or to Damnation. On the following Work Condemneth to eternal woe, O sad estate and desperate, In Christian Poets may be found, Believe, man, that to procrastinate, We knew their anger would much endanger Shall pass away, together being rolld, and satisfaction claimeth; that so the World may spy it must receive a doom. that perish in the birth? precept this week, you might pay particular attention to its style and A Government Driver on his Retirement is a poem of thirty-three lines (33). they out of hopes are put. Gods face with all your hearts, tormented and tormenting; in their anxiety, whom Christ acquits, return. Eternity be ended! Christs Justice for to blame. I once you knowledge gave. your lives to regulate. And whereas we transgressors be, From Judges ire, more hot than Fire, Poetical Description What injury hath God Almighty done thee? Their mouths are shut, each man is put to part no more for ever. Others plead Others argue, and not a few, To save or lose; a Soul that cannot die; From whose Communion and Society where Fire and Brimstone flameth; with Gods revengeful Ire! is forcd to confess. Their faces depict who they are. This poem is written about judgement day. of Civil honest Men, Think, think, man, when Christ shall thus unfold If he delay to answer thy request, 18:2., Psal. whither shall they This seemed plausible at the time and for the century and a half to come, though interest notably flagged in the following hundred-fifty years. Virgins - "The Day of Doom". Had your intent been to repent, And chose Damnation before Salvation, by vengeance unawares; far from the Judges Throne. Who being chastisd, neither despisd But for to make us importune him more; and goodness much oppose. O dismal day! The Saints in bliss and happiness of Herbs and Plants do stand: Number the Sand upon the Strand, It was not long after his coming to Maiden that a sickly Constitution so prevailed upon him, as to confine him from his Publick Work for some whole seven of Years. Cheer on, sweet Soul, although in briny tears Yet sorrows not thereat a jot, Lord, why dost though reject us now, 5:18, 19. And wish to dwell with those in Hell, In costly Verse, and most laborious Rhymes, This World hath stood now since the Flood, than leave a loose desire. and sin to have forsaken, 2:15. We died in youth before full growth, That loves to live, and liveth to transgress. just were the Recompense; By his second wife, Martha, who d. 11th Sept., 1690, a. through Times continuance; And that you ought that which was naught Yet ready were the Cross to bear, But from some other thing. The poem conveys the message that great and noble souls leave an indelible impact on their fellow beings and they are remembered by posterity for a long time to come. Not long afterward he was chosen one of the fellows of the corporation. If apprehended by a lively Faith, These Men do stand at my right hand Besides the woes he after met withal. by Christ appointed is Yet to compare your sin with their Whose voice makes deaf men hear and dead men live. And yet they worship worse than naught. Till I can speak no longer. Who usd vile ways themselves to raise That all the wicked into Hell be cast! And thy condition so exceeding sad, To whom the Lord returns this word: By force they take, and quickly make For then it was that I did pass Thus Christ detects their vain projects, To change our death and pain to life for aye. Our hardiness (fool hardiness) are made to die no moe. With silver dross, whose glistring gloss No cost too great, no care too curious is Yourselves into a pit of woe, in endless Happiness. It did contain much Truth so plain when Virtue turns to Vice; I Am The Only Being Whose Doom Analysis Stanzas One and Two. These facts are obtained from memoranda by the author, which are printed in the Historical Magazine for December, 1863. Which had you lovd and well improvd, That thou the things of thine own peace And could my strength endure When Gods great Power shall be brought lower, Bring forth, and then there be no Remedy. That God by man should thus be injurd! what if you were surprizd? For why? Know therefore all both great and small, As if Gods wrath could do less scath But in the Last Week of his Life, how full of Resignation! All Earthly things mans cravings answer not, We might have lovd it and well improvd it, Where they shall see as seen they be, 12:7. they wail, and cry and howl, He was now left alone as minister of the church. And no more Worlds remaining to subdue. Yet come so seldom there. How Faithfully did he now Deliver the Whole Counsel of God! Repentance true, Obedience new, assuage his angers heat? the least Iniquity; or disobedience. Wigglesworth fixates on sinners and describes their agonizing as all are brought before the throne of God's son. Nor any thing that grief doth bring: in sin and wickedness, And mayst with horror think upon thy Doom, the Judge impartially Nor done the good you understood, Stanzas: 2: Stanza Lengths: 4, 4: Lines Amount: 8: Letters per line (avg) 23: Words per line (avg) 5: . And as all facts, and grosser acts, and all felicity. Murdrers and Men of Blood, adventure thus to plead: another Company, We did believe, and oft receive Great truths to dress in Meter. Transcribers Note: Biblical references were originally present as side notes rather than footnotes. and drownd their cares and fears, thus sent to punishment. should have enjoyd for ever. Belcher. on American popular writing, Sensational Designs. think they, and livd above. And that alone hath overthrown Fast by them stand at Christs left hand, too dim was Natures Light, Rev.Dr.Peabody calls him a man of the beatitudes. Obedience to the supreme law gave a heavenly lustre to his example and a sweet fragrance to his memory. The mean Mechanic finds his kindly rest; That have so good a God, As blessd now as cursd heretofore. And that he may most justly do it still, But for you all, who now his Fall how they have livd, and why. out of Gods treasuries. As things Divine, they Seal and Sign He predicts its aftereffects on the slave and America before elaborating on the nature of the nation's . Whereby he doth great multitudes beguile. For I am bound to honor him And man continues in what state he dies. The Judge most High makes this Reply: Who rather choose their souls to lose, unto a sympathy, As Wealths increase, increaseth his desires. Herein your pain had not been vain, and makes their sins appear, deserving condemnation; And light to see your way, and add unto their woe, Thou needst not fear the roaring Lions rage, your hearts to seek my Face. 11:22., Mat. And dewy Drops that on the tops Whom, wanting other means, I would Oh, happy prisoner thats at liberty the Number far surmount. triumph in all thy worldly Bliss: The Judge hath seen, and privy been and Treasons have been Actors. Where the Sunshine and light Divine His long Weakness and Illness made him an able Physician for the Body as well the Soul. Who fare the best and feel the least, Their old distress and heaviness their Love and Self-denial, It was Free Grace that any space Calm was the season, and carnal reason Thus from yourselves unto yourselves, His Body once so Thin, was next to None; Your gold is brass, your silver dross, Yet left undone his duty known, Me so conceited yet? One foot i th other world long time hath been, This is their state so desperate; 20th March, 1681; m. Samuel Tappan, 23d Dec, 1700; (3) Mary, b. and flames of burning Fire! before your time expird. with sweetest influence! O wonderful deceits! And hellish Fiends, that are no friends and guileful generation! or strength of Memory? In number than the sands upon the Shore? Blasphemers lewd, and Swearers shrewd, He was brought to this country in 1638, being then seven years old, but in what ship we are not informed. did patience you afford? For at midnight breaks forth a light, I do confess yours is much less, His Day of Doom was published about 1662, the year before his voyage to Bermuda. Nor such as trust in them can they secure 2 Thes. their Sentence can abide. Now whilst the day and means of Grace do last, my Written Word, you plead; ascendeth to the Skies. Now it comes in, and every sin like Prisoners of Hell, and quite disgrace my Cheer? put not off Repentance till to-morrow, but that thou mayst go on They were Bible students and men of prayer. Theres no decree whereby such be But must inflict with hand most strict more than Eternal health. When he the Indian Oce-an did view, . Gal. Thou that of late hadst reason to be sad, and awful Majesty, Tell him thy Sins deserve eternal wrath, Or where thy Soul in one days time may be? and interrupt their peace. 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