tbc pvp spec rogue

Note that both the[Thundering Skyfire Diamond]and[Swift Skyfire Diamond]are inferior to[Relentless Earthstorm Diamond]. Sprint may be activated any time you need to cross a significant distance to get back into melee range, thus reducing your time off the target and increasing your overall DPS. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Lethality sounds nice, but isn't as impactful as you might imagine. Contribute Rogue PvP Cooldowns HUD Redtuzk's TBC Rogue Stats Hemlock (poison buying helper) Poisoner (one click poison application) Time To Die Calculator Patreon Bonus: Sno's PvE Cooldowns Bar This is designed to replace needing a hotkey bar visible for any PvE related cooldowns. Weapons and Poisons 6. Many other consumables may be used to eke out maximum DPS performance. Feet:Enchant Boots DexterityorEnchant Boots SurefootedorEnchant Boots Cats Swiftness(see below) Sword Specialization is the weapon talent for swords and is easily the most powerful of the weapon talents. The best general rule is to choose, of the weapons available to you, the highest DPS weapon in the speed range of 1.7-1.9 for daggers, or 2.5-2.8 for swords/fists/maces. Thus, you can take advantage of them by choosing the two blue sockets on your gear which you can match to obtain the highest total socket bonuses you would not otherwise have obtained. The hit cap refers to the point at which you have enough hit rating not to miss an attack, and the expertise cap refers to the point at which you have enough expertise rating not to be dodged. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Always remember that any hit rating or expertise rating beyond the cap will have zero effect on your DPS. Dont do anything that risks wiping the raid. For gem sockets, assume that you will always gem a red or yellow socket with the proper color, but that you will simply use your best DPS gem in a blue socket (following the instructions in Gem selection below). least 2.6+ Attack Speed and an off-hand of 1.4 to 1.5 Attack Speed. Please note that the following types of builds are established to be inferior for raid DPS: 30/x/x, x/x/41, 0/x/x. Putting Sprint, Evasion, Vanish, and Cloak of Shadows to rigorous use separates good rogues from those who spend most of the fight eating cobblestone. absolutely worth it. One of the worst feelings is when you simply cannot Kick Blade Flurry, Cold Blood, and Adrenaline Rush should be used as often as possible, along with any other offensive cooldowns you may have, including Blood Fury/Berserking/Arcane Torrent (making sure to Mana Tap as often as possible), trinkets, and for bosses,[Drums of Battle]and[Haste Potion]. 2/2 Weapon Expertise, Human wielding swords/maces: 44. In PvP it can be nice since classes who can dispel your poisons may not also be able to prevent you from applying Daze to them. Also look for consumable usage, including[Haste Potion](the buff is called Haste note that[Dragonspine Trophy]provides a buff of the same name, and it is not currently possible to differentiate the two using WWS), which is also a 2-minute cooldown, as well as[Flame Cap](3 minutes) and[Thistle Tea](5 minutes), all of which would indicate the rogue is going the extra mile for DPS. They excel in every department of PvP, from being Undeads' strength for the Rogue class is in their ability to deal with crowd control with Volont des Rprouvs, making them immune to Fear, Charm and Sleep for 5 seconds.This is normally a weakness for Rogues, especially against Priests, Warlocks (and their Succubus) and Warriors. Wrist:Enchant Bracer Assault See the cycle section below for more information on Expose cycles. A good way to compare off hand weapons is to apply an effective weapon DPS bonus to the faster weapon based on the talents you have taken. Cloak of Shadows, for example, should be used as much as possible to negate incoming magic damage and harmful debuffs. In general, you can avoid this situation by gemming all of the red and yellow sockets on your Sunwell gear with[Glinting Pyrestone], or by gemming[Delicate Crimson Spinel]in red sockets and[Glinting Pyrestone]in yellow sockets. Combat rogue remains as one of the sickest TBC Rogue specializations cherished by many retail veterans that played TBC back in the days. If we are called Silent Shadows, that is for a good reason. Evasion is much more situational; however, it can and should be used where possible, since most raid targets are likely to kill you if they land a melee swing. Sinister Calling is a great talent that increases your damage output and a little extra survivability through the extra dodge chance granted fom the agility bonus. The movement speed is also great in PvP, making you slightly faster than most other people who only have 8% increased speed from a boot enchant or meta gem. In PvE the math works out for this to be a bit weaker than. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. If your tank is a protection warrior, then Expose Armor will overwrite and prevent the use of Sunder Armor, reducing the warriors initial threat from Devastating up to a full stack of Sunder Armor, as well as his threat on subsequent Devastates with 5 Sunders. Fist Weapon Specialization is the weapon talent for fist weapons and it increases damage dealt by increasing critical strike chance when attacking with a fist weapon. Your best bet, realistically, is a warrior or rogue. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Pre-raiding trinket options include[Bloodlust Brooch],[Abacus of Violent Odds],[Romulos Poison Vial],[Icon of Unyielding Courage], and[Hourglass of the Unraveller], ranked roughly in order of quality. For trispec Hemo sword builds, note that one point of Sword Specialization and one point of Weapon Expertise are each superior to one point of Dirty Deeds for sustained DPS. To put it simply, you want a helm with a meta gem socket. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. It may also help to have more general raid information displayed, such as unit frames, boss mods, and the like. The faster one equipped in the off-hand. Finally, using any other stat-based cooldown (attack power or armor penetration, for example) will provide greater total damage while haste effects are active than it would normally. As with any rule, there are certainly exceptions. The following sample builds illustrate how each build might appear in actual use. Armor will be very valuable. Mutilate sucks in TBC, backstab sucks in 2.4.3 . I don't know how good/bad it is in PvE, but just thinking about it, it shouldn't be that bad? While the Hemorrhage debuff will provide a decent benefit to raid DPS (on the order of 100), it scales poorly. These cookies do not store any personal information. Important things to know about fights are whether there are no melee phases, whether there are any anti-melee abilities, and whether there are any threat wipes or special threat-based abilities. Overpower you after you dodge their attack. Improved Kidney Shot is great in group PvE and PvP situations because all of your teammates will benefit from the damage enhancing effect of this talent. Using This allows the rogue to spend slightly less energy on inefficient combo point builders and slightly more energy on powerful finishing moves. Welcome to our PvP Subtlety Rogue guide for TBC Classic. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. Proper energy management means the difference between 100% Slice and Dice uptime and letting it drop for 2-3 seconds every cycle. Make sure you are also getting Power Word: Fortitude and Gift of the Wild. Rogue is a stealthy class renowned for being filled with outlaws and betrayers. For Mutilate builds, the tier below the Sliver consists of[Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality], then[Shard of Contempt]and[Warp-Spring Coil], then[Dragonspine Trophy]and[Madness of the Betrayer]. Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 17. Consult the spreadsheet to determine which expertise item(s) are best for you to equip in comparison with the alternatives available to you. When in doubt while learning a new fight, always prioritize reacting to the mechanics of the fight above DPS. Here is a list of some of the great nifty tools to use with engineering in A slow Mainhand will result in harder-hitting Weapon type is also important for main hand weapons in one sense daggers are currently regarded as being largely inferior to other weapon types for raid DPS (see Talent builds section for more information). There are two popular builds for Rogues in PvP; one is with for diminishing returns as the server checks every 5 seconds to see if the last For example,[Talon of Azshara]proves to be superior to[Merciless Gladiators Slicer], as the Talon has 6.5 more average damage in addition to superior stats. In spoken French, this arrondissement is referred to as onzime . This talent helps your single target damage output by providing an attack speed boost on a short cooldown. Surprise Attacks is a pretty valuable talent for a single point, but not terribly exciting. Due to limited itemization, physical DPS stats on the weapon are not usually an important consideration. to take your Rogue gameplay to the next level! Good if you are using fist weapons, useless if you are not using fist weapons. Note that in low buff situations for certain builds,[Bright Living Ruby]is a viable alternative to[Delicate Living Ruby], and[Balanced Nightseye]to[Shifting Nightseye]. Armor it is more beneficial to use abilities like Rupture as Endurance is a nice utility and survivability talent for rogues. By way of example, if you take both fist and sword specializations, and equip a main hand fist with an off hand sword, your extra attacks will gain the 5% increased critical strike chance from your fist specialization. Since you will be getting more combo points from your combo point builders, you can use less weak combo point builders and more strong finishing moves. Keep in mind when looking at these samples which talents are required (the remainder are usually considered to be up to taste). However, if you equip a dagger in your off hand without taking any points in Dagger Specialization, then no matter what type of weapon you have in your main hand nor other specializations you have taken, your off hand attacks will crit at your normal rate (this might not necessarily match your character panel crit rate, which is always calculated based on your main hand). [ ] Blue: +10 Hit > 10 * 2.47 =24.70 EP Vitality is a somewhat minor talent that gives a small bonus to agility and stamina. when you factor in the small amount of raid damage added by hemo), and you can still get prep. However, AP and armor penetration effects will both increase your damage per energy, and since you will already be using these together with Blade Flurry when possible, you should also try to use Adrenaline Rush at the same time. Return to the Buffs & Debuffs breakdown. multiple actions into a single keypress. However, if your tank is not a warrior, then it is a net raid DPS gain for one rogue to switch to a cycle incorporating Improved Expose Armor rather than having a DPS warrior apply Sunder Armor. Knowing your enemy is a vital aspect of playing any class, be it in raiding or in PvP. on them below: This guide has been written by Nemo, an experienced Raid Leader from As a rule of thumb, if you are wasting 8 or more expertise rating, then the Shards advantage over other trinkets is likely eclipsed by the wasted stats. He has been a long time TBC rogue Blind misses as it counts as a ranged attack. If the raid has fewer than 3 paladins, then prioritize blessings in the order Salvation > Might > Kings. The[Dragonspine Trophy]is a potent trinket that scales well with other gear upgrades, typically retaining its status as best-in-slot for combat builds from T4 all the way through T6. Kidney Shot. To figure out whether 8% run speed is worth trading Dexterity or Surefooted for a non-Mutilate build, we must consider T, the amount of time we spend moving back into DPS range per minute; C, our DPS with Cats Swiftness; and D, our DPS with the alternative enchant (D and C as computed by the spreadsheet). Contribute When playing against Melee as a Rogue you have a lot of tools to help survive. Your base chance to be dodged by a raid boss with any attack is thought to be 6.5%. Their versatile toolkit gives them tons of control with Kidney Shot , Sap , and Blind , mobility with Shadowstep and Sprint , and survivability with Cloak of Shadows and Evasion . See below for more information on the hit cap. Sword/sword, fist/sword, and mace/sword builds are all within roughly 1% of one another in terms of theoretical DPS output, assuming equivalent weapons. With insane mobility from Shadowstep, Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Such a small difference based on EP weighting indicates that you should check a spreadsheet for an exact valuation. If you need to be casting. Pooling energy before finishers, in combination with either of these procs, effectively gives you more energy to spend during the proc. Note that if you know the length of a fight beforehand, in particular for combat, and the number of Bloodlusts/Heroisms you will be receiving and when, you can sometimes plan better usage of your cooldowns. Eviscerate will do substantially less damage. There are many applications of this from re-applying your 5-stack This makes it very difficult for an enemy, Improved Poisons helps increase the application rate of your poisons. With T5 or better geared rogues, this spec can easily pump out up to 1800 DPS on a single target. [Haste Potion]may be used on any fight where you will not need to use healing or elemental protection potions, and provide a substantial DPS boost. We can easily say that Shadowstep build is a top tier specialization to play, which also makes it extremely popular. In a raid, your buffs are your DPS. Lightning Reflexes helps the rogue's survivability a little bit and is mostly taken as a filler talent to reach the lower tiers of the combat tree. Between the other three weapon types, the DPS differences (assuming equivalent weapons) are minimal enough that you need not feel constrained to a particular one. If you are more focused on playing world PvP and BGs In PvE it is less remarkable and has a medium to small impact on overall damage dealt. In addition to offering plenty of mobility, it also provides the player with numerous cooldowns which can be used defensively or offensively, significant crowd control and some of the most powerful damage in The Burning Crusade PvP environment. Second, the extra attacks granted by Sword Specialization are always performed using your main hand weapon, regardless of which weapon caused the proc. you will need to get used to swapping Off-hands very often! From Note that all EP weights assume the following set of buffs: Leader of the Pack, 5/5 Mark of the Wild, Faerie Fire, Mangle, 5/5 Hunters Mark, 0/5 Blessing of Might, Blessing of Kings, Bloodlust/Heroism, 2/2 Strength of Earth Totem, 2/2 Windfury Totem, Unleashed Rage, Curse of Recklessness, Sunder Armor, 5/5 Battle Shout, Flask of Relentless Assault, and Spicy Hot Talbuk. The arrondissement, called Popincourt, is situated on the right bank of the River Seine. In general, choose the flask for progression content and the elixir for farm content. IIRC mutilate was actually about the same damage wise as combat swords given similar conditions. In particular, Mutilate rogues must pool energy before a finisher so that Find Weakness will be active for all of their Mutilates and any direct-damage finishers. For each ~3.94 expertise rating you equip, you gain 1 expertise, reducing your chance to be dodged by 0.25%. Consumables 8. However, the caveat is that haste rating does not scale with itself, while it does scale up most other stats. You can find our selection of essential specializations, such as the popular Shadowstep build, Combat (HArP spec) and Mutilate, accompanied with complete guides written by Sbkzor & Midz. interrupt which locks out the enemy for 3 seconds from that school. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! Plus you have the positional requirement and the poison requirement which are both sometimes an issue. Socket Bonus: +3 Critical Strike Rating > 3 * 1.78 =5.34 EP 2 Likes Dimed-argent-dawn March 28, 2019, 2:39am #5 In the event that you have bad luck on Combat Potency procs during your cycle, the energy you pooled before your Slice helps you complete the cycle without letting Slice drop. all that is The Burning Crusade. HARP rogues existed in TBC because the pace of PVP was slow, and they had the ability to get Hemo, AR, and Prep at the same time. Subtlety PvP - Offensive. actually a very decent 5 man spec for the foolproof saps (if that's something you struggle with) and prep for utility. World of Warcraft non-retail server lists and discussion, Press J to jump to the feed. Tri spec is trash on private servers and was only feasible on retail for short period during TBC. PVP Off-hands and Poisons Management on TBC, Burning Crusade Rogue Diminishing Return List. This lets you move into powerful finishing moves more quickly and easily chain a. Having Mind-numbing Poison available as well as With Using An e represents Eviscerate and an a represents Expose Armor. Combat Potency). Playing against other Rogues is probably one of the hardest things about many Rogues will trinket on a Kidney Shot and open on you after. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Thus, you should plan in advance exactly when you will receive any Bloodlusts/Heroisms (no closer than 2 minutes together) and synchronize your usage of cooldowns as much as possible within the available time. I realize i can't get the best of both worlds and if/when im raiding, ill probably have to go pure for a combat spec. Using two separate %-based haste effects together will provide greater total damage than using them one after another. This makes a slow main hand and fast off hand sword combo extremely effective because the fast off hand sword triggers extra attacks with the slow and heavy hitting main hand weapon. This will The exceptions to this rule stem largely from the stats on actual weapons. Your food of choice should be either[Spicy Hot Talbuk]or[Warp Burger] consult your respective EP chart to determine which one is superior for your build. For most rogues, the biggest group-based buffs are Windfury Totem, Unleashed Rage, and Battle Shout. playing a Rogue in PvP. so while i feel like a cheesy combat rogue trying to pvp who cant reset properly, the end result is the most ANTImelee rogue build ive ever played. an off-hand with Wound Poison to keep 5 stacks up is very strong. Separate from weapon type, you must also consider the speed of your off hand weapon. Expose Armor on the target, then talenting into It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Take the fight into account when you evaluate Slice usage by your rogues. Precision is an exceptional talent that increases the rogue's damage output by giving them much needed increased chance to hit. Socket Bonus: N/A Rogues without T4 2pc should use 5s/5r. Subtlety Rogue PvP Overview 2. The purpose of listing the caps here is so that you do not accidentally overshoot either cap by equipping too much hit rating or expertise rating. Note that a rogue showing zero gains of Slice and Dice is using either a horribly incorrect cycle or a horribly incorrect spec. Proper usage of this ability will make-or-break how you play in Arena. You should not see more than one of those four special attacks in the list. Alternative build that focuses on envenom as the only finishing move and different placement of left over points: 51/5/5 The Subtlety Rogue is one of the strongest specs in Arena throughout all of The Burning Crusade Classic. Beyond mere DPS optimization, if you know the encounter beforehand, you give yourself a leg up learning it in person. These weights assume your average gear level consists of Karazhan, Gruuls Lair, and Magtheridons Lair drops, as well as pre-2.3 badge gear. Mages you generally want to avoid stunning unless you You dont have Sword Specialization: add 2 DPS per 0.1 faster speed. If you are unfamiliar with Hemo/step is the go-to spec for PvP on TBC. Lists and discussion, Press J to jump to the feed talent helps your target! That 's something you struggle with ) and prep for utility you know the encounter beforehand, you want helm. In PvE the math works out for this to be dodged by %... 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