sermon on rebuilding

3) The devil does not want you to build up the broken walls in your life either. Since the terrorism of Sept. 11th, we need to rebuild for the future of America and the church. Shell find victory, even in an atmosphere of loss. Wheaton: Standard Bible Society. The same power with which God brought judgment against the brokenness of Israel is the power with which he promised to eventually rebuild what was broken. One was committed to preaching, one was committed to action. Rebuilding Your Temple They saw rituals that would be very strange and very repulsive to us, but in their minds, in their hearts, they knew exactly what was happening. Weve still got the worlds finest national defense system, the worlds most powerful economy and weve got freedom. Heres where this gets important. Lean times? Introduction: All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. Ezra 1:1-11 (HCSB) In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, the word of the LORD spoken through Jeremiah was fulfilled. 1) The work was far too great for just Nehemiah, but when the congregation banded together and each took a part, the work quickly progressed. The most obvious application point deals with our offerings at church. 2. And the rebuild began when he sent his Son. read more, Scripture: A wife discovers that her husband is using pornography. God is in control. -God's work; by God's power; over God's enemies. The Book of Ezra So Haggai and Zechariah were sent by God to assist in the rebuilding of the temple. Holiness. Some people are facing such circumstances today, in other places around the world. Or sick. The last year has been one of the most confusing, troubling, and heartbreaking for many Christians in America, especially for younger believers. 3) As your pastor, I cannot rebuild you spiritually. When people insisted they couldnt make it, they did more than simply survive. Our definition of lean times usually means well buy smaller cars instead of SUVs, well eat out one less meal than we used to, and well buy a less expensive brand of golf ball than we once did. They saw animals being killed, right in front of their eyes, and they saw the blood collected. In my first sermon, I explained how the enemy had destroyed the walls and the gates of YIA. read more. Last week we established the realities of rebuilding. Even the cemetery will raise prices and call it a cost of living increase. Nehemiah 1:1-4, Denomination: If a man has a history of fornication, is he disqualified from the office of pastor or can he still be considered the husband of one wife. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson so she said: If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, "Let my brother have the first pancake. With that understanding, we need to start rebuilding. 4) God does not want everyone to be rich and prosperous like the false preachers today claim, but God does want you to grow in grace. Weve learned this and lived this even moreso since Katrina. REBUILDING SUCCESSFULLY (Ezra 1:1). One man was a Bible teacher, and the other was a motivator. I know I'm not easy to work with, but I have this assurance which is found in Philippians 1:6 (ESV): 6 And I am sure of this, that he . And now that Son has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises (Hebrews 8:6). Inspect your heart. 1. Nehemiah 1:1-11 read more. In the early days, it must have been impossible to think that within a century, Atlanta would be one of the largest cities in America, and on its way to becoming one of the best-known cities in the world. 1) The devil opposed the work on the wall. It motivated them to action. You need Introduction: Every lesson of value seems to come in the midst of difficult circumstances. Introduction: Famous wall had included the Amorite Wall which stretched over a hundred miles between the Tigres and Euphrates Rivers (modern And more than 100,000 taxpayers have let it go. b. Before we get started on the challenge, let us take a moment and admit this. Your children get hurt, you experience divorce, you lose your job, you have an illness, etc There are times when it seems that we have lost Gods people had lived in Israel for centuries before. Introduction: God had told them: Obey Me and youll live in the land for a long time. To rebuild successfully No, the heady days of the 21st century were far beyond the imagination of those living in the lean times of Civil War Reconstruction. That kind of judgment and destruction makes up most of the book of Jeremiah (and the rest of the Prophets for that matter). This was the inventory: 30 gold basins, 1,000 silver basins, 29 silver knives, 10 30 gold bowls, 410 various silver bowls, and 1,000 other articles. No one knows when Jesus is coming back; but He gave us instructions. Maybe youre one of the rare ones who doesnt know the experience of lean times. on re-building the temple. Today, more than 5 million people live in the metro-Atlanta area, fighting gridlock as they drive among the gleaming skyscrapers, past the great sports stadiums, college campuses, and the states gold-domed capital building. a. Those who had been left behind when Judah had been taken away into exile were those deemed the least of the bunch, those not worthy even of capture. read more, Scripture: It may be your personal Bible study. Nehemiah raises the hope of Israel; Keep building your wall even as Satan may tempt you. 1) Opposition increased (4:7-8). B. In both cases, the entire nation all of those people living in the midst of lean times gathered around the altar and worshipped God. As cruel as it sounds, even the unspeakable actions of Hitler were used by God for good. There were also Shealtiel, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mispereth, and Nehum. The year is 445 BC, the 20th year of his reign. On a tour of the facilities, the new CEO noticed a guy leaning on a wall. Nehemiah 1:1-11, Exposition of Neh 1 about hte burden that Nehemiah had for the Kingdom of God, Text: Nehemiah 1:1-11, Title: A Rebuilders Burden, Date/Place: NRBC, 8/26/07, AM Did you fall back into an old pattern of sin this year? read more, Scripture: A. He took a task that seemed impossible, mobilized a team of people, and accomplished the task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Patient: Give me the bad news first. To date, "The United Methodist Church has helped Our ministries at the church deal as much with energy costs as any business in town. And what about basic courage? To him be glory both now and for ever. Patient: Whats the good news? And ask God to rebuild what is still broken in you to teach you the secret of contentment with which you can face any setback or disappointment, to give you wisdom and discernment, patience and joy in the work he has called you to, to meet you in prayer and the word every day in the new year, to once for all purify and refine away any sin that entangles you. If we are really honest with God and Nehemiah 3:1-32. We have all met people whose defenses have . And he that sounded the trumpet was by me. God is going to be the ultimate judge. Nehemiah 1:1-4 The work of rebuilding our personal wall is the effort we put into seeking a strong relationship with Him, and He then provides the defenses for us. But there was also this: Ezra 3:12-13 The room was full of workers and A. It might be a time when a persons physical health turns sour. Introduction: The rebuilding of the Jerusalem wall was a physical project, but it was also a spiritual project. Lean times, tough times, are difficult. To rebuild successfully This new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers. 2020 took a lot from us. Enemies of God heard the people were rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem under Nehemiah's leadership; they were jealous and they were furious. When Ezra and Nehemiah returned, they found that no one had attempted to rebuild either the Temple, or the city. Maybe a loved one is struggling. Introduction: The housing market has changed dramatically, dramatic stock market losses have taken huge bites out of once-healthy retirement accounts, and credit that was once easily obtained is suddenly in a lock-down mode. The rebuilding of the temple is underway because God moves to begin the work. Nehemiah 2:11-20, Denomination: This new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers. As I processed the trials and sorrows of the last year, personally and across the United States, I reread what the Lord said to Jeremiah when he called him into ministry: See, I have set you this day over nations and over kingdoms, Patient: Give me the bad news first. He worked through people like Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach and Abendigo. They recognized Gods leading (2:17-20) This one particular businessman refused to sell. 2) Nehemiah and the people prayed (4:9). read more, Scripture: The Bible has told us that we are to be cheerful givers, and to not give under compulsion. They rebuild the destroyed temple of God. This is the 4th sermon in the series "Rebuilding". And the sound was heard far away. Lean times, they would tell us, will demand either defeat, or a victory. 7. Once Nehemiah convinced the beleaguered residents of Jerusalem to join an all-in effort to rebuild the walls, they had to deal with any number of obstacles. I've mastered the art of bouncing back. When the price of fuel goes up, an increase in grocery costs isnt far behind. Our churches have become complacent like the people of Nehemiahs day and we need Revival. read more, Scripture: Nehemiah 3:1-32 What about another point of application? Introduction: Last week we talked about how Israel was taken into captivity in Babylon. read more, Scripture: He wants you to remain broken down. Politically they were looking for And it's easy to lose sight of our mission in Christ amongst all the chaos. Have you stopped praying? Rebuilding is part of life. read more, Scripture: They returned from captivity in a trip that would take today, about four hours by air, even counting for a security check at the airport. The Lord uses Nehemiah to show us some walls that need to be rebuilt for revival to take place. INTRO.- ILL.- A doctor said to his patient, I have some good news and some bad news. And were all in it for the same reasonto fuel the churchs mission of making disciples. But the commission to Jeremiah doesn't end with destruction. The words next, after and but in this chapter indicate that at least 34 groups worked on the wall. 43 Bible Verses about rebuilding Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, They will raise up the former devastations; And they will repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations. Ezra 1:1-10:44, Several weeks ago, NBA superstar LeBron James tweeted, Its a weird feeling to feel so alone sometimes! He received over 140,000 likes and 4,000 replies from people expressing sympathy, disbelief, and from some, criticism. Cyrus, ruler of the world, doing something just because God had chosen, years before, decades before, to speak a promise to his people through a thin, aging, powerless prophet who made his mark on the Bible in part by crying so much. The most powerful world leader of Ezras day was under Gods control. All scripture marked ESV: The Holy Bible : English standard version. read more, Scripture: We rebuild by speaking the truth in love to one another when we notice one another sinning. Introduction: Introduction Sermon Transcript. Get right with God. read more, Exposition of Neh 1 about hte burden that Nehemiah had for the Kingdom of God, Text: Nehemiah 1:1-11, Title: A Rebuilders Burden, Date/Place: NRBC, 8/26/07, AM read more, Scripture: This is the 1st sermon in the series "Rebuilding". to build and to plant. (Jeremiah 1:10), God sent Jeremiah to pluck up, break down, destroy, and overthrow. What will it look like for God to build and to plant? In reality, we live in the best environment in the world, we have the greatest wealth in the world, and the greatest opportunities in the world. Proverbs 3:5-6, Denomination: Evangelical/Non-Denominational. Nehemiah 1:1-6:16, Denomination: A year of God's people had lived in Israel for centuries before. a. Rebuilding should focus on long-term planning that helps people come back stronger by rethinking new systems that make entire individuals and communities more resilient and successful. Series: Rebuilding [#3] REBUILDING SUCCESSFULLY They determined to work Talent was not required But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again., Scripture: There was much pain associated with the world leaders of those eras. Series: Rebuilding [#1] (2 Peter 3:3) Sanballat and Tobiah ridiculed the work of God. Doctor: Your other leg wont need to be The Bible has told us that our first fruits are to be given to the Lord. Baptist. Gods people had lived in Israel for centuries before. The Babylonians finally took the people captive, 136 years later, and transported the whole lot of them to the area of the world we now know as Iraq and Iran. Disobey Me and youll be carried off into captivity. Thats what happened. God had told them: "Obey Me and you'll live in the land for a long time. The walls rebuilt in Nehemiah are not the same walls we have around the city of Jerusalem today. Inspired by Ezra and Nehemiah, there were other leaders rising from the ashes. Part of that freedom, literally, is the freedom to choose to obey God, right now, and soon thrive in the midst of difficult circumstances. A reality of rebuilding is If God can rebuild a relationship with us ripped apart by sin, and replant and revive souls like ours dead in sin, what new thing could he do in your life this year in your family, in your workplace, in your neighborhood, in our nation, in you? They believed it could be done! Nehemiah 3:1-32. And yet Atlanta would rise from the ashes, bigger and more fantastic than could have ever been imagined in just 14 decades ago. As they went back to Jerusalem, they were making a huge faith statement. The setting is about 500 years before the time of Christ. Here, says the Bible, is an opportunity to grow your faith. They ignored the opposition Abraham, too, when he comes to a new place, would build an altar (Genesis 12:7-8; 13:4, 18; 22:9), as did Isaac and Jacob after him (Genesis 26:25; 33:20; 35:1, 3, 7). If they die, its unbelievably tough. Gods people had lived in Israel for centuries before. 1. There are times when we have to start over and when we do, we need to get started right. Naturally, lean times might apply to some other areas of life, too. Baptist. INTRO.- ILL.- A doctor said to his patient, I have some good news and some bad news. Is your family facing even larger trials in 2018? When I was asked to take up the role of youth pastor, that was sometime in October period, I began to pray and asked the Lord what was that which he wants to do in YIA. Holiness. Go back for And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. (Luke 6:38) Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. Is there a wall that is broken down and lying in decay? Text: Nehemiah Chapter 2 3 Hell thrive in tough times. So Much is Learned from History If you dont know the power of forgiven sin, youre more bankrupt, more in trouble, more destitute, more stricken, than any other kind of human being. Nehemiah 2:11-20, Denomination: Do you grieve over the behavior of our president? 2. Doctor: Your other leg wont need to be Its about putting feet under you faith and taking action. Introduction: Ezra and Nehemiah, two of the Bibles more famous men, faced a similar reconstruction project. read more, Scripture: Series: Rebuilding [#4] The people prayed Actually, our version of hard times wont sell very well in the rest of the world, or in the past pages of history. Your participation is necessary. We are going to be talking about rebuilding that temple inside our hearts, that spiritual life that we so desperately, but quietly seek. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. (Jeremiah 31:3134). So if we have fewer funds for missionaries and ministries, there will be hardships and challenges that will have to be faced. It has been over 7 decades since, as we read in 2 Chronicles, the fall of Judah, the destruction of God's temple and the entire city of Jerusalem, and the exile of the Jews to Babylon. I can Nehemiah 1:1-6:4, Denomination: It was a project that required God's help. We need to rebuild. Ill give the first portion to the Lord, and figure out how the rest of lifes expenses are sorted out after Ive done that.. He even says, I will rejoice in doing them good (Jeremiah 32:41). The Lord uses Nehemiah to show us some walls that need to be rebuilt for revival to take place. This message can be re-worked for a building program. If you begin to separate from sin and live for God carnal Christians may even oppose you. The ultimate reason why we rebuild the wall together is because the Lord Jesus Christ gave his blood to break down the walls that divide us so that we can build together. The southern kingdom was known as Judah, and its best claim to power was Jerusalem, its capitol and the spiritual center of the people. Relationships can hit hard times, grief can leave a person in emotional ruins, and disease can attack with the fury of an armed enemy. In your spiritual life there may be walls that are broken down that you know needs built up but for one reason or another you never make much progress. Nehemiah 1:1-11 (Philippians 3:13) Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,(Philippians 3:14) I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Instead of destroying us, he crushed his own Son under his unbearable wrath (Isaiah 53:10). It takes work. Same is true today. I think that the state of walls of Jerusalem / is not a bad picture / of the state of some of our parishes in England today. This is a faith opportunity. Once the northern kingdom was gone, the southern kingdom was a sitting duck. Last week we established the realities of rebuilding. Your Bible study. Your family. B. It read, "Main Entrance.". The people could not distinguish the sound of the joyful shouting from that of the weeping, because the people were shouting so loudly. David understands this perfectly. He was a great leader whom God used to pull off a phenomenal feat: he instilled a vision in God's remnant in Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of the city. Hearing about the instructions wont be sufficient. Hes the author of. Behind every support specialist, Bible study editor, graphic designer, and accountant is a Sunday School teacher, kids volunteer, or small group leader. On a tour of the facilities, the new CEO noticed a guy leaning on a wall. A study of the book of Nehemiah. 2. Whoever is among His people, may his God be with him, and may he go to Jerusalem in Judah and build the house of the LORD, the God of Israel, the God who is in Jerusalem. God the Son was plucked up, broken down, overthrown, and destroyed so that he could make us new. This is the 4th sermon in the series "Rebuilding". Jerusalem's wall has been broken down. Gather my people In an individual life, then, the rebuilding of the walls would be a picture of re-establishing the strength of that life. 3. The setting is about 500 years before the time of Christ. To ensure you receive the best experience on, we use cookies to process information about your visit. The talk of rebuilding is exciting, the actual work usually isnt. God is calling the church to rebuild after the Corona Virus pandemic lock-downs. He often praises God as his rock, his high tower, his fortress, his wall. This is the 4th sermon in the series "Rebuilding". You will find that some of the challenges you face are like what Gods people face in building the second temple. Disobey Me and youll be carried off into captivity. Thats what happened. And what of the Roman emperor who once decreed that there must be a census? NEHEMIAH 1:1-4; 8:1-6; 9:1-3 Here, says the Bible, is an opportunity to thrive. If God be for us, who can be against us? Humble yourself. By and large, Americans arent starving, arent walking, arent living in garbage dumps and arent sending under-clothed children out scavenging for food. 1. King Cyrus of Persia had them brought out under the supervision of Mithredath the treasurer, who counted them out to Sheshbazzar the prince of Judah. The apostle mentions his fellow ministers, in part, to show how important relational dynamics are in the exercise of Christian authority. The story is told of a company who felt like it was time for a shake-up, so they hired a new CEO. Rebuild & Renew: The Post-Exilic Books, by Ralph F. Wilson. To rebuild successfully Disobey Me and youll be carried off into to build and to plant." ( Jeremiah 1:10) God sent Jeremiah to pluck up, break down, destroy, and overthrow. A. I hope you understand how significant you are in the Ki, A mother was preparing pancakes for sons, Kevin who is 5, and Ryan who is 3. When I was asked to take up the role of youth pastor, that was sometime in October period, I began to pray and asked the Lord what was that which he wants to do in YIA. Because things often fall apart, it seems we are always starting again. Its nearly impossible picture the aftermath of the Civil War, when the city smoldered after a relentless, 36-day shelling from Shermans Union troops. Text: Nehemiah 4:6-23 Our messages for this quarter are based on the theme, 'Arise and Build.' This theme actually comes from the book of Nehemiah (2:20), which describes how God led the people Israel in the task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. For those possessing a precious copy of the Scriptures, God's Word would remind them of God's promises to restore Israel. Background to passage: Recount briefly the historical setting of the captivity, and the returns of Ezra and Nehemiah under the reign of The great city had lain in ruins for decades. 1. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, Help your church understand God's plan in pain, Call your people to experience a higher freedom, Proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. At two key moments, two key leaders built altars in Jerusalem, and offered burnt sacrifices there. When you are rebuilding, there will be struggles. Will we take money away from our gifts to the Lord so we can keep putting the same amount of gasoline in our vehicles? Restoration of the Temple (1-6); return under Zerubbabel (538-515 B.C.) Focusing on renewal and cooperation. As we take a look at a man named Nehemiah, who returned to Israel after a 70-year captivity took place in Babylon, we learn what rebuilding after a horrific event looks like. Nehemiahs background The census of the people (2) C. Rom. Politically they were looking for Nehemiah 3:1-32 Christian/Church Of Christ. For more information, see ourPrivacy Policy. You are currently impersonating {{}}. That time He told me two things. Together, the two men were used by God to rebuild the city, rebuild the Temple, and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. As the people gathered with repentant hearts the blood shed on such an altar provided cleansing for sin. This is the 3rd sermon in the series "Rebuilding". Just as God's children had to rebuild the temple sometime we have to rebuild ourselves. Dont take our sad stories to the rest of the world and expect a sympathetic ear. 3) God wants to build up your weak areas. 3 December 2017 PM Nehemiah 2:9-4:23 EzNe17 Scott Childs. As we close this sermon, I want to thank our Savior for the work He has taken to rebuild our broken lives. Nehemiah 4:1-23 This sermon encourages believers that rebuilding our lives is not impossible when it is covered with believing prayer. The Corona Virus pandemic lock-downs or the city still got the worlds finest national system. Wall even as Satan may tempt you Hitler were used by God for good & amp Renew... Us new the Jerusalem wall was a motivator received over 140,000 likes and 4,000 replies from people expressing sympathy disbelief... Gasoline in our vehicles us instructions cheerful givers, and Nehum LeBron James tweeted, Its a feeling. So that he could make us new a cost of living increase imagined. Over 140,000 likes and 4,000 replies from people expressing sympathy, disbelief, and I will forgive iniquity... For Nehemiah 3:1-32 work on the challenge, let us take a moment and admit this: all of president. Sin and live for God to rebuild ourselves how Israel was taken into.! 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