jesus' encounters with individuals

Apparent object lesson for Pharisees. And again shes surprised because shes a woman and Hes a man. But He also doesnt say to Himself, I know shes got a lot of sin issues, but I dont want to offend her or go through the awkwardness of having a hard conversation, so Ill just ignore it. That wouldve been wrong as well! For me a fundamental truth, the human truth in all these reflections is that we can be and sometimes are, all of these people. A true encounter with Jesus sends us out to tell others about Him. But as well learn when we see more about her character in a few verses, she probably had reason to want to avoid being there at busy times. I might expect Him to give me answers on a question I have, and instead He just gives me more of Himself. I also enjoy that unlike major Christian holidays, even where there is a commercialization of Easter, you really cannot wholly take the crucifixion, death, and resurrection, and turn into something for secular consumption. The first is recorded in Luke 24:13-35 and briefly in Mark 16:12-13. You will become the object of sharp words. Can we, do we, love our enemies? They think everything will go smoothly. We should be compelled by what Hes shown us and by the love Hes placed in our hearts to help other people meet Him and be changed by Him. During those times, did Jesus ever reveal something to you that you didnt even know you needed? Here is a List Of Encounters With Jesus In The Bible: it is no secret to anyone that Christianity is a faith-filled belief. 12Are you greater than our father Jacob? Seeing that Jesus Christ is not physically with us for he returned to heaven, then we must learn how to encounter him by interacting with his Holy Ghost. Not only is she bereft of a husband, but her family line has been severed. hile youre spending more time at home this holiday season, why not make a holiday bu. Do you provide an RSS feed? for those long winter nights and weekends? Hes revealed her sin to her and shes understood that Hes a prophet. 20Our fathers worshiped onthis mountain, but you say thatin Jerusalem isthe place where people ought to worship.21Jesus said to her, Woman, believe me,the hour is coming whenneither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. John 21:1-19, What can you conclude fom this passage about the physical, emotional and spiritual oppression that a person under demonic influence experiences? Paul bent over him, took him in his arms and said, Do not be alarmed, for his life is in him., Boy taken away alive, friends and family comforted. But if we look at Jesus' encounters with various men and women during his life, we will find some of our assumptions challenged. Introduction Getting the Most Out of Encountering Jesus This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their. Have you seen the Lord Jesus Christ? Ananias instructed in a vision to go to Saul. As always, theres some hubbub from people who arent into what Jesus is doing and dont understand exactly whats happening, and this leads Him to move on for a bit. And it is a rare personthat would keep the company of someone who they know is going to betray them. Sinners dont experience the presence of God! Jesus has been an unexpected person in her life who revealed the sin she struggles with and cares about the heart of her issues. While youre spending more time at home this holiday season, why not make a holiday bucket list for those long winter nights and weekends? In this story, Jesus visits his friends Martha and Mary in Bethany. His reputation as a persecutor, and imprisoner of Christians preceded him. John 8:1-11, How do you think the woman feels when she hears Jesus' words of forgiveness and peace? He secures our minds. covers prayers, spiritual meaning, bible verses and dreams interpretation. ENCOUNTERS WITH JESUS Encounters with Jesus Each one of us needs an encounter with Jesus! The identical thing happened to Saul. Since a personal encounter with Jesus is the first meeting of a sinner with Christ. Patient got up out of bed, walked around and was able to eat Her spirit returned to her Skeptical crowd amazed, Jairus declared faith in Jesus to heal. Related Topics: Messages, Women's Articles, Susie Hawkins is a Bible study teacher and ministry wife in Dallas, Texas. Jesus clearly tells us not to judge others ( Matthew 7:1-2 ). So since Hes a prophet, she now brings up a question thats been bothering her for a long time. Its easy for us to get distracted by secondary issues and skip the truly important issues. And we will be lost for all eternity to enjoy torment with the Devil. Additionally, you are married to your spouse because of that initial conversation. When we truly have an encounter with Jesus, Hell do this with us, too! So too was that meeting with the woman at the well. I know thats happened to me. Rightly dividing the immutable Word of God, precept must be upon precept, line upon line, here a little, and there a little (Isaiah 28:10). This chart identifies various accounts of healing in the New Testament for personal or group study. Like most of us, the answers handed down to them didn't seem to work in the real world. Whatever it is, Jesus likes to surprise us and remind us that Hes got it under control. Its forever etched into your memory. They marveled that He was talking with a woman, but no one said, What do you seek? or, Why are you talking with her?28So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people,29Come, see a manwho told me all that I ever did. The story begins with Nathanael meeting Philip, a disciple of John the Baptist. Perhaps we ought to recall the moments that we are not faithful to our convictions, to the people we love, and to ourselves. Hes revealed her sin to her and shes understood that Hes a prophet. The sisters are upset because their brother, Lazarus, has been dead for four days and theyve sent for Jesus to come heal himbut hes not so sure that he wants to go see his sick friend. He reveals the gross parts of her immorality, but also shows that its not enough to make Him bail on her as He sticks around to keep talking with her. Each encounter reveals something about the nature of Christ, enabling the reader to more deeply understand His mission as well as His revelation of God. No, I dont provide RSS Feed. They believed her based on her testimony about Him, but then they encountered Him and believed even more. But it also appears to be one of his most frequent. After opening eyes, she sat up He took hand, helped up, Peter showed her friends that she was alive Many believed in the Lord, None indicated, except all grieving believers, Could not use feet, never walked, crippled from birth, Paul looked at him intently, saw he had faith and loudly told him, Stand upright on your feet., Man sprang up, began to walk. Now you will commence to talk about him. For was it not Jesus who said, Have faith in God? Herod (Antipas): Although some Gospels do not include Herods appearance where he is brought in front of Jesus after the chief priests and guards have taken him into custody, I want to do so here. But instead of healing every individual, he approached just . How many people have we let down who needed us when it mattered the most? When we see other people, do we see them as someones child? Mark 5:1-20, How does Jesus see the blind man and his need? I might expect Him to give me answers on a question I have, and instead He just gives me more of Himself. Witnessing is a science, an art, and a mystery. We can learn much about how to handle that assignment by asking questions of the four narratives of Jesus' lifeMatthew, Mark, Luke, and John. None of them knew in advance that he would have an experience with the Lord. Similar to the above point, we now see that Jesus will always get to the true heart of the issue, whatever it is were dealing with. Paul and Silas arrested. This would imply that you are already saved. Shes been amazed by Him and believes Him when He says that Hes the Messiah. Jesus-Encounters Turn Us into Beggars It's so easy to look back at those ancient church leaders and wag our heads in disgust, yet we may find that their unteachable hearts are not so far from our own. I might expect Him to teach me one thing, but He teaches me another instead. I might expect Him to teach me one thing, but He teaches me another instead. Having over 40 years experience with the Word! 16Jesus said to her,Go,call your husband, and come here.17The woman answered Him, I have no husband. Jesus said to her,You are right in saying, I have no husband;18for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband. I know thats happened to me. Saul on route to Damascus had an encounter with Jesus which changed his life from that point onwards. He could just immediately say to her, Well, lady, youre sexually immoral. Even wars are won or lost based on conversations. It will help us assess how to best minister to you. And I continued with whatever I was doing. Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied, (Acts 9:31). )9The Samaritan woman said to Him, How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a woman of Samaria? (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.). Encounters with Jesus: Unexpected Answers to Life's Biggest Questions (Audible Audio Edition): Timothy Keller, Lloyd James, . Examples: He connected with peoples thoughts and feelings. Former Senior Writer & Cultural Advocate at Thought Catalog Buy Conversations for Smart People Connect on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram. I must warn you, Im extremely bold and fearless. Related Topics: Forgiveness, Character Study, Women's Articles. Since she knows Hes a Jew, she knows He believes Jerusalem is the place to worship. But He also doesnt say to Himself, I know shes got a lot of sin issues, but I dont want to offend her or go through the awkwardness of having a hard conversation, so Ill just ignore it. That wouldve been wrong as well! The Cross And Separation From The World (1 Peter 4:1-6), 7. Your speech will change. He gently lets her realize whats going on with herself. Thats what He begins to do with the woman here. They will direct death towards you, but fear no evil for the Lord is always with us. Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see thatthe fields are white for harvest. Others have labored,and you have entered into their labor., 39Many Samaritansfrom that town believed in Himbecause ofthe womans testimony, He told me all that I ever did.40So when the Samaritans came to Him, they asked Him to stay with them, and He stayed there two days. Where did the encounters take place? Does evangelism make you nervous? First, he saw Jesus; he spoke with him; then he preached in his name. Recently, I wanted to remember someones name, but I couldnt. I might expect Him to guide me to a specific route He wants me to take in my life, but instead He reminds me to just seek Him first and everything else will follow. In studying this more over the last couple weeks, I noticed some cool things that I thought Id share here also. 35Do you not say, There are yet four months, then comes the harvest? Good Friday is the story that reminds humans that pain and suffering is not unique. Recall Saul of Tarsus and his experience. Man healed, All had leprosy and were forced to keep their distance from healthy people Asked Jesus for mercy, Jesus cleansed all 10 of leprosy and told them to go show themselves to the priests (return to community), One patient returned to thank Jesus, commended for his faith and sent on his way, All 10 cured. When she gets back to town, the woman tells everyone she can find that shes met the Messiah! S.,Willow Park, TX 76087. Your email address will not be published. Why do you persecute me? Saul replied: Who are you, Lord? The voice answered, I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). Jesus is not a distant God who does not know us or care about us, but an intimate God who desires to have a personal relationship with each one of His children. One of the most concise and popular verses when it comes to the gospel, John 3:16, John 3:16 comes from Nicodemus's encounter with Jesus. Samaritans also had their own version of the Pentateuch and their own temple on Mount Gerizim, which will become important later in this story. He has written several books and Bible study guides, including the LifeGuide Bible Studies Angels, Daniel, Elijah, Following Jesus, Forgiveness, Good & Evil, Heaven, I Am, John, The Lord's Prayer, Meeting the Spirit, and Miracles. Jesus has been an unexpected person in her life who revealed the sin she struggles with and cares about the heart of her issues. 7A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Conversations are the seeds for every change, good or bad. Be sure to check out everything happening online. When Peter heard what had happened from the servant girl and others who were with them, he ran back to the garden where Jesus had been praying for him. Who started the conversation' In nine cases, Jesus initiated the conversations. Facing Failure 31Meanwhile the disciples were urging Him, saying,Rabbi, eat.32But He said to them,I have food to eat that you do not know about.33So the disciples said to one another,Has anyone brought Him something to eat?34Jesus said to them,My food isto do the will of Him who sent Me andto accomplish His work. Jesus touched him, said, Be made clean! Sent to priest and directed to offer prescribed gift. If you have a Jesus story, image, or song that you would like to share, you can contact David at But the opposite is true. Did you know also that if you are born again, according to the Word of God, the sicknesses of the world shouldnt afflict you? Your personal encounter with Jesus will change you so much that people will start to note the change. )9The Samaritan woman said to Him, How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a woman of Samaria? (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.). I might expect Him to guide me to a specific route He wants me to take in my life, but instead He reminds me to just seek Him first and everything else will follow. So seeing anyone there at all is unexpected. In what ways are you not relying on Me? Do we find empathy for people when it is most difficult to do so? In this story, Jesus walked into a crowd of sick and disabled people. . But really good for us. There are more than 30 such encounters. Jews and Gentiles were united in not liking them, but Jews wouldve seen them as dirty and unclean. Approach anyone, even strangers. That our acts of bravery and incredible kindness where we suffer for another, need not be acclaimed loudly. He tells her to bring her husband to the well, and she sees an opportunity to admit whats been going on with her. 41And many more believedbecause of His word.42They said to the woman, It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves,and we know that this is indeedthe Saviorof the world.. Mary: Now I am not a mother. Hes not only interacting with her, but Hes asking her for water. A Closer Look at a Jesus-Style Encounter. Note the Bible says all things. Once you understand and respect the context of John chapter 1, its easy to see how Nathanael could have been so surprised when Jesus first spoke to him. Only Believers do! Of course the interesting thing is that Jesus appears to forgive them both, even while one asks him to use his powers to relieve them all from their suffering. Kind of annoying, right? Newell uses three foundational principles as a lens to examine these biblical cross-cultural encounters; namely, the Bible is a portrayer of cultures; a sculptor of cultures; and an appraiser of cultures (pp. She frequently teaches or speaks at women's Bible studies or events. Asked Peter and John for alms, Peter looked at man, told him to look at them, stand up and walk in the name of Jesus. 7A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Given the cultural hostilities, Jesus easily could have sat quietly while the Samaritan woman came, drew her water from the well, and left. Jesus' disciples witnessed His life and miracles up close, yet still allowed human logic to trump spiritual wisdom again and again. The Cross And Separation From The World (1 Peter 4:1-6), 7. He moved from being a tormentor to becoming a nurturer and a father to many. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. She doesnt know to look for it or hope for it. We should at all times be cautious in our reaction to any one individual who seems to be the latest enemy of a community. We see a few ways here in which this unnamed woman is surprised by meeting Jesus. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Jesus encountered several people in his passion. I know in my own life when I come to Jesus, I usually have a lot of my own expectations. and M.Th., Grace Theological Seminary) is senior pastor at Parkside Community Church in Sterling Heights, Michigan. When she gets back to town, the woman tells everyone she can find that shes met the Messiah! Jesus interacted with all kinds of people. So seeing anyone there at all is unexpected. You can experience an encounter with God through Christ our Lord. If a close friend had abandoned you, how would you respond to this sort of less-than-total commitment later? Here are a few ideas to get you started: bake cinnamon rolls for neighbors, watch a favorite holiday movie,write and mail notes to family members you wont be seeing over Christmas, go to a Christmas Eve service, make paper snowflakes. Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see thatthe fields are white for harvest. Tell them of your experiences with the Lord Jesus Christ. 20Our fathers worshiped onthis mountain, but you say thatin Jerusalem isthe place where people ought to worship.21Jesus said to her, Woman, believe me,the hour is coming whenneither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. And once you meet Jesus and he speaks to you, then you will forever speak in his name. Sometimes we dont want to have our sin pointed out to us, and that can even occasionally make us not want to come to Him. Crowd amazed Pharisees skeptical, Blind, mute demoniac Mt 12:22; Lk 11:14, Patient could speak and see. He has been studying and teaching the Bible for more than forty years. This week I had the opportunity to teach a lesson on a woman in the Bible who loved God. Jesus responded to the initiatives of others. The apostle Peter was originally named Simon. But as well learn when we see more about her character in a few verses, she probably had reason to want to avoid being there at busy times. Luke 7:36-50, 5. Your encounter with Christ is not about you coming in contact with his presence. 4And He had to pass through Samaria. Nicodemus encounter with God involved conversation. 27Just thenHis disciples came back. Thank you for this Bible Study, An Encounter With Jesus, on your blog. Jesus left room in his schedule for interruptions by friends and others enlisting his help. In fact, there are no descriptions at all of what He looked like herejust that He appeared as just another person on their journey together toward Jerusalem! However, you must ask Him. Can this be the Christ?30They went out of the town and were coming to Him. People, I think, that tell us a lot about not only the story of the passion, and the incredible intensity of the mood and emotions; but I think encounters in Jesus passion is a story about humanity. We are determined to stick together as one big HSM ministry. In nine cases, Jesus initiated the conversations. 40 Session Bible Study Gordon MacDonald, Carter Moss, Carolyn Arends, and more To betray them and peace and shes understood that Hes the Messiah seen them someones... Might expect Him to give me answers on a woman and Hes a prophet that pain and is... 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