guinea pig phantom pregnancy

Unless you are advised to do so by a vet, do not make sudden adjustments to the types of food you give your guinea pig. After 7 months, this function does not work as well. Who expects an online order to arrive the following day (or early the day after that, my memory fails me)? Probably the most telling sign of pregnancy in your female guinea pig is being in close contact with an unneutered male recently. But how did the black cat get her wicked reputation? She grew up with and dearly loved an American Eskimo Spitz named Maggie and a Pomeranian/Beagle mix named Gabby. Allow them to interact with other female guinea pigs to give them the pleasure of companionship. He was polite and eager to help. I have made several purchases and have been extremely pleased with the quality of their products. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. However, female guinea pigs are much more fussy about which guinea pigs they are willing to mate with and rejection does happen. By around the five week mark, pregnancy will start to be visible, with your guinea pig gradually developing more of a pear shape. The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) displays many features of gestational physiology that makes it the most translationally relevant rodent species. Do not let them overstress or face any kind of difficulty via the external environment. I literally knew nothing and they were so helpful! Female guinea pigs begin a new estrous cycle shortly after giving birth. They are seriously not fussy ! Once the babies are born, its a good idea to separate the dad from the mom and babies right away. Therefore, the smaller the litter (one or two pups), the longer is the gestation time. They will nurse from their mother but are able to nibble at solid food (such as moistened pellets) within 2 days. Towards the end of the pregnancy we separated them. She loves to research the best methods and products out there and cut through the jargon so you can see plainly what something is or how something is done. The litter size ranges from 1 to 8 pups, but a litter of 2 to 4 is more common. During the last few weeks of the pregnancy, things become more unpredictable and for inexperienced pet owners, it may be best to seek the advice of a veterinary professional. Each week, Theo grew in size and became more pear shaped. If this happens during your guinea pigs pregnancy, you should ideally seek the help of a vet. Copyright 2023 Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA and its affiliates. This was definitely true for Theo. Similarly, you will need to seek professional advice if the pregnancy takes too long. Yet, even with this, the actual birth could still be several days away. It is better to breed a younger female guinea pig then their later counterpart. In general, the labor will last for 5-15 minutes. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The mother should at least be of 2-8 months of her generation. Still, there is nothing to worry about as she can resolve it on her own. The female guinea pig pups can be left with their mother for a longer nursing period. Early stages of the guinea's pig pregnancy and recommended diet I would have bet money that she was a) pregnant and b) in labour! To prevent this from happening, you must separate the males as soon as possible. Therefore, following the above instructions can have you to lower the stress of your guinea pig. A larger litter will result in a shorter pregnancy. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. We asked Google desperate questions like: I think my guinea pig might be pregnant, what should I do? Certainly not me, but sure enough there it was! Cesarean sections are rarely successful in guinea pigs even when performed by a veterinarian who has experience with guinea pigs. Do Guinea Pigs Hit Puberty? . It is also important to note that guinea pigs reach sexual maturity quickly, with females potentially reaching this point in as little as four weeks, and males typically reaching sexual maturity in eight weeks. "Pre-pandemic in 2019, we averaged a little under 400 guinea pigs a year coming in throughout the year. Similarly, miscarriages do also occur. RELATED: CLICK HERE to learn what to expect when your newborn baby guinea pigs arrive. Only pick her up when necessary. Although guinea pigs can have more complicated births, if you follow your vets instructions, you will be sure to have a healthy mom and babies by the time the birth rolls around. Male guinea pigs (also called boars) are sexually active at 3 weeks of age, but they are not able to go through a neutering procedure until 4 months old. Use to remove results with certain terms This way you can be sure all the babies have been delivered, And take the necessary action if any get stuck or if the mother is having any difficulties delivering them. In some cases, you may also be able to feel guinea pig fetuses inside your pets stomach. This had not been normal for her. [5] Alfalfa hay is high in calories and calcium. There is an alternate way to check whether your guinea pig is pregnant or not. Even if you have no plans to breed them. Most of the mammals undergo pubic symphysis, and so does the female guinea pig. Phantom pregnancy or false pregnancy is a misconception that is sometimes conceived by guinea pigs during their ovulation period. aggrevate your pet. Charlotte. Four read more . 1. So, deciding about pregnancy on the basis of their behavior is not possible. it may also be necessary to separate your pregnant guinea pig from any other guinea pigs you have. I especially loved the lollipop when I opened the packaging! Phantom pregnancies are a condition where a female guinea pig considers herself as pregnant, but actually, she is not. So we were back at the vets this morning, more prodding and she's SO bloated. For this reason, before the piglets reach 3 weeks old, separate the male and female babies as well. Why you should spay or neuter your guinea pigs? A Guinea pig will start making the nest. The mother has a single pair of mammary glands from which the newborns will nurse until about 3 weeks of age. That is when I learned that guineas can and do have phantom pregnancies although it is not common as it is in rabbits and other mammals. Later on in the pregnancy (by day 50-60), though, you will notice that the abdomen is getting bigger. But the duration of pregnancy may alter depending on the litter size (the number of babies given birth to at a time.) It is common in any female guinea pig of breeding age. This could limit the parts of the cage or hutch which are accessible. In the vast majority of cases, the mother will break the sacs herself, using her teeth, but there are instances where this does not occur. For this reason, you need to be prepared for the delivery to occur at any point within the 59 to 72 day range. Guinea pigs are notorious early developers, reaching sexual maturity at a very young age. Instead of removing the nest of guinea pig, it is advisable to wait for some days till your cavies itself considers it a false pregnancy and start acting normal. We were able to see little kicks on her abdomen coming from inside her womb. Ever since finding out that our guinea pig is a girl and might be pregnant, we have learned all that we could about how to care for a pregnant guinea pig and her babies. They shouldnt be touched or held right after their birth. Another tell-tale sign could be that the expecting mum starts to favour fruits and vegetables with a high vitamin C content. small amount of vitamin C rich foods e.g. In our case, Theo had been kept together with 4 other males so the likelihood of her being pregnant was very high. Be a little careful while caressing their abdomen, pressing too hard might risk the infants lives. A typical guinea pig weighs about 1.5-2 lbs. Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. Litter size also depends upon the duration of pregnancy. Additionally, you may want to supplement her diet with pellets specifically . If you have the habit of weighing her daily (maybe youre keeping an eye out for pregnancy), you will notice it early on as just a few grams of weight gain each day. Theo continued to eat lots of hay, leafy green vegetables (she loves her salad), and a high quality commercial pellet. Why Chocolate Is Toxic To Dogs (Vet Answer), How to Hold a Guinea Pig Correctly (with Pictures & Videos). It may be possible that your guinea pig is not happy by you cleaning their cage. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. If your guinea pig allows you to touch her, use your fingers to gently examine her sides and stomach. Female guinea pigs (or sows) have a pregnancy of 68 days (range 59-72 days) and an average estrous cycle length of 17 days (range 13-25 days). Great communication / customer service, fab. Also see professional content regarding management of guinea pigs Guinea Pigs Guinea pigs, like chinchillas, are hystricognath rodents. You have a picture that is clearly NOT baby Guinea pigs since they are born with hair. It is not easy to differentiate between phantom pregnancy and genuine pregnancy. When a guinea pig is born, it will be surrounded by the amniotic sac and this will need to be broken. Even after spaying guinea pigs can experience phantom pregnancies. Will be think of you both, ring if you need to chat hun x. She will engage in this behavior for at least 20-30 days, and after this, a phantom pregnancy comes to an abrupt halt, and guinea pigs return to normal. However, as an animal lover, she dotes on and cuddles any pet she happens upon! The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Spaying will also ensure that your female does not mate with any male pig after a certain age, furthermore not complicating their pregnancy, which could be life taking in most cases. There are a number of potential complications that may occur during the delivery phase, which may require intervention from a vet. Didn't find what you need? This Is What You Should Know! Brilliant company. A female guinea pig can fall pregnant immediately after giving birth. Leave the mother with her pups alone for the few days undisturbed. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. If a guinea pig is pregnant, then certainly, the weight of your sow pet is expected to increase day by day. However, guinea pigs often do not react well to surgery, anesthesia, or being kept in unfamiliar surroundings. By this point, your guinea pig will be noticeably larger and may even have some difficulties with mobility, so you need to be extra careful to ensure that access to food and water has not been accidentally cut off by the layout of the cage or hutch. There are various signs of pregnancy in guinea pigs. Before this age, your female guinea pig still has the ability to widen her pelvis right before birth. Jordin Horn is a freelance writer who has covered many topics, including home improvement, gardening, pets, CBD, and parenting. Females are more reproductively capable before 8 months of their age and enhance the complexity later than this. They shouldnt be touched or held right after their birth. If your guinea pig is pregnant, she may have a single piglet or up to 3 or 4. The vet will be able to perform an ultrasound to determine how many babies your sow will deliver, rule out any complications, and instruct you on what to do next. The gestation period in guinea pigs varies between 59 and 72 days. A pregnant sow will begin to drink and eat more as the pregnancy advances. A female can give birth to up to 5 litters per year. Very very confused and worried for Moomin. Especially if any of them display aggressive tendencies. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Why Is My Guinea Pig Always Hungry? Guinea pig pups should only be weaned from their mum at around three weeks for optimal health and growth. Separating bonded guinea pigs can cause stress to them, which can also lead to ovulation. However, it doesnt happen often, and it is usually out of necessity. It is a good idea to keep female pups away from their dad (and other males) as soon as possible. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Its a good idea to determine when your pregnant guinea pig will give birth, and the type of care she will need during and after delivery. Featured Image Credit: Miroslav Hlavko, Shutterstock. The average period of pregnancy is approximately 65 days. Your pregnant guinea pig will start to eat and drink up to three times the amount that she usually does. Supplement the mother guinea pig's diet with calcium. A good indicator that your guinea pig is pregnant is if they have had any recent interactions with males . We have lived here for 30 years now, and this is the first time that I have had a hedgehog in my garden. Learn how your comment data is processed. Even told me how I could get a discount and generally made me feel like I was in an exciting journey and not just a customer! If your guinea pig leaves alone, then she may have stress-based ovulation. Male guinea pigs will typically mate with almost any willing female guinea pig. We took her to vet for check up.. (+How To Deal With It). If you are able to feel your guinea pigs pelvic bone, you may be able to feel for a separation and this is the main indicator that labour is approaching. If she is not pregnant and has lumps, it could mean a serious health problem. If you suspect your female guinea pig is pregnant, it is essential to get it to the vet as soon as possible. If your female guinea was kept with male boars, then it is probable that she is pregnant. Fortunately enough, if your pet turns out to be pregnant, then do ride your pet to a vet for medical assistance and advice to avoid any later complications. Although it is not possible in guinea pigs to stop false pregnancy, even if your guinea pigs leave alone, she can experience phantom pregnancies. This refers to the time between your guinea pig becoming pregnant and its offspring being born. Hansen says nearly 200 have . Male vs Female Guinea Pig: Which Guinea Pig Gender Is Better? The guinea pig will start losing interest in nesting and will come back to its normal behavior. Within a week of bringing home our guinea pigs we were shocked to discover that Theo is a girl. At first, we thought we could detect 3 guinea pig babies. The link you have selected will take you to a third-party website. Couldn't find anything on google, only phantom cat pregnancies! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What causes phantom pregnancies in guinea pigs? However, lumps that might see you as a pregnancy sign could also be a cyst(a health condition). Although the recommended diet of a guinea pig during pregnancy is not drastically different from any other time, you will likely find that you need to provide more food and this may increase as the pregnancy progresses. (Signs Of Puberty & How Long Does It Lasts), Why Is My Guinea Pig Not Moving? Though age is not a matter of concern in males for mating. Vitamin C rich foods like kale, broccoli. Do Guinea Pigs Hit Puberty? In some cases, it may last a little longer or shorter. Dont let the family cat or dog (or any small children!) Should I separate my pregnant guinea pig? The guinea pig will stockpile hay and blankets, The nesting process begins, the guinea pigs start resting and relaxing in her nest. Copyright 2021 - 2023 Guinea Pig Den | Jennifer Franklin Media LLCThis site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to A typical guinea pig litter size of 2 4 is most common with a range of 1 to 8 pups. During this period the mothers double her body weight and get a lot bigger. It is therefore important to respect their personal space and only handle when necessary. But the duration of pregnancy may alter depending on the litter size(the number of babies given birth to at a time.) Be sure about the age of the female guinea pig before mating. Do Guinea Pigs Nurse Their Young? : Sorry I can't help you but not experieced anything like that. Are Hedgehogs Nocturnal? We allowed supervised visits once or twice per day so that they could hang out together. Then Rosie started going back to her normal size and shape so I took her to the Vet to get checked out. If you have any questions or concerns, its always best to consult with your veterinarian. Over the years, she has moved around so much that there's been no time to settle down and own a pet. We read that the more babies she is carrying will result in a shorter pregnancy. Pre-mature birth will need to be followed by a period of artificial incubation. Surely not, if females are bred during the age of 3-8 months. We do not control or have responsibility for the content of any third-party site. We learned that it is not necessary to separate your pregnant guinea pig from other females. According to a guinea pig, there is no difference between phantom and genuine pregnancy. It is, therefore, important that unneutered guinea pigs are separated after a couple of weeks, in order to avoid unwanted additional pregnancies. Guinea pigs mature early in many ways. Use for phrases Do not squeeze too hard. What you might notice, however, is that your female cavy is eating and drinking a lot more than usual. It should get at least an inch wide, maybe wider. Although you need to be careful not to apply any pressure to the region. By day 50, her body began to look like a pear. Study now. Pregnant guinea pigs may kick or bite other . A neutered male guinea pig can still impregnate a female It also gets painful for us to decide by looking at their behavior because they have all symptoms which are there in pregnancy like mood swings, and overeating. Male guinea pigs become sexually mature after 3 months of their age, whereas female guinea pigs become mature within 2 months of their age. A female is fertile for about 6 to 11 hours, most often during night hours. Bought a double hutch and run for our guinea pigs and they were super helpful. After all the babies come out, the emerging placenta will be cut apart or further eaten up by the mother itself, which indeed is very important for the development of mammary glands to produce milk. The average number of days female guinea pigs stay pregnant is 65 days. (Normal & Abnormal Poop). Litter size typically consists of 2-4 pups with a range of 1-13 young. Spaying/neutering is a surgical method to remove reproductive organs from a male or a female pig. Use the search! If this is the case, she will need her own space so that she and the babies will thrive. I had a problem with the payment via Paypal, and the problem was resolved almost instantly via live chat. Does she have a partner some of the time? Great content! Her bottom half was very round and she waddled when she walked. Females become reproductively active as young as of age 2 months, whereas the males achieve sexuality of age 3 months. As a result, you may need to adjust the positioning of food and water, so that it can be easily accessed at all times. Regardless of the size of the litter, labour tends to be a relatively short process for guinea pigs, with delivery rarely taking longer than half an hour in total. If your female guinea was kept with male boars, then it is probable that she is pregnant. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. It is often difficult to find homes with caring and responsible pet owners for young guinea pigs. female guinea pig pups can be left with their mother for a longer nursing period. Sponge started to get bigger and bigger and gradually got agressive to her 2 sisters - we thought she was heavily pregnant and we all swore we could see babies moving. So heres the thing. I was curious to learn about the same. After some days, your cavies will realize that she is not pregnant, and everything will come back to normal. Because if you try to remove the nest of guinea pig, there are chances that they might get upset and stressed. Another sign of pregnancy is drinking more water. In our research, we learned that guinea pigs can become pregnant as young as 4 weeks old. Lastly, take care of your guinea pigs at the time of phantom pregnancies, try not to disturb them as then she will become more irritated and angry. Make available enough food to eat and water to drink during the whole time of pregnancy. What most people don't know is that the number of babies affects the length of the pregnancy. Following the birth, the baby guinea pigs will need to stay with their mother, who will nurse them until they are able to feed independently. Females can have estrous or fertile periods at any time of the year, but they are most common in the spring. Guinea pigs are adorable, sweet pets that love to express themselves by chattering, squealing, and wheeking. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I am very lucky, my dog, Ollie doesnt bat an eyelid at fireworks, in fact if were out on an evening walk and a firework goes off I probably jump more than he does. Yes, a guinea pig can have phantom pregnancy, even after being spayed. And most importantly, take appropriate care and heed to their needs and demands. This will be because of the developing babies inside and the extra weight being put on. If you dont feel anything while moving fingers around her belly, then she is not pregnant. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Breeding| Things to Consider before Breeding Guinea Pigs. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Support a Family Business like Home & Roost! Pregnancy ketosis, also known as pregnancy toxaemia, is a potentially fatal metabolic disease, which is characterised by elevated ketone bodies within a guinea pigs blood. Sources: Guinea Pig Breeding, Ectopic pregnancy in animals, Guinea pig models for translation of the developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis into the clinic, Exploring the Pregnant Guinea Pig as a Model for Group B Streptococcus Intrauterine Infection. Pregnant guinea pigs are particularly vulnerable to illness as a result of stress during pregnancy. Of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience copyright 2023 Merck &,! Pig will start to eat and water to drink during the age of the year of 2 4! Abdomen is getting bigger in some cases, you will notice that the babies! They shouldnt be touched or held right after their birth is expected to increase by! Later on in the pregnancy advances we took her to vet for check up.. ( +How Deal... 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