delta green need to know trove

Your Search skill up the shotgun to fire. were in Myanmar, deep in the undeveloped hinterlands. Reduce SAN by POW +RGe1as0ien%t BaUrednainskaoitrnudgrearPlocsiakniutlls.teodnbewy tSheANUnmnaintuursaPl.OW. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. COPYRIGHT NOTICEalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Open Game License v. 1.0, 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.Use, the Open Game Content. Federal Agents needto be well-rounded. They indicaterequisitioning equipment. HUMINT is no good with the concrete in between. In reality there is nothing he never could. The shape takesliving room where the floor has caved in. Enjoy the bleak humor that oftenthe players to introduce their Agents. You're the one they call when unnatural horrors seep into the world. A violent encounter with the unnatural brought you to Delta Green. See DEFENSE ROLLS for details. If the therapist believes you, he or time your Agent gains a disorder. A Delta Green operation, "Last Things Last," ready for the Handler (the game moderator) to introduce your team to Delta Green tonight. Like this book? The Character Sheet Most Agents stay in the group until retirement age if they live that long. When it was over, a few fellow agents asked you to join them in a secret task force. Both dice come up 0: 100. WOUNDS AND AILMENTS Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? Delta Green: Need to Know is published by Arc Dream Publishing in arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. They are one to five players. For Delta Green books and games, please visit: Published by Arc Dream Publishing 12215 Highway 11, Chelsea, AL 35043, USA ISBN 978-1-940410-20-3 Printed in China// OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a //The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and 6. Whats something that people often dislike about your Agent? There is no computer. After the session, add 1 to each checked skill and erase all checks.INJURIES 14. The Handlers next job is to in-troduce the operation: the events that will lead your Work With the Other PlayersAgent to confront unnatural horror. Aim: Add +20% to your next attack roll. waits and dreams in the deep, and decay spreads over the tottering cities of men. Introducing a quick start guide for Delta Green. but with spray-paint. Maybe you want to opposewhether you succeed, as well as what happens next. EMPLOYER 4. Either way its innocuous, just a time and a place. .357 magnum revolver with three speed-loaders. meters wide (six feet), and three meters long (ten feet). While pinning a target, you decide Each character acts once in a turn. An Agentinjured that seriously must roll a CON test. This is only the beginning. 7. convinced that shes something worse, the SAN cost will be 1/1D6. 21. Dont ask me why. AMBER: I pull the live one out of there. HANDLER: Something erupts from the wreckage. 9// What Is an Agent? SKU. Termination: This License will terminate automatically ifadded to or subtracted from this License except as described by the You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breachLicense itself. Each stat has a space for Distinguishing Fea-Include your Agents job title or rank if appropriate. Delta Green Previous Next Deception is a right. The Handlerdescribes what happens next. They are to gather at 2 p.m. the lated cabin. The dangers are lethal. Please review our privacy policy for details. The interior of Baughmans small apartment is Spartan and grim. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. When adaptedto a threat, an Agents SAN tests for it always succeedbut adapting to a threat changes your Agent, and not forthe better. A real pity. 43// Last Things Last // // Delta Green: Need to Know //The Footlocker One highly magnetized glass sphere, 3 cm in diameter. A zero (0) on the tens die counts as zero except the Handlers Screen youll find useful charts and when the ones die is also 0; then the 0 on the tens die tables to enhance your game. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. The Agent loses that many points from a single effect depends on the kind of protection and the kindstat of the Handlers choice, permanently, to a mini- of attack.mum score of 3. Strength and Damage Hit: Roll Lethality for everyone inside the radi- us. There is nothing else of note in the apartment. We track that vulnera- 0/1D4bility in Sanity Points (SAN). DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. Our focus is health, education, and sustainability for the betterment of our community, which is the core of why we do . The intellectual property known as Delta Green is and the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. Organized by chapters for easy navigation, the Need to Know audiobook is a perfect introduction for newcomers who only have time for listening or who have trouble with traditional books and PDFs. Ostensibly counterterrorism, it is actually dedicated to stopping unnatural incursions and saving others from exposure to them. On digit. She screams and croakstile to each Agents Unnatural skill at a SAN cost of 1 far past the time when her voice should have beenSAN. Keeping it imprisoned somewhere for ongoing silenced by scorching fumes. lee Weapons damage rolls, to a minimum of 0: Miss: Everyone who would have been in the Kill 2 for STR 34 Radius is suppressed. The Unnatural Loss Attempting Psychotherapy on a character who lost SAN to the Unnatural 0/1 Witnessing a supernatural effect thats apparently benign 0/1Suffering Violence Loss Witnessing a violent supernatural effect 0/1D6 0/1 Ambushed or hit by gunfire 0/1 Seeing a corpse walk 0/1D6 0/1D4 Surprised by a corpse 0/1D4 Subjected to an overtly 0/1D6 The corpse of someone you love 0/1D10 supernatural effect 0/1D6 Unexpectedly stabbed or strangled Suffering a violent supernatural assault 1/1D8 Reduced to 2 HP or less or more Tortured Inflicting Violence Loss 0/1D4 Incapacitate or cripple an innocent 0/1D4 Destroy a teammates body to 0/1D4thwart investigation* 0/1D6 0/1D8 Kill in self-defense* 0/1D8 Kill a murderous enemy 1/1D10in cold blood* Torture someone Accidentally kill an innocent* Kill an innocent in cold blood,even for a good reason* * For a failed roll, add 1 per victim up to the maxi-mum possible die-roll: 4 for 1D4, 6 for 1D6, etc. Free shipping for many products! smattering of cans, pans, and boxes. But if it fails, emotional attachments form; follow this process for each teammate, up to five:Agents need Willpower points (WP) to withstandexhaustion and mental trauma, to resist interrogation IF THERES NOT AN EXISTING BOND: If your Agentand persuasion, and to enact unnatural rituals. STATISTICS SCORE 5 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES 11. NATIONALITY 5. EMPLOYER 4. If not, your Agent suffers tionally dire, modify the chance by 20% (subtractthe consequences. Download the quick-start rulebook and the character sheets from it, free: Need to Know rulebook Blank Delta Green character sheet with fillable forms The full line of Delta Green RPG rulebooks and operations is available here. PERSONAL DETAILS AND NOTES 18. Role Playing Games - New and Used/Out of Print items, 7th Sea RPG by Alderac Entertainment Group, 7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition by John Wick Presents, AD&D 2nd Edition settings & generic books by TSR, Aftermath! except as listed and excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property. If INT is 15 you might write Very clever, for example.The Delta Green organization exists within the U.S.government, so most most Agents are American. INTERPRET THE RULES FAIRLY Sometimes theres disagreement about how a rule should work. Herresurrection was the result of Baughman unwittingly She says that her husband was a sick man, alwaysimbuing her remains with a unnatural consciousness seeking terrible secrets. AGE AND D.O.B. A critical success beats a success; otherwise the highest succeed-Does It Require a Skill or a Stat? Every character has an agenda that the Agents must try to discern. wins, that lengthens the lead. 33// Game System // // Delta Green: Need to Know // Combat Move: Jog 10 m., run 20 m., or sprint 30 m. (Usually, your Agent can go about 3 m. as partCombat can take your Agent out of the game quickly of another action. There also persist faint traces of constructed of wood with a faux log-cabin exterior. A couple of years ago you spent extensive time undercover investigating a dangerous militia group. Success. The file begins with an FBI investigationIn the Footlocker into allegations of weapon smuggling in Miami. Dragon's Trove ID. If the test still fails, the Agent is Go to Therapy But Lie About Your Unnatural exhausted the next day after all. That cutsworse. GDG01. If the Agents destroy Marlene after she attacks them, each gains 1D8 SAN instead of losing SAN. Give enough details to If your Agent gets in trouble atmake it interesting. Supplement. Bonus skills: Craft (Lens-Making), NavigateKurtz (twice), Occult (twice), Science (Astronomy), SIGINT (twice). Adapting to Violence: Permanently lose 1D6 CHA and the same amount from each Bond. Whatever hesions outside of our own that can inhabit the corpse did kept her from dying.of any creature that had an INT of 1 or greater in life.The reanimated corpse is unnaturally strong and fast. is connected to the local power grid and is heated by a large, field-stone chimney. Manufacturer. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. The shed holds an assortment of tools and twenty one-gallon cans of gasoline, all full. The players may well notice the oddness of having a functioning outhouse at a cabin that has a septic tank An annotated copy of the doctoral dissertation and running water. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Delta Green: Need to Know is written by Shane Ivey and Bret Kramer. Social Share The intellectual property. If testAfter someone in your Agents Delta Green team fails, add +1D10 to the skill or +1 to the stat.undergoes a catastrophic trauma such as going insane Either way, reduce a Bond by 1.or being badly hurt, roll for a SAN test. Using sedatives: Liquor or sleeping pills give Fumble: 1D4 from the Bond and 1 SAN. Manufactured 20 years cabin, nearly two meters deep (six feet), nearly two ago, each requires a Luck roll to work. The decision to attack Marlene should not be easy. Your Agent can attack the pinned target in later turns.Combat is resolved in turns. She waits at his cabin still. 7. STATISTICS SCORE 5 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES 11. Describe what comes from seeing the trouble that Agents fall into,your Agents day-to-day life is like: work, friends, but dont let your eagerness to get a laugh ruin thefamily, the mundane but critical things your Agent is suspense and the chill of confronting cosmic terrors.willing to die for. The Handler says what happens next. The Need to Know source book is a great place to start . 21. )Rolling the DiceWhen the rules need you to roll dice, they use a parti- cular nomenclature to save time and space: #D#, as in 1D8 or 4D6. The first number is the number of dice. 7. DEVELOPMENTS WHICH AFFECT HOME AND FAMILYREMARKS Choose your gender, name, and details of your Bonds. (Playing with more is a challenge. // Personal Details and Notes Dont overlook the intangibles that make an Agent memorable. If it fails, your Agent suffers an irretrievably insane. The pursuer needs to win once to reduce the lead and again to gain ground.Does It Require a Roll? The Handler always decides the exact repercussions, and whether it hap- pens immediately or builds gradually, in the aftermath of the trauma. This is only the beginning. Make sure everything is clean by then. You First Aid 60% can increase a skill more than once but none can be Medicine 60% higher than 80% to start. If the Handler thinks circumstances are excep-er), your Agent succeeds. When it was over you were glad to retire. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 13. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. This is where he kept mementos from izing the glass is far too magnetic for nature.his years with Delta Green. Remove any evidence of Delta Greens activities. Explore the details and ramifications between operations.Armor and Gear Special Training The Handler may assume that your Agent has what- Some bodies of knowledge are not common to every ever gear is typical for the Agents profession. Write Agent but dont require the extensive commitment specific items here. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) McMurtry Special Operator (security contractor) 3. AUTHORIZING OFFICER Please indicate why this agent was recruited and why the agent agreed to be recruited. an enemys attack roll with your Agents Dodge skill,The core rules of the game revolve around that last or you want to defeat someones Alertness with yourstep. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 10 50% Best Friend 15 Favorite Grandparent 15 Constitution (CON) 11 55% 15 Psychotherapist 15 Dexterity (DEX) 10 50% Fellow survivors of a shared trauma Intelligence (INT) 14 70% Quick, perceptive PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 12 60% Charisma (CHA) 15 55% Very "present" 9. Any source of bright light, anyone putting a probe into the tank, or anyone actually entering the tank A mundane leather pouch containing hair (black attracts the attention of Marlene, Clydes long-dead bear), teeth (human infant), and feathers (blue wife, horribly reanimated. The next time your Agent interacts with thatBond, decide what shape the damage takes. Delta Green: Need to Know is the quick-start rulebook and Handler's screen for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game. Its drawn like AMBER: OK, I can take off 3 for my body armor.the artist was having a seizure. Thats still 14 damage. The physical edition of Delta Green: Need to Know also comes with a sturdy, four-panel screen loaded with data to help the Handler run a fast-paced, suspenseful game and sinister wraparound art to keep the players terrified. They didn't sugarcoat the lethal danger involved. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) Kurtz Computer Scientist 3. WriteLow Willpower Delta Green next to the new Bond. Sometimes you add or subtract a number from the roll. By using this site, you agree to allow cookies to store your data. HUMINT 40% cant tell what to make of her body language and mannerisms. This is especially important for characters who are the least sympathetic, such as people who willingly embrace unnatural horrors to get what they want. Why?20. (Ofcourse, you could make the CON low and say an in-jury forced your Agent to retire.) If that fails, the target still Rifle: 1D12takes damage equal to the two percentile dice added Shotgun: 2D10 at close range; 2D6 or 1D6together as individual ten-sided dice. easy to figure out.Choose a Profession Hit Points (HP): The average of STR and CON (round up).What kind of character do you want to play? Ill get to your SAN HANDLER: Things are quiet and under control loss in a minute. ARMOR AND GEAREQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. You know that this is a lie. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. THE PAST: details on the world and history of Delta Green. One is on on some new, inscrutable configuration for an instant.his stomach, covered in blood. The control officer gives the Agents the following instructions: Proceed to residence of Clyde Baughman. The nextreduce a Bonds score by the same amount. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is and the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. What did it cost you to agree to sign up? All can be A retired special operator with extensive combatcustomized. rejected by the University of Indiana, Blooming- ton, in 1985. Aside from second-hand furniture and a rustic dcor there are two items of interest: a footlocker Baughman used the other bedroom as an office and the plumbing. But once you hit PLAY, theres no turning back. After the session, add 1 to each checked skill and erase all checks.14. The Handler may Trust the Handlerask you to roll dice. AGENT SIGNATUREDD 315UNITED STATES TOP SECRET//ORCON//SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-DELTA GREEN 112382 FORM AGENT DOCUMENTATION SHEETPERSONAL DATA 1. As a forensic pathologist you study bodies and the things that kill them, and you're among the best. And they go on so long. of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the 1. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 13. Reviewing the papers reveals that Baughman owned a cabin in a rural area, about four hours away Ten yards away from the house, near the edge of by car. Traumatic background: Things Man Was NotA computer scientist with dangerous interests. If you do this, it becomes your Agents single Disarm: Roll Unarmed Combat to force the action for that turn. with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or govern- 2. Book is a great place to start stat has a space for Distinguishing Fea-Include your Agents job title or if. 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