castilian civil war eu4 not ending

(Or a female heir of age) - Provided Aragon's ruler is male, that is. This tends to be inconsistent and can be avoided, I usually only get knowledge shared by Austria when they eventually get the institution, Once your country is prepared for the reconquista, declare war on granada and fully occupy them. It is highly unlikely that either Byzantium or their ally will ask for access from the ottomans, meaning that the task is left to you. Third Principle: Lives Are Cheap, so Buy Them. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Colonization. It was fought primarily in Castile and its coastal waters between the local and allied forces of the reigning king, Peter, and his illegitimate brother Henry of Trastmara over the right to the crown. Additionally, for some reason out of the blue before my inevitable invasion of Granada since they seemed extremely helpless, Argon in 1449 Immediately declared war against Castile (me) which was probably the worst decision they could make since they failed miserably but worse than that, this sealed their fate in my mind to erase their existence. But if you really want to avoid the disaster, you can chain wars and not die, the trick is in stalling them and dealing with war exhaustion - Tlemcen and Morocco are both good targets because you can stall the war indefinitely via naval superiority. The war which lasted 7 years was a complete utter struggle while we ended up winning the war we didnt win enough land and we had to give up on the war due to the events of the following chapter which even put us more to shame than this war. Pretender rebels (size 1) rise up in revolt in targeted province. Leave your merchants how the game has them, Move your armies and navy to Murcia, and turn both your king and heir into generals, For rivals, were gonna be picking quite carefully. Answer (1 of 4): There are two weakness in starting. Introduction Castile has proven to be an exciting playthrough with different unexpected twists that were challenging but rewarding as will be explained in the following post I have decided to modify by using chapters that try to follow a chronological order but mostly focus on certain events that happened between 1444-1532 in the game which will be referenced in each chapter as each chapter holds its own story but all intertwined within the gameplay. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. When you see the notification pop up that the ottomans have declared war, pause the game. It just takes some planning ahead, sort of like France's wars of religion. He reentered Castile in 1369 and murdered Peter after the Battle of Campo de Montiel. Pretender rebels (size 1) rise up in revolt in a random own core province. The province is under siege by rebels. If you're the aggressor y. Soon there will be nothing left of our beloved nation. first, prerequisites as stated by the wiki: The country: is Castile. I've ticked all the boxes to end the disaster multiple times but its been going on for 100+ years now and I keep getting random stacks of pretender rebels spawning. Valve Corporation. This event fires only once for a country. colonial nations, eastern empires, divided regions (Japan, Germany, Netherlands, Phillippines), natives (can be very very challenging), desolated nations and semi-westernized countries (central+south Asian/African nations). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. is not a subject nation other than a tributary state. Lan Xang has three unique events which get triggered by the monthly pulse if their conditions are fulfilled[2]. A random own core province with at least 10 development that is not the capital: While the disaster is ongoing the country gets: Also the following events are triggered by a monthly pulse. As a beginner, so far i found England to be the easiest and most fun nation to play. Castile: Pretender rebels (size 1) (friendly to Portugal) rise in revolt and occupy the first province. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. As a consequence we are now facing two new groups thirsting for individual power instead of one. If the progress reaches 100%, the disaster will start with the following event: $MONARCH$'s continuous scheming and plotting has infuriated the nobles and made $MONARCH$ some powerful enemies among the aristocracy. His illegitimate brother Henry quickly obtained the support of not only the upper noblesse, but France, Aragon, and the Papacy. the monthly pulse of the Civil War disaster. Castile and Aragon are two very powerful nations in EU4, and binding them together is a great way to start building a Spanish empire. Targeted province: The AI chooses this option in 60% of cases. JavaScript is disabled. It won't take long before the whispers and rumors of plots to end the misrule will turn into reality and our nation will be plunged into a drawn-out power struggle. If you do, however, choose India, this is a nice way to do it, Arumba, our patron god, tells us not to use one colonist in multiple colonies. does not have doom. It became part of the larger conflict then raging between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France: the Hundred Years' War. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); PLAY AS THE OTTOMANS THEY SAID, IT WILL BE EASY THEY SAID!!!!!! I've ticked all the boxes to end the disaster multiple times but its been going on for 100+ years now and I keep getting random stacks of pretender rebels spawning. Cookie Notice did not have this disaster before. the war ended with a major Ottoman victory. Pretender rebels (size 2) rise up in revolt in the capital province. 'civil_war'. One of the candidates, a niece of [Root.Monarch.GetName], has sent to us for help. The war chest is beginning to run low for several of the combatants and as a result some are asking for financial support. the start of Castilian Civil War disaster. Portugal and Aragon are not a subject nation other than a tributary state. The three provinces played a very important role in the balance of the three forces in the Libya peninsula. i.e. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), You receive multiple permanent claims over Italy simply for having the Iberian Wedding, that will give you a nice foothold, Anatolia and the constantinople trade node tend to become very rich, and can be a nice route into Asia or into dominating the Mediterranean, Castile is one of the top picks for forming rome, so If you just want to dominate the coastline and restore the empire, thats totally doable, Another option is to rush the new world, which although in my experience isnt very profitable at all, is pretty interesting sometimes, You essentially get claims on every province, and the ones that you dont are covered by your national idea Inner Caetera which allows you to fabricate on any overseas province, Make sure to go to Peru and Mexico quickly, the gold income will boost you quite a lot, Using subject interactions, you can convince your colonies to attack other ones, Make sure to subsidize your colonies so they can colonies extra provinces as CNs and to help them keep an army up, Colonial Nations DO have Overextension, and unless you want to be fighting more rebels in Mexico than China does in Hong Kong, you might want to be a little careful with how fast you conquer, Be very very careful with you annex fully in Mexico, you might end up with 5 unwanted vassals from annexing someone who was about to pass a reform, As a habsburg, you have many PU opportunities open to you as long as you remain christian, I ended up with Bohemia before 1550 and had opportunities to PU both Austria and Hungary, Keep your navy strong. If you dont have austria, at least try to get one of aragon / burgundy. Every owned core provinces except the capital province: The conflict has taken a most unexpected turn, some of the smaller factions have increased their power and influence immensely during the past few weeks. Might be different in 1.25. If you wage an extended war via mercenaries, you will end up paying off the debt for decades. You can feed Aragon a lot of land, since the formation decision is made to be OK with them having annexed Naples. In 1366, he officially deposed his brother as king of Castile, Len, Toledo, and Seville and had himself proclaimed king in the monastery of Las Huelgas. else If Castile has a stability of less than. Once again the Castilian crown has seen a disputed succession and it seems the country is now on the brink of civil war. This is our chance to end this madness and restore order. Interactive corporate website. This is important because they are normally not willing to ally you right off the bat. Pretender rebels (size 2 in 15% or size 1 in 85% of the cases.) Selection of 4 random own provinces that are not the capital province: Noble rebels (size 1) rise in revolt and occupy the fourth province. Chapter 2: English Succession War (1472-1479)The unfaithful events of the succession war started what I foresaw to be the worst period of Castile after the Portuguese (our ally at the time) backstabbed us and started a very dirty succession war against us over England which was catastrophic since the French supported Portugal and we were not prepared for such a betrayal. The Castilian Civil War[1] is a disaster in Castile. If you have a save game showing this problem reliably, please make a new thread in Bug Reports and attach it there. Soon there will be nothing left of our beloved nation. Our kingdom is being torn apart by our meddling nobility which has now thrown us into a civil war. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.31. Make sure to find time to embargo your rivals without missing an improve relations tick. Otherwise, youll surely get one before your king dies anyway, Once thats out of the way, occupy all of Byzantiums provinces including athens but NOT Constantinople. This is tedious, and point heavy, so make sure to save up a few hundred admin points for it. Personally, I kinda like the idea that some disasters are pretty much unavoidable once the conditions for triggering it have occured. The weight that no event is triggered is 120 and for each monthly event it is 1. Castilian Civil War Our kingdom is being torn apart by our meddling nobility which has now thrown us into a civil war. It was last verified for, Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. Any of the following is true for Castile: at least one of the following is true for Castile: If the progress reaches 100%, the disaster will start with the following event: During the past century the Castilian nobility have time and time again actively tried to interfere with the succession of the Castilian crown and have not flinched from allying outside powers. What you want is to get +75% or more WS against Burgundy, then you have two options: You can either let the game run and hope that you get the inheritance before call for peace gets crazy, and keep sending show strength offers until they accept it (dont click send if theyre willing to take it), Or, and this is what I prefer, you make a save with 75-90, possibly even 100% WS and keep running the game for either a few months or a year or so and reloading if you dont get the inheritance, and just reload that save until it happens. The country had the event New Factional Powers and thereby chosen the option Support one side. He successfully forced Peter to flee. Although this guide can work without that, it will be much more difficult for reasons that youll see quite soon, The very first thing you want to do is rival france and scornfully insult them. at least one of the following is true for this country: Every owned provinces in Champasak and Khorat areas, Enacts government reform 'Mandala System', Gets a new ruler of our dynasty comes to power, Every owned provinces in Vientiane and Khorat areas, Every owned provinces in Luang Prabang area. ConclusionIn conclusion, Castile has proven to be much more challenging than the Ottoman Empire but more satisfying and rewarding to accomplish harder feats in with the dynamic colonization system which was an interesting experience that was extremely accurate compared with reality. Dont stab up immediately, just let the pretenders force demands so that your stability is reset to 0, then go up so the disaster can end, Do NOT expel the moriscos in the event, because theyll come back. Instead, just leave them and take the +1 stab (btw if youre in the civil war during this, dont finish the mission until pretenders enforce so you can get the +1 stab AFTER the reset), Around now, you can start fabricating on Morocco, since theyll be a target pretty soon. It was last verified for, /Europa Universalis IV/events/disaster_CastilianCivilWar.txt, PDXCON That lasted for a few more months and my 12,000 men were all stack-wiped by the Aragonese troops since Castille kept retreating. If this continues there is no way we can stop them from taking control over $PROVINCENAME$. The War of the Castilian Succession was the military conflict contested from 1475 to 1479 for the succession of the Crown of Castile fought between the supporters of Joanna 'la Beltraneja', reputed daughter of the late monarch Henry IV of Castile, and those of Henry's half-sister, Isabella, who was ultimately successful.. Pretender rebels (size 1) rise up in revolt and occupy a random own core province. Also the following events are triggered by a monthly pulse. There is an army just outside the gates of $CAPITAL_CITY$, and the city is about to fall!". Depending on how close you are to max manpower, you can slacken your recruiting standards then build up to max army size and max navy (build cogs) to complete the mission to prepare for the reconquista, If you want, you can definitely afford to upgrade your admin advisor and probably your diplo advisor to level 2. otherwise it's easy. Champasak does not exist. [From.Monarch.GetName] has declared [From.Monarch.GetHerHis] support of the Pro-Portuguese faction in our country and has sent military aid over the border. 4 Abilities Feudal De Jure Law: -5 to unrest Justified Wars: Reduced penalty to aggressive expansion Transfer Subject: Can make claims on provinces adjacent to existing claims Improved War Taxes: No cost for imposing war taxes Cavalry Armies: Increase allowed ratio of cavalry in an army by 20% Higher developed colonies: Colonies start with +1 to tax, production and manpower That can trigger civil wars. Please help with verifying or updating this section. Regardless of whether or not it has happened at this point in your campaign, there are important things to know about when it DOES happen, Firstly, youre gonna want to declare war on Navarra immediately after the wedding fires so that you can feed them to aragon before they get any allies or trade leagues. If country flag luang_prabang_flag is set, Please help with verifying or updating this section. I personally just go for admin, but diplos fine if you want, Ally whoever spawned the renaissance so they can knowledge share it to you. That said, make sure to spam galleys if your focus is inside the mediterranean, Getting a foothold in Britain early can be really valuable since you can collect trade already in the English Channel with the Burgundian Inheritance. JavaScript is disabled. Your email address will not be published. The naval AI in 1.24 builds tiny fleets so it's fine, just put your fleet in channel during war and add a heavy ship every now and then to ensure it's larger than anything AI has. Portugal gets the event Castilian Civil War (Portuguese event) in 10 days. Hell, I was playing Portugal last night and ended up rage quitting in the 1450's. Art from the Golden Century DLC for Europa Universalis 4 One of the best things about Europa Universalis 4 is how it aims to replicate actual historical events, despite its "alternate history" style of gameplay. Contents 1 Prerequisites 2 Start 2.1 Castilian Civil War 3 Monthly event 3.1 Spread of Civil War 4 Related events 4.1 Castilian Civil War (Portuguese event) Youll be able to annex them once it hits 1650 and the dutch give up revolting, Inland Africa can be quite valuable for its gold mines, but you will need to state them, You can use Norway or Portugal as a colonizer vassal to take the New World, After exploration ideas, there are a couple choices you can make for your next idea group, The path I find to work best is Innovative, then Offensive into either Religious or Humanist (depending on whether youve chosen catholic/orthodox or protestant/reformed, of course you would go Humanist if youve chosen to become sunni), followed by Influence and/or Administrative ideas. There are players who refuse to use them except in the most dire circumstances. Pretender rebels (size 1) rise up in revolt in a random own core province. You may need to ask hungary for access for austria and the others to be smart enough to go and walk into greece, (I have no idea at all why byzantium allied circassia in my game, but usually itll be serbia or wallachia), Try to avoid sieges, but leave 1k stacks on the forts in case the AI decides to run off of it when its done sieging. I don't think I've had this disaster in at least some of the Castille games I played (might have had it in my first one, but that was my first run in this game, and I believe I've prevented it the other 2 or so times I played Castille), but it doesn't seem too difficult to prevent if you just have a male heir which will be of age when your ruler dies (80 claim strength is not unusual to have). Around April/June 1445 youre gonna want to put 10k troops on your boats and station them in the Ionian Sea. After Granada became part of Castile in 1457. or if the pretender rebels have enforced their demands. Look at what ends the crisis and aim for that. on Paradox technology, Legal You are using an out of date browser. Castille is not a good beginner nation IMO and I don't know why people keep recommending it, Castille IS a good beginner nation. Meanwhile in the South towards Africa Portugal currently holding the west of Africa the only way to move is towards Tunisia which will definitely be wiped out shortly by our Castilian troops crippling the Ottomans as they currently have one less ally thus lowering their power and reach. My stupidly long idea on how Nomadic Empires in Stellaris might work. Since its actually closer to Constantinople than Edirne is, you will arrive earlier and will control the siege. Aragon gets the event Castilian Civil War (Aragonese event) in 20 days. Declare war on Burgundy with either the rival CB or conquest, and get ready for the next step. Castile had chosen option Support [Root.Heir.GetName] of the event Castilian Civil War then: Enabled if: But I understand there is some luck involved. 3 Monthly events 3.1 A Cry for Help 3.2 Unscrupulous In-laws 3.3 Army Deserters 3.4 Rebel Support in $CAPITAL$ 3.5 Civil War Brings our Nation to its Knees Being at war non stop for a nation like castille isnt hard and the IB fires quickly. This will tell you when they declare war on Byzantium. Pretender rebels (size 1) (friendly to Portugal) rise in revolt and occupy the third province. The Castilian Civil War | Eu4 MP Memes Ramen Boy 1.25K subscribers Subscribe 4.8K views 1 month ago The Castilian Civil War | Eu4 MP Memes =-= THE CASTILE SERIES!!! If you have a problem PM a moderator.). Create a free website or blog at A few months after that fight, France decided to attack England which I refused to join because i'm not going to sacrifice myself for England. Every owned core province except the capital province gets: Minor political conflicts have tormented our nation for some time now. If these prerequisites are met, the monthly progress can begin. Makes things more interesting. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Aragon gets the event Castilian Civil War (Aragonese event) in 20 days. Chapter 3: Poor Ally Choices (1479-1485)Some years earlier in the game, Hungary had offered an alliance with Castile, and due to my negligence and lack of premonition, I accepted the alliance which was a big mistake to continue from the sequences of the previous chapter a war Ottomans started a war against Hungary which made us join due to the alliance between us which was catastrophic since we didnt have time to recover from the previous war Tunis attacking us from the south with our limited number of soldiers managed to hold them at bay but the navy suffered major casualties due to the lack of recovery from the previous succession war, the ottomans managed to make quick work of the navy almost entirely wiping it out. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). As the civil war rages on, Champassak has emerged as an independent kingdom, ruled by a former Prince of Lan Xang. You don't have anyone that really tries to murder you. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. If you allied Burgundy, remove them as an ally now but you should keep a royal marriage with them. In a desperate attempt to save the throne and restore order, $MONARCH$ has turned to $COUNTRY$'s foreign allies asking for help. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Save your money and manpower by moving your troops out of the way and let the pretenders take your capital. EUIV: AAR's, Let's Plays, and Fan Fiction, EU IV: Alternate History Short Story Contest Contr. The Castilian Civil War was a war of succession over the Crown of Castile that lasted from 1351 to 1369. Contents 1 Prerequisites 2 Start 2.1 Civil War! Once again the Castilian crown has seen a disputed succession and it seems the country is now on the brink of civil war. Move the troops from Kirkkilise onto Constantinople. A guide to culture shifting can be found here: For Rum: You want to put a lot of effort into getting rid of the ottomans and taking the required provinces to form Rum. @Carolina Reaper, yeah, that tends to happen with Portugal, that is why you ally Castille, break the useless alliance with England, and choose not to join offensive wars, and instead focus on development, colonization and exploration. Answer (1 of 2): If you mean how do you end the war itself, then it's pretty much the same as any other war. Opportunistic in-laws are regarding this as the perfect timing to expand their influence and obtain more power. They have managed to overthrow the local government and have proclaimed $PROVINCENAME$ as theirs. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast . Civil War [1] is a general disaster that can occur in monarchies with low legitimacy or the Empire of China with low mandate . Im a beginner at this game, apparently Castille is a easy beginner nation. As far as I can see the rebels have no provinces so that first one should be ticked, and I'm not sure how to tick "spawned rebels aren't pretenders". With the Spanish defeat came an end to the policy of a closed empire; American trappers and traders journeyed into the region along the 1,000 mile Santa Fe trail beginning in Arrow Rock, Mo. Thats all you need, but if you for whatever reason cant get one of the other two just ally Savoy and maybe the pope. 307K subscribers in the eu4 community. (Never quote or otherwise publicly respond to moderation posts. Although you start with a troubled line of troubled kings, this can be very easily remedied with the help of our trusty buttons in order to generate the monarch points needed for a powerful start. Stab up twice. either the end of Castilian Civil War disaster A truce with Granada. Right afterwards, you can send an alliance offer to Austria and they will accept it (assuming theyve rivaled them, which happens 19/20 times). If Castile chose option Support [Root.Heir.GetName] of the event Castilian Civil War then: If Castile chose option Support the Aragonese Candidate of the event Castilian Civil War then: Portugal gets Grateful for non-interference ( +50 opinion / 2 yearly decay) towards Castile. Sometimes france if they rival you. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. This is important because it will allow you to beat them to Constantinople with the help of a maneuver general, By this time, you should have the ability to start claiming provinces in portugal. The weight that no event is triggered is 1000 and for each monthly event 100. You can do this very often, and its a really nice source of money if you can keep your subjects happy. These I personally recommend for beginners, although everyone has their own preference. First youll want to claim Porto, Beja, and Algarve, and after that its up to you, but I prefer to do states at a time, Set Ottomans as a nation of interest by clicking on a province, then right clicking the flag in the province menu and clicking the star. Money and manpower by moving your troops out of the combatants and as a beginner, so make to! Wiki: the country is now on the brink of Civil war ( Aragonese )... Champassak has emerged as an independent kingdom, ruled by a monthly pulse if conditions... This continues there is no way we can stop them from taking control over $ PROVINCENAME.! Ok with them having annexed Naples wage an extended war via mercenaries, you end. The brink of Civil war ( Aragonese event ) in 10 days them from taking control over PROVINCENAME. Least some were last verified for, please help with verifying or updating older sections of article.At! 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