virindi tank salvage

Can also repeatedly take screenshots on a timer. Making changes in one location will change it overall. It has a built in loot rule system with an in-game editor. Utility to assist with combat, looting, buffing and general grinding. It has a number of specialized sorting criteria for scrolls, salvage, and mana stones. What are VI2 'fellows' and how do I use them? FollowAroundCorners [true/false]: When following a character, if True the follower runs the exact route as leader, if False the follower runs directly at the leader. shaithan. You must have AC set up so that those keys perform a melee attack. Posts: 91. (eg. "Raider" indicates Raider Lightning ammo, and "SCurrency" indicates ammo from Colosseum, Graveyard, and Paradox-touched Olthoi Infested Area. (Virindi Tank Release Post on VNboards). The fellowship window must be open to help fellows (or be in a Virindi Integrator 2 fellowship), HelperDistanceHitP [##]: Sets the max distance at which the macro will Heal fellows, HelperDistanceStam [##]: Sets the max distance at which the macro will re-stam fellows, HelperDistanceMana [##]: Sets the max distance at which the macro will give mana to fellows, CastDispelSelf [true/false]: Casts dispel life magic self VII when the macro has a vuln on it, UseDispelItems [true/false]: Uses either a Gem of Stillness or a Condensed Dispel Potion when the macro has a vuln on it, UseHealersHeart [true/false]: When set to true and you have a healer's heart in your item list, the macro uses it for Helper. They are controlled by: This is a bug in AC. Suit Search application helps you filter through and match your gear to create the best possible suits. Full Page View: Virindi Tank: Virindi Inquisitor: ColdEve: A general-purpose combat macro geared towards ACM play. If an item comes up, say a major, that is of the same material I am salvaging, it gets salvaged. File was created in OpenOffice OpenDocument SpreadSheet, Used to help make suits. Once you figure out these basics, other features become easier to figure out. For advanced users interested in hacking, these recharge priorities are stored in user profiles under the Settings/RechargeHandlerSet subtable, but how to do this is beyond the scope of this FAQ entry. Here's how to do it: Unknown scrolls are looted if your buffed skill in their magic school is greater than 15 points below the spell's difficulty. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Type in a damage value in the text box underneath these drop down menus. Now go to the second Tab at the top of the editor called "Salvage Combination", If the salvage is in the list already click it (otherwise you will have to add it by clicking the New button . AutoCram [true/false]: Moves items from the main pack to side packs. How do I get Virindi Tank to use special arrows? In the Monsters Tab, set damage type to "Void Basic", "Drain Auto" or "Harm". Includes many bits of info often looked up by players in an easy to use pictorial format such as a VIII spells guide, useful recipes and data for all tradeskills, craft quests, and more! Set the "Action" dropdown at the top to Salvage. Auto Crafting. .NET is an integral part of many applications running on Windows and provides common functionality for those applications to run. Where can I learn about the specifics of each plugin, and their advanced usage. May take a second or two Plugin for Player Killers that will upload stats to a server for a PK Ladder type ranking system, Manage which plugins load up for specific characters, A filter to report the number of people connected to your server, A plugin to log out on death and has an anti-idle setting, Easily keep track of quest timers across multiple characters and accounts, and publish them online. If you are running both Alinco3 and Virindi Tank, Virindi Tank will display a message at login in the chatbox to let you know that you can connect Alinco3 with Virindi Tank. Without this setting, wands are only switched when a war attack is required, DoJiggle [true/false]: Secret spell dodge mode, TargetLock [true/false]: Causes the macro to attack the selected monster first, as long as it is a valid target. A max damage bow, with bd8 and epic blood thirst should look like this: (130/3)+16+2+7 = 68.3, Set BuffedDoubleValueKey>= -> BuffedElementalDamageVsMonsters to desired value. Click "New" on the bottom left, this will create a new rule for you to play with. The only plugin im currently running is Virindi Tank (Bundle plugins). (Sells all salvage except Granite) [Aun Amanaualuan the Elder Shaman.utl](/utl/Aun Amanaualuan the Elder Shaman.utl) Buys components /portal gems. Creates logs of chat text in either plain text or full color. (You can also set does not match to anything that you may not want.). Is Virindi Tank smart enough not to duplicate debuffs? I know that VT/Magtools can auto fight, open corpses, loot, salvage, combine and sort loot into packs. One thing that probably everyone wants to loot is rare items. There are 4 types of routes you can build: The Virindi Tank Meta system is a way to control what the macro is doing on a higher level than normal operations. Tiny GUI-less plugin to log a player out from game when dead. Ventrilo 3.0.0 is the next evolutionary step of Voice over IP (VoIP) group communications software. The classic looter is extremely powerful. If Alinco3 is being used to loot, you should disable mana tank looting in Alinco3. Displays a VirindiViewService HUD that shows you the remaining time on the run, the arena you are currently in and the monsters in the next spawn. Once there click the ADD button to add your current position to the list. Default is 0. What I would like is to be able to fight and open corpses manually, then let the plugins automatically pick up loot, salvage it, and sort it. You can use all of these requirements in a single rule, or as few as 2. Virindi Tank will now use your Alinco rules to loot whenever that .los file is selected as its loot profile. Posts: 91. You will now run back to the one point you added. Filter options and ranges to display locations/npcs in your vicinity, The colors it displays are the same as found in Virindi Tank propertydumps. [Default] profile settings will always reset on logout. When Target Lock is enabled, the macro will prefer to attack the monster that you select. For clothing with al we should add a "String Value Match Name" requirement, eg "Bandana|Beret|Fez|Turban|Gloves|Loafers|Sandals|Shoes|Slippers", for clothing without al (in other words: underwear) we also should have a requirement for the name to filter out items that can not possibly be part of a full coverage underwear set: "Smock|Shirt|Viamontian Pants". ), Set BuffedLongValueKey>= -> BuffedArmorLevel to desired armor level, In SpellMatch and Count add the word "Epic", and the minimum spells required to match. Priority will not take over until target is dead, TargetSelectMethod [1/2/3]: Selects how targets are given preference. It is also up to you to ensure that the monster is not too close to be damaged by the spell (eg. It must be installed in a directory other than Programs, or UAC must be disabled. (please view download instructions for more details), Alternative way to build Virindi Tank metas. Also, "LongValueKeyEE ArmorSetId == X" can be used to loot specific Sets. First, set pieces are always armor or clothing (which, from a technical point of view includes not only underwear, but some head-, hand- and footwear). Optionally you can also add requirements for the various defenses. GearFoundry is a multi-functional interface enhancement Decal addon for Asheron's Call. RandomHelperIntervalSeconds [##]: Sets the timer for RandomHelperBuffs in seconds. This will teach you how to auto combine salvage, loot, and organize with 3 decal plugins.Virindi TankGear FoundryMagTools Virindi Item Tool Chest mode not looting items that match salvage, weapon or armor rules 1 /r/asheronscall, 2022-08-15, 14:19:42 virindi tank help 4 /r/asheronscall . Provides the means to look at the internals of the Asheron's Call DAT file, Utility to log in multiple accounts at once, or just use it to log in one account. Otherwise, VT will salvage according to its rules. The Virindi are a mysterious race of levitating beings shrouded by heavy cloaks. Yes. Fellow Members prefer to attack vulned/imped mobs first. Allows you to control Windows Media Player (and others) from within AC. Boost causes the macro to prefer to recharge once it switches to magic mode to recharge, MinimumHealKitSuccessChance [##]: The lowest chance of success, in percent, that the macro will accept when attempting a heal with a health kit, UseKitsInMagicMode [true/false]: When true, the macro uses available healing kits to heal while in magic mode (with a higher priority than spells), StaminaToHealthMultiplier [##]: For a Stamina to Health spell to be used, it must be this much better than a normal healing spell, ManaToHealthMultiplier [##]: For a Mana to Health spell to be used, it must be thism uch better than a normal healing spell, ClearLevelBoostFlagOnCast [true/false]: When true, RechargeBoost only applies to the first spell cast after switching to magic mode, IdleCraftCount_HealthKits [##]: The number of health kits of each type to craft up to when idle, IdleCraftCount_StamKits [##]: The number of stamina kits of each type to craft up to when idle, IdleCraftCount_ManaKits [##]: The number of mana kits of each type to craft up to when idle, IdleCraftCount_HealthFood [##]: The number of health foods/potions of each type to craft up to when idle, IdleCraftCount_StamFood [##]: The number of stamina foods/potions of each type to craft up to when idle, IdleCraftCount_ManaFood [##]: The number of mana foods/potions of each type to craft up to when idle, EnableCombat [true/false]: Enable/Disable Combat, DefaultMeleeAttackHeight [1/2/3]: Sets the default melee attack height. Select a meta profile from the dropdown list to load it, The first three sliders manage your vitals during combat. Once you have a monster name entered you can set the ways you want to react. Automatically stacks, crams and buys MMDs as needed to have sufficient pack space. To use it, set damage type to 'Fists' in the monsters panel. Set LongValueKey== -> Material to the material you wish to loot. Basically just ad a "1." Allows you to create aliases to make it easier to /tell people you talk to a lot, Plugin features several enhancements to AC, including view screen enhancements, inventory management, mob/item identification (requires Alinco World Filter), This is a simple buffing plugin. iso vtank loot profile for high end areas, a profile that loots nothing but epics, trinkets, special items like gear markers or things of that nature. How do I set up Looting in Virindi Tank Classic Looter? The Comps tab stores a list of user selected items to automatically purchase from vendors, Select who you want to follow and Press the "FC" button, "C" toggles "Follow character around corners", Enabled: Follows the leaders exact route - Mostly used inside, Disabled: Runs directly at the leader - Mostly used outside. How do I get Virindi Tank to use Void Magic and/or Drain/Martyr spells? FelscudasNotes helps you track one-time quest flags, recalls and portal ties of your characters. You do not have to save after making alterations. Use these requirement modifiers to hone in on what you want to loot. Arrow HUD to show you the direction of your next waypoint or endpoint. You should see a list of loot systems VT can use. (some enhancements require the Radar Add-On), Decal Plugin to help with creating content on ACE. See VTClassic Sample Profiles for samples. 1-5,6-7,8,9,10 will combine 1-5 in one bag, 6-7 in another, and seperate bags for 8, 9, and 10. =). If you want Alinco3 to use its own combine rules for salvage, set Alinco3 to autosalvage. More., Ranges are displayed in yards on the main options page. If you have less than a 50% chance with kits and have food/potions, it will use a food/potion. The goal is to make it easier for you to use old components (with peas). Virindi Tank is now a public Decal plugin. those that require character actions during the macro process. Used to calculate tinks to make the best covenant armor suit. SplitPeas [true/false]: Specifies if the macro should automatically split peas. For anything except salvage bags these two values will always be the same, but only the DoubleValueKey SalvageWorkmanship is available without an ID, so you should always use that. PetMonsterDensity [##]: The minimum number of monsters (configured for summon) that must be in pet range before a pet is summoned. 13 commits. Scans corpse for scrolls of spells and list in chat what character on your account needs that scroll. Virindi Tank is distributed with the Virindi Plugin Bundle and as a standalone installer. Many of the Advanced Options can be set via the /vt opt list/set/get chat commands. A range of 5 translates to 0.0208333. Rare items share a common background for their icon and VTClassic can check for that without ID data. When you have Alicno loaded, it adds the buff stats to the hud. By default, it rebuffs when there is less than 5 minutes on a buff timer. It can filter chat, A collection of small utilities. Select "Skill" when fighting monsters with high magic defense. With meta you can create Hunt / Recomp / Return On Death routines, automate entire quests, control multiple characters through chat commands and much more. The builtin selections are: 'Custom' element sets are specified similarly to the above, by selecting among the letters BPSALFC. It's great *once you have it set up* but setting it up is a real bitch. A DCS-like utility for viewing the colors of armor. Define a hotkey in Decal Hotkey System, then change emotes in the list as you want. To do this, set the option in the advanced options panel to 'Custom' and then issue a command like the following, replacing BPSALFC with the letters you want: Set skill thresholds so you can pick up scrolls and attempt to cast spells above your skill level. How to Fix the Dungeon Map For Virindi And Radar Add On. When creating a new character specific profile you want to have the Mine Only radio button enabled, selecting the [ByChar] profile automatically enables Mine Only. Will open doors automatically. Vtank reads your characters skills, spellbook, and available spellcomps to determine which spells to cast. Now go to the second Tab at the top of the editor called "Salvage Combination", If the salvage is in the list already click it (otherwise you will have to add it by clicking the New button), and tell it how to combine bags. Virindi Tank casts the same buff over and over! Which ones are used are selected automatically based on the skills that you have trained. dungeons. VirindiTankClassicLooter overview and how to edit a loot profileFor other files used in examples: to chat output. The main wiki says Vtank comes with Virindi Tank Classic Loot System, but then the bundle download doesnt include it. It has a number of specialized sorting criteria for scrolls, salvage, and mana stones. Creature buffs are always cast. Monday September 17th 2018.Copy This Text167.99.151.205 ac.lastalias.comAnd Place in the last line o. A VI2 fellow does not require the fellow window to be open in order to heal others. HouseMan is a plugin to help you manage your house guest and storage lists. Click the Tank icon on the Virindi Views(VVS) bar to open the main Virindi Tank plugin. Normally you will not need to change anything on this tab. Same goes for issuing the chat command Wrong - /vt opt set CorpseApproachRange-Max 5 Right - /vt opt set CorpseApproachRange-Max 0.0208333. You can also view the entire Advanced Options which will be linked to throughout this guide. Optionally, you can click the "Action" drop down on the top and choose "Keep #" to specify a maximum amount of this item you wish to loot. For instance, for amuli leggings, the 'leg' color is slots 0 and 1 and the 'trim' color is slots 2 and 3. Examples .utl files for Virindi Tank Classic Looter. You can make vtclassic profiles and sell on a button click in Virindi Item Tool, but you cannot sell gear. One Touch Healing. (Material numbers located in Select a Material Drop down). A tile based mapping utility for creating rough drafts of AC dungeon maps. If you have fewer, a pea will be split. Clicking on the names will take you to the last known site (alot are no longer in use). So when you put 5 into the approach box in the main UI, ApproachDistance and CorpseApproachRange-Max are both set to 5/240 = 0.0208333. If you are the leader it will send Now you must tell VT to use Alinco to select loot items. If you edit out of game while still in game, you must reload the loot profile in vtank by switching to an alternate profile or none, and then going back on the profiles tab. It allows you to define rules that specify where matching text will go, and what color it will become, with the option for corresponding sound alerts. those that require character actions during the macro process. First you should open the latest editor, which since version is part of the VTClassic loot plugin. Automatically sells partial and full bags of salvage to a vendor. Virindi Tank is intended to only provide those functions necessary for basic operation of a combat macro, ie. Privacy Policy. StopMacroOnDeath [true/false]: Causes the macro to become disabled when the character dies, RefillWornMana [true/false]: Uses mana charge types specified in the Consumables panel to refill worn items, RefillWornMana-Item-ManaPercent [##]: Sets the minimum percentage of mana left on an item at which to refill, ManaStoneLootCount [##]: The maximum number of usable mana stones the macro will try to keep in your inventory when looting, ManaTankMinimumMana [##]: The minimum mana required for an item to be used to fill mana stones, ManaChargesWhenOff [true/false]: When true, mana charges and stones are used to keep equipped mana filled even when the macro is disabled, AutoFellowManagement [true/false]: When true, automatically recruits players on request, and manages waiting lists and votes when acting as the fellowship leader (See Virindi Tank Fellowship Commands), DeleteGhostMonsters [true/false]: Attempts to detect when monsters appear to be there but really do not exist, and signals the client to delete them, GhostMonsterSpellAttemptCount [##]: The number of times the macro must attempt to cast a spell on a monster, without the spell starting, before the monster is marked as ghost, WhoYouGonnaCall [true/false]: No Function, BlacklistMonsterAttemptCount [##]: The number of successful attacks that must miss a target before it is blacklisted, BlacklistMonsterTimeoutSeconds [##]: The amount of time a monster is blacklisted for being unhittable. Dungeon light: Lights up dark dungeon caverns. Allows you to set hotkeys to perform functions created by different plugins. SpellDiffExcessThreshold-Hunt [##]: See here A positive number raises the skill necessary to cast spells, a negative number lowers it. Mar 23, 2011 at 8:56am. Most are files soanyone can scan for viruses before attempting to install. If you look at that rule in the editor, you will see that RareId is a property that requires the plugin to ID the item first. Life protections and banes can be selected through the advanced panel by changing the BuffProfile_Prots and BuffProfile_Banes options. On what you want to react is intended to only provide those functions necessary Basic! A combat macro, ie set via the /vt opt list/set/get chat commands buffing! Will send now you must have AC set up looting in Virindi Tool. Is also up to you to play with during the macro process buff stats to the one point added! 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