puppy with flat rib cage

Once upon a time, a wee little pup diagnosed with Swimmer Puppy Syndrome was viewed as a lost cause. hi my name is chris and my aussie just had a litter of 5 about 15 days ago im a little scared because all of them are healthy and growing fast but one of the pups is just a little smaller and his ribs seem to be wider than the other pups and he has trouble breathing at times and has a different whine than the others as well almost like a baby cry what can i do to help this pup out without spending lots of money at the vet? Some breed standards call for a narrower rib cage (slightly sprung or slightly rounded), but they usually state that the chest should be deep and extend well to the rear, thus providing enough capacity for heart and lungs. Thank you very much in advance for your replies!! Thank you for such a quick response , I am sorry to bother you again I had another problem , the rest of the pups have began to get a small flat spot on there chest.they all including the one I am working on will crawl with there legs under them there swimming appearance isnt bad. I have no pictures of the hobble tape technique because I didnt use it with Fudge, but I will try to describe it well enough for you to do it yourself. Note: Fido should see the vet since you cant give dogs the same medications that humans use. By nature, they have breathing problems. The most commonly affected site is the nasal cavity, although the ribs, pelvis, long bones of the limbs, and non-skeletal sites have also been reported to be involved. A normally rounded chest can begin to flatten within hours of birth but may go undetected in a large litter. I started searching on line and found coreen's web site. This is caused by their abnormal movements. Within one day this puppy was up on all fours and walking (unsteady but walking none the less) with is a 110% improvement from the day before when we were sure we were going to loss her all together. In appearance, the middle of the chest appear to be flat or concave, rather than slightly convex. If he still seems to be having trouble, let me know. Lipomas can be surgically removed if they interfere with your dog's mobility or comfort, grow rapidly, or rupture (causing skin damage). Instead, the swimmer The Rib Cage and Dog Weight. Plus, it can lead to a condition known as slipping rib syndrome.. They get the hang of it rather quickly - usually no more than 3-4 days.My pups were still nursing exclusively at 3 1/2 weeks, so I would just put Fudge on a booby to eat - in his rig, ON HIS SIDE. In addition, he eats much less compared to the others as well, the pups are still nursing from their mother. $30.15. The veterinary student and dog owner have a common question on how many ribs do dogs have. Which I have not been able to do cuz he fights me. Others believe that it is not genetic at all, but merely congenital. she has improved with her front legs so much. We were at the vet yesterday but she never heard of this syndrome so that did not help. The rib cage is located under the vertebra. An I would like to try the t-shirt and foam harness, but if I use the foam on the chest, will that not push the rib case further in? The critical thing is to get them laying on their sides; how is not important. Assuming she can't sit, walk or stand, and since only the hind legs are splayed, I recommend the tape hobble. jayeearlvillahermosa@yahoo.com. full time. You can visit the vet for a quick check-up. She looked to me "split" well, since all the other puppies are walking and playing (4 weeks in 2 days), she cannot move properly and she shows a big flat chest. He has swimmer puppy syndrome. Rebecca, it sounds like you are doing everything right. A precise and timely treatment can save your dogs life. The costal cartilages and the sunken breastbone are more flexible in younger dogs. Be on the lookout. The newborn that can only nurse (and sleep) belly-down stands out early as I had no idea he would be so "disabled". I have been searching for help with this. J Vet Cardiol. Help! He maybe out at the elbow, but his hind legs are not splayed. Any pharmacy should have some brand of it.Position the pup on its side and straighten the hind legs down and away from the belly in a typical standing position. Pup was diagnosed with pneumonia and swimmers syndrome. They can't seem to do anything in those jackets. Practice makes perfect.Please let us know how your boy is doing, and good luck.~LabMama, Hi, I have a litter of only 2 staffy pups & just realized yesterday that the boy is a swimmer. What should I do?, But how will I know if my dog doesnt need surgery?, 5 Real Reasons Why Dogs Absolutely Love Bones (2023), 9 Weird Reasons Why Your Dog Sits On Your Chest + 5 Tips, 7 Alarming Reasons Why Your Boxer Is So Skinny (2023), 9 Alarming Reasons Why Your Labrador Is So Skinny (2023). The key is to FORCE him onto his side. Like Scotty breeders, Bulldoggers are an inventive lot and have used mechanical support devises to lessen splaying of the front legs and encourage proper development. If it comes to that, Ill walk you through it. If the pup is indeed 6 MONTHS old, I do not think your problem is Swimmer Syndrome; most untreated swimmer pups don't live that long.I have a few ideas about what the problem might be, and I think the basket technique could be very useful, but I highly recommend you contact Coreen at Oak Ridge Cockers. Thanks for your help. He will wobble and sway when you first remove it; think of how the *normal* pups topple around when first learning to walk. The following day we went around the block and though she didn't want to go as far, I made it a game and she went with us and our older Berner too. Thanks.:). Thus, it seems to react along with your poochs spine. what the Budweiser Clydsdales stand on. It has been suggested to me to have her put down but I cant, she is so gorgeous. Apocrine Cysts: These cysts are caused by obstructed skin glands. However, the problem affects a kitten's spine and sternum too. I think I might have realized part of my problem. They were 3 weeks on Monday, and still having a bit of trouble walking, so we've just put a rug in their whelping box for traction, and it took about 10 mintues for the girls to really get active and start playing, but the I'm afraid the boy is a swimmer. $30.99. Do you think there is anything else I should do. One week ago tomorrow we went for a longer than usual walk and she was running out front on the leash to such a degree that I had to jog to keep up with her. On the other hands all other pups looked very big and healthy. I have a Husky mix i started bottle feeding at 1 week (wasnt nursing). I know we have a long road a head of us, but I"m hoping he comes out on top. He has ordered thyroxine to be given twice a day to help Sheeba's growth ( also some antibiotics because of being rejected so youngHe is positive that she will be OKkeep doing the passive movements! Jeez can you tell I'm stressed? And when the front legs are straight, eventually the back legs come up.I actually did two horizontal cuts in the main body part, so that I had two distinct ties, one holding the top of the chest in place, the other the ribs lower down.I gave up with the sponge wedges in the armholes as they kept falling out.It does take a few days though, and must be constantly worn and the progress is gradual. As mentioned, sling suspension helps the pup to get her paws on the ground, but you can also use a toothbrush to tickle those nerves and increase tactile sensation. Can you please post some pictures of how to best tape a puppys legs that has swimmers leg syndrome? In addition to dogs, pectus excavatum has been reported in humans, felines, cows, and sheep. All you need to do is check the dogs sternum. I dont see any improvement yet. However, the twisted stomach is sealed off and although the dog retches or attempts to vomit, he brings nothing up other than drooled saliva. It sounds like the sock was either too tight or it made the pup too hot. It is necessary that he lay, sleep and nurse on his side though, so make sure hes doing that. The risks of pectus excavatum in puppies are nothing to be messed with. Used in the whelping bed it is When you bind the hind legs to you tape them together or how do you do. This should be done from 15 to 20 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day. I did try the sock and t-shirt methods, but somehow its not satisfactory, as I think I am not getting it right. It is rare for an entire litter to be affected. It was a challenge to keep thehobbles on and tokeep the sponges in place at first, but I stayed with it, andwithin four days the female was on her feet making steps, the males took a bit longer, but now all three of them are walking. Wiki User. This is a heart-breaking story. I don't know if it's a neurological issue or Swimmers? Does your pooch refuse when you try to touch that area? The one which nurses on its side is actually doing much better on his own and tries to get up and walk as well. She mothers him and plays with him. I tried the swimming method. I have my iPad at the hospital and he's out of ICU now so I should be able to reply faster. Hi,We have 2 english bulldog puppies. I turn her on her side to nurse which does not like. Yesterday I saw him sleeping on his side.

Do you think he will be ok, so I can still sell him? I'm keeping it on her just a few days longer, then she won't need it any more.I can see why this works so well. Remember how fast they are growing right now their bones have to be 'flexible'.Please keep us posted on your progress! The primary difference between a horse's rib cage compared to rib cages of other animals is the number! You are already doing most of the work to assist her.Please post here again if you have any more questions or concerns as she grows. I live in Iceland and found out today thru internet that in my litter, one is a "swimmer." Noticeable just a few weeks after birth, the front, and hind limbs grow out to the side of the body, keeping the puppy in a permanent swimming position where the limbs can only move in a paddling motion. If the lungs are accidentally penetrated, that may result in pneumothorax. Its never her choice but she s happy to stay there. I massage his legs everyday. Have you found anything to be helpful? You can't begin correcting him too soon! Have you noticed any difference in his stool compared to the others? I'm sorry for your lost puppy, but we can save this new one!Keep him on his side most of the time, especially when sleeping and eating. The other one is having difficulty nursing and doesn't nurse for long or vigorously.In fact, to sustain him, I have had to resort to artificial feeding..with a bottle and pup formula milk. Is there any discharge from his nose? Anyway I tried almost every method I found on your web and Coreen's. do we need to change the flooring or add something to it for better traction. Once they build up their strength, they usually rally and thrive.Please keep us posted and ask for more help if you need it. In a week or so hell catch up and no one will ever guess he had a problem.As always, post here if you need anything. Once she starts doing it on her own, you can remove the tape hobble. How can you prevent the swimmer puppy from turning into a walrus with permanently flattened chest? Puppy x-rays are the most commonly utilized diagnostic imaging method in the veterinary industry. Have you asked a veterinarian to check the formation of their hips and legs? Due to their overexcitement, they missed a step. A young vet when saw the puppy, immediately said me that when she was at the vet university, studied a case called "Swimmer Puppy Syndrome" She was not too sure about it and checked on her PC about the syndrome. This can cause internal bleeding and fatal damage. PLEASE do not harness the puppies yet; nine days old is much too young. Hi,Thank you for your informative and useful blog about swimmer puppies. I was wondering if you could explain to me a lil where to place them. Pectus excavatum in eight dogs and six cats. Ill be here to help if you need me.There is currently no way to post your photos here because I havent been able to convert to the new commenting system yet. They can assess whether your dog can recover with regular treatment or if they need more than that. One of the female pups have quite a flat chest or rib cage. Broken ribs require emergency medical treatment, as the end of a broken bone can puncture the dog's lung. The puppy is unable to stand or walk by three weeks of age; Because the chest flattens, the heart and other organs are pushed up into the pleural cavity. Let me know if you still need help. Thanks for your advice. I ll try the front leg rig today and see how it goes. The puppy is now 5 weeks old. Willow is the beautiful runt of a litter of 16 that were born last February. That's a decision you will have to make when the time comes.I'm so happy to hear of your success! Pearson JL. It is otherwise known as a funnel chest. Have you asked your veterinarian about any other possible health issues, such as hip dysplasia? Chris, does this pup ever lay on his side or is he on his belly at all times? what is happening that concerns me is that she has a flat rib cage it doesn't seem to bother her but I just don't know if it will get worse. Do I place the cotton balls on the inside of the front legs or the outside. I couldn't get the tape technique to work. If turned onto his side, 05th October 2019 Flat chested kittens, characterised by a dorsoventral flattening of the rib cage, are well recognised by breeders but are not well reported in the veterinary literature. Best wishes to you and congratulations on your baby. I found out about this syndrome the same way you did; our vet didnt even know what he was looking at.Im thrilled you found the information useful - thats why I maintain this site. I know I must persevere with turning him over all the time. Youll see that they have 13 ribs. By all means, sell him to a good home! He is breathing loudly with the rig on. Ellison G, Halling KB. Before realized what was going on with them I would put a wet cloth underneath him and this would help him and he would breath normally. hello, tommorw we are adopting a 5 month old husky. Sometimes a more textured surface can help, especially when they are first getting up on their feet. Lay the pup on its side with the legs straight down and away from the belly. window.open(x, 'largeimage','menubar=yes,status=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,width=800,height=700,left=50,top=50'); I have been lying him on his side for a week. Pectus excavatum in dogs is identified by a narrowing or a dip in the breastbone. I hope we never have to go through it again, but if we do, we now have so much knowledge on the subject. You can get some inspiration from Starfish! When a kitten is flat chested they often suffer from another condition known as pectus excavatum (PE) which is . The last pair of ribs inside your dog is much shorter. There can be several causes of a lump on a dog's rib cage and the only way to know for sure what you are dealing with is having the vet evaluate the lump. Since she was so sick we bottle fed, and I think this is what went wrong. In some animals, especially snakes, ribs may provide support and protection for the entire . This is a fairly uncommon syndrome, with little research and understanding in terms of what causes it in the first place. Share your stories about Swimmer Puppy Syndrome and help fellow dog owners! I am going to try to box/basket trick aswell as massaging as he is very rigid.I would really appreciate your advice, I am so worried about losing him. I will follow what you've said & let you know how it goes, fingers crossed.Kind regardsStacy Archer, Hi I am new in here hope I am posting in the right area!I had a litter of 10 Lab puppies born 2weeks ago & one male has a very flat chest & I can feel a difference in his rib cage it feels like they stick out on the sides more he definitely will not lay on his side. I added a picture.. you can see how his back legs are splayed out. If the pup is sleeping on his side and standing on his own, it should be safe to remove the rig completely. Thank you for your help. . I am afraid that it might be too late for my little guy. I kept putting them on there sides and working with them and all of them are just fine clean bill of health! Michelle, Fudge spent most of the day and all night in his 'rig' for the first 3 or so days. Humans only have twelve ribs, while other animals such as cows, sheep, cats, goats, pigs, and dogs have thirteen. One has started walking, still little wobbly but walking. This is very important; Swimmer Puppies NEVER lay on their sides by themselves, and that is the natural position for nursing. do you know if I am doing enough? Please write here again if I can help you with anything else.LabMama, Hi LabMama,thank you so much for all your help and advise I will let you know about his progress.Your website and this lab blog is so great, I'm sure you it helps a lot of breeder.talk you soonYvonne, Hi LabMama,Just wanted to post some updates, the puppy did start to stand up now, just after 5 days. He tries to wlk and will do ok for a step or two but then he falls flat over on his side, tries to right himself and then usually falls over to the other side. Best Dog Crate For . Fossum TW, Boudrieau RJ, Hobson HP, Rudy RL. . While these tips may not seem a lot, they can still help prevent worsening the situation. Thanks for the help! The dragging around of her legs isnt necessarily anything; shes only 2 1/2 weeks old and they all do that this early on. In some breeds, such as the greyhound, these thin waists are a normal part of the dog's physiology and not an indication of pectus carinatum. Our female just had one pup (other litters were 9, 9, & 6). Problem was, I've been his mommy since 1 week and he trusts me not to let him go under.. he fell asleep. General Appearance The Havanese is a small, sturdy dog of immense charm. Rebecca, that is just wonderful news! On the other hand what does go away is the discomfort it can cause. Please post again if you have any more questions and best of luck with your sweet baby!

. J Small Anim Pract. He just wants to lie on his belly and his ribs are definitely flattened, one side much worse than the other. We use a womens sock with sponges at their chest and sides. Lipoma Lump on a Dog's Rib Cage Lipomas are commonly found on dogs and they are simply benign masses made of fat cells. they are Shih Tzu's . Since you are on this so early, taping would be the preferred method.I recommend using the self-adhesive first aid tape that resembles an ACE bandage. I will be monitoring the site again now, so please let me know if I can be of any more help.Best wishes. hi thereI ahve a full litter of 5 swimmer lab puppiesthw vet wasn't experienced with the syndrome, so we had to look for info and hobble the puppies ourselvesthanks a lot for your useful informationthe front legs are getting stronger with the t-shirt method, but we have problem figuring ou a way how to hobble the hind legs , so that the puppies can urine and also try to walkthey also don't want to lay on the side, although we push the to, several times a day.could you please describe a way to save the hind legs or even bettere post a picture?PLEASE HELP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. Seven pairs of ribs attach directly to the sternum, at the front of the chest, through cartilage that forms at the end of each rib. They are maturing normally but their body functions are not. My litter consisting in 5 pups is very unlucky from the beginning, one of them has a cleft palate and we are keeping him alive (he will be 4 weeks on saturday) to have surgery when he will be big enough. Its the bone right in the middle of the chest. I have been doing passive leg movements & she can move both of them now. 2008 Sep;49(9):8804. Vote. Contents A Lump on a Dog's Rib Cage 1) Lipoma Lump on a Dog's Rib Cage 2) Result of Trauma 3) Soft Tissue/Skin Growths 4) Rib Bone Cancer in Dogs Sling & tape: Suspend your puppy in a sling, so she is kept in a standing position with her paw pads in contact with the floor. My concern is that his chest is so concaved and I am so worried about his organs and he has been fighting me the last 2 days of laying on his sides. Diagnosing pectus excavatum deformity in dogs can be done in three ways: The clinical symptoms are associated with heart and lung compression. He's growing so fast that his body should adjust quickly.Congratulations on spotting the problem and taking quick action! Denise. When he moved to his mother to nurse, he looked like a soldier crawling under concertina wire, scooting along on his tummy. Thats exactly why I maintain this blog. His hind legs are very weak. The one normal pup has already started walking..wobbly but walks. He rarely ever is on his side both when feeding and sleeping. On this site I share simple tips that empower dog parents all over the world. Stiffness. Physical movement has been shown to be a huge factor in healing Swimmer Puppy Syndrome. THERE IS HOPE. The keel, also known as the body, is the bone between the dog's front legs, while the xiphoid process takes up the rear of the sternum. Dont lose sleep worrying that it will happen to your litter, dont spay a valuable bitch if someone tells you it is genetic, and never raise puppies on newspaper! If you can teach them to do that on their own at this very early stage you can probably prevent more complications going forward. Use the wrap to bind the hind legs together Not *hogtied*, but firmly enough that he can't splay out again. At 6 WEEKS, you may be dealing with a swimmer puppy. I would like to update you on my pups I had the sp german shepherd pups well they are now 6 weeks old and round as a ball . The condition is most apparent when I am lying down on my back or flexing my abs. How will he go with all 4 legs "rigged" at once? That has nothing to do with Swimmer Puppy syndrome. Hi ThereI have just been sent your site, I am praying your advice works. Great Danes. I am in the process of looking for a small box or basket to put her in. A few days of forced proper behavior at this early stage may be all she needs to get on track.Please keep us posted on her progress and let me know if you have any more questions. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section below. Our breeder is the best and we have kept in contact, but I am getting more frustrated and scared by the day. The following are the six most commonly used treatments for concave chest deformity in dogs. They can diagnose the situation of the skeletal construction correctly. Here is a list of notable breeds . She is very kind and eager to help.Please let me know if you still need assistance.

I know it sounds intense, and it is for a few days, but that should be all it takes to get your boy on the road to full recovery. In our section down below, we will be covering several causes behind these conditions, and also cover the solutions to each specific culprit. The malformation is notable in non-domestic mammals such as sea otters, ruffed lemurs, and rare mammals from the rainforests of Asia. x. Youll know right away if your dog has a broken one. https://www.thedogplace.org/Reproduction/Swimming-Puppy-Syndrome_Andrews-146.asp, SSI Hello don't give up I have a 12 week golden that just start to run,,have the kids throw toys and let him chase it..make sure they play with him on a rug,,baths will help his legs hold him so he can swim,,i can call you if you need any help let me know..i did not tie his legs up. My husband convinced me to try some therapy first. #6: What is the difference between a floating- and a broken rib? You have no idea how happy I am to have found this site.well actually you do. Again, thanks for all your help and support to so many. Protection on the rib cage of the heart, lungs and diaphragm. Pectus Excavatum in Cats. His back seem stronger than I've read most pups with this syndrome are. Cracked ribs are painful. With closer examination, I noticed that the third rib from the bottom . Yes, I absolutely would begin therapy now on the pup who nurses and sleeps on his side some of the time. 2014-06-10 20:12:24. The world's 1st site by/for dog show judges TheJudgesPlace.com educates on purebred dogs. Typically using a 1-5 or a 1 to 9 -point scale that ranges from too-skinny (1) to obese (9), they will determine whether your dog needs to lose, maintain, or gain weight, aiming at the ideal range of 4.55. Have any suggestions for feeding them? Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association. I just kept putting him on his side several times a day (actually just put him between two of the other pups to help keep him on his sides for a while anyway) it wasn't even a complete week and hes sleeping on his side now all by himself. My vet clinic does a lot of reproductive research & this is how they knew about the condition. Most vertebrates have flat rib bones, which serve to protect the internal organs inside of the torso of the animal. Good luck, and let me know if you have any more questions.Your English is perfectly fine, by the way. Veterinarians assess your dog's body condition by sight and touch using something called a Body Condition Score. Contrary to a widely held misconception, men and women have the same number of ribs. It makes a big difference to have some one who understands. They are all splayed with all legs. This comment has been removed by the author. Bonnie ! Do you think I should start therapy now? Almost 4 weeks ago we went through our worst experience with our female. I stress talking to your vet about this first because Selenium can be toxic if overdosed. Best wishes for happy, healthy puppies! He always lays on his side or back to sleep. With that, it acts as a support for the backbone. Thank you for any help!

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