pso2 summoner subclass pet

Pet will ask for Shifta during attacks (higher chance on E-Trials or when attacking bosses) and Resta when low on HP. SP includes both Basic Stance Charge and Precision Stance Charge. If you are looking for a "caster" type to start in PSO2 the Summoner is a solid option for a beginner. Unlike most MMORPGs where players stick to one kind of "build" depending on their Class, mechanics in. The Pwr increase Shifta formula for pet is, Pwr Cookies are not affected by Shifta (analogous to how weapon special ability affix isn't included in Shifta), Harmonizer/Takts are not affected by Shifta, 2017 affix on Qliphad: Tech III, Spirita III, Ares the Soul, Doom Break I, Elegant Tech, 2018 affix on Evleada: Tech III, Stam III, Ares the Soul, Doom Break I, Grace Tech, 2019 affix on Lightstream: Ares the Soul, Doom Break II, Persona Reverie, Arks Max, Grace Stamina, 2020 affix on Orb-Liberate-Nova: S-Ability (S6:Wise Skill, S7:Increased Efficiency, S8:High Minded), Ares The Soul, Doom Break II, Persona Reverie, Fordruss Glare, Grand Spirita, I like my PP to hit 300 for Maximum Critical Stream bonus :). Attribute directly affects pet damage. Note that Shinkuro's 3rd hit has 2400 power, which makes it stronger than many PAs. This is useful to quickly cast Zanverse, Megiverse, Resta, and Shifta. You can jump after inputting the command to activate your natural PP regen. If you plan to use more than 1L Skill Rings, then it is recommended that you use 12 units. For more information about inits, please see the detailed unit guide, linked below! 113% damage if pet is within a Mirage Step distance from you. 121% damage on enemies with a status effect. Due to Dilligent personality, this PA uses 20PP. Fortunately, hits transferred by Alter Ego doesn't dissipate the barrier. This has a niche use against aggressive bosses, particularly Omega Masquerade. Once you hit level 20 you can select a subclass. Do S Eggs have any difference than regular eggs, apart from color? Not helping if you're using deliberate exhaustive PP combo like Popple & Rappy. Voltage increases with each hit you make to any enemy within 5 seconds; if you don't make a hit in 5 seconds, the count is reset to 0. This skills adds extra breathing space for low defense pet and make high defense pet practically invulnerable. Can also be obtained from doing Alto's Mesetan Shooter CO in Casino. 14 Aero has higher Pwr, upgraded Aero Spriral (wider attack area) and Aero Slash (stronger). 271. Pet attacks are always Tech regardless of activated Switch skills, thus you need a Critical Strike Tech ring! This can be a lifesaver for pets with lesser durability, like Torim, Aero, Synchro, Or Redran. Subclass PSO2 has a wide variety of classes that you could use as a Subclass for Summoner, but the only two that really stand out are Phantom and Fighter. Upon using a Photon Blast, this harmonizer will gain an extra effect based on Photon Blast while the harmonizer is equipped: Helix grants an additional 104% damage; Ajax grants +40% attack PP recovery; Cetus grants +30% natural PP recovery; Julius grants 12% damage resistance Ilios grants -15% PP cost. Added Sinistere State reference as the NA name for Glance of Darkness. Best combined with long-range pets like Popple. Due to how Change mechanic works, Viola is the only pet that gets stronger by using Liberate Takt. Unlike Jinga Break, Marron stays in place. Any parfait that requires you to have certain % of PP is not recommended since your PP fluctuates easily. Timing alert: this PA is 48 frames long, but you can activate another PA in 44 frames, resulting in the second punch not connecting. Similar to Redran, but easier to use against bosses. Preferable if you use Jinga on regular quests. Since the maximum difference is only [119.3 / 115.8] = 3%, it's safe to say that it's a worthwhile trade. Viola takes 483 damage during Viola Change, which is an invulnerable state, Synchro takes 513 damage during Shinkuro Kick, which is a guard frame state. Summoner is a versatile class that fights using pets rather than weapons, each with their own unique move sets, strengths, and weaknesses. The other important thing beside raising your pet properly is how to use them properly. Added NA names for recent Harmonizers. This is the only critical rate source for Luster. Rating of Damage per second, calculated roughly by damage divided by frame, divided by average damage of Pet PAs. Add extra 108% from Attack Advance Ring, you'll end with 115.8 score. Alongside Hunter, Ranger, Force, Braver, and Bouncer, Summoner may be chosen upon creating a new character. ( ; ; ). Contrary of what I've written before, the damage transferred to pet is: I apologize for the error and the misconception I've caused. Increases the recovery speed of non-active pet. Main combo to use when Melon is fully blown. If you start the quest with the gauge at 99.99%, the item will not drop and clearing the quest will simply put the gauge to 100%. Phantasy Star Online 2 Subclass System Summoner Support CF (Wanda, Jinga, Viola). 175.5% rear-attack damage (100% on front attack), +25% critical rate. 105% damage during Shifta when attacking mid-air. A summoner is a class that utilizes pets to inflict damage at enemies. However, it will cost 10 SG each for the first 3 times, and also use high-rarity eggs only, like 12 EXP Egg. A two-hit attack, mind the timing between 2 attacks. Minimum multiplier is 106% and will regenerate at 0.4% per second, totaling at 10s to be maxed. Added Super Deadly and Super Spirited Parfait. Caps at 8 locks, which requires 112.5f and additional 52f for launch, totalling 164.5f (2.74s). Posted on June 11, 2021. An evolution of Redran, although appearance-wise, have nothing in common. A 14 Melon will have 5000 MEL Def (S-DEF), along with 300 more ATK compared to Marron. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). For a bit more info please see. If you're new, just use whatever parfait you can get from Pietro's COs, Titles, and Seasonal Urgents. Guren, Nemesis, and Raven/Slave scores roughly the same, despite Nemesis and Raven not having damage boost. Rolls are the third most important sweets, and they have a varied uses. This combo simulates throwing Strike 3 after 15s. Marron is best used when your enemy is agressive and have a lot of multi-hit attacks, like Omega Masquerage. Combines Underdog and Indefatigable, as well as having increased rare item drop rate. Switching to different harmonizer and back will retain the effect; the effect lasts until you return to campship. SP includes both Wise Stance Up and Wise Stance Critical. You don't ned to make it max 35; a +30 will do no different from +35. Last 2 hits are stronger, but have delayed execution. Don't feed that expensive high evolution egg to your main pet, it will only raise it's EXP! Your average damage will be: You are almost about 14.82% (relative to 85.75%) more powerful than a non-critical build. PP, combo, and survival abilities all depend on the player, so I decided to test this MEL Fi vs TEC Fi myself with the following condition: So thus, at same skill level, MEL is only 3.8% better. You gain 2% damage bonus based on your voltage count and 4% damage reduction; Damage bonus is capped at 10% and damage reduction is capped at 20%, which requires 500 voltage. Timing alert: this PA is 44 frames long, but you can activate another PA in 44 frames, resulting in the second hit not connecting. Phaleg, Omega Masquerade, and Shiva; In those quest, you can throw Marron Strike 3 in under 30s and swap to another Marron. The new effect lasts 30s and has 30s cooldown. In other words, without any critical enhancements, averagely, you only do 85.75% damage. Suicide attack requires 30-60 seconds to set up, thus making it unsuitable for bosses that's not aggressive (i.e. Club, The Barking Lot, M & J Pet Grooming, Critter Clippers, Dogz101, Groombuggy Not subject to guard frames or invulnerability frames, e.g. DPS rating assumes Marron take 9 hits and be thrown in 15 seconds. Hold button to keep Marron in front of your character, draining your 1 PP every 2s. 17. r/PSO2NGS. Summoner Support CF (Wanda, Jinga, Sally, Popple). Increases PP gained with pet normal attacks when attacking enemies with their elemental weakness. You can try this by seeing that Melon mostly take 1 damage from EP4 Phaleg, and when Dear Master triggers, they take hundreds of damage. Player (Manaka) is a Fem Cast, naturally has higher MEL and lower TEC. Have a Light-attributed Jinga fully raised, i.e. On the other hand, Rykros Rappy Drop, scored at 95 during 60s Alter Ego and 73 during 30s Alter Ego cooldown, this amounts to the score of [60/90 * 95 + 30/90 * 73] = 87.6. Adding as much critical as possible allows pet to reach higher average damage, without compensating any aspects (maybe that 10 PP from 2 Spirit Canes). If your pets can benefit from other class skills, melee type pets would benefit potentially massively from Fighter as a sub-class. Area attack which requires holding the button; just tapping it will cause Sally to return and does the animation, but does nothing else. Added information about Grass. Use TEC/T-ATK Mag instead! However, their easy-to-use nature allows you to utilize Zanverse together with their attacks. A pet will always start with 8 Caramel Cubes, requiring you to spend 64. Using Viola Change, however, increases their defense and changes how their PA works: exerting high-powered damage, high DPS, and enormous hit box in expense of slower animation and sluggish PP regeneration. However, PSO2's damage factors are actually: So if you have great stat and multiplier, but lack PP circulation and combo is nothing, you'll have lower DPS. This is optional, but can be handy if you master the rather lenient timing. Gummies commonly adds 10 HP and they are 1x1 each. Not much use considering the availability of Rykros. Timing alert: this PA is 136 frames long, but you can activate another PA in 44 frames, resulting in the last 4 hits not connecting. This would be considered an advanced class. Player takes all MEL up skills on Fi tree, along with all PP/half/deadline slayers. Pet Stores. 101% attack, +10% critical rate, 120% defense during Shifta sympathy. If you just started the game and have no idea on affixing a unit: In theory where a lot of variables dismissed, yes. Has a high PP cost, ditch this once you have Safoie-0. SuEt with Tech Attack Count Bonus is incompatible with a lot of pets' combo which involve using a single attack repeatedly. Preferred to have Multi craft (more ticks). If you can get one for free, feel free use it (or sell it), else don't bother with it. They have no real weakness and is suitable for every possible scenario. Should you decide to acquire this, grinding is a must. This is not activated during Melon Strike, unless Melon's HP is below 25% when using. If you like Dark Blast Apprentice like me, then you might have a use for this, but otherwise, the Profound harmonizer is better if you just want Dark Blast time extension. You'll gain the ability to equip a subclass around level 20 by completing Koffie's "Subclass License" client order, at which point you can speak to Bea to equip your subclass of choice. Character will gain invulnerability when receiving a damage that would kill them and the damage will be delivered to pet instead. A long combo that utilizes as much 5-Chained Strike/Geki as possible. Add extra 103% from Critical Strike Ring, you'll end with 119.3 score. This is preferred to keep Melon on the defensive side. PA-wise, Herbie's fast Burst allows it to take advantage of Rykros Staff more. Guide restructured to emphasize more on pet than equipment. The only sub class that allows easier use of Redran. Pets are most damaging when using Summoner main as the class have a couple of ways to raise the pet damage. This harmonizer can be and must be upgraded to Zara harmonizer to have any use. You still need to take this to get access to All Attack Bonus Lu. during Mirage Step. 107% damage if enemy is weak against light or dark. Requires reaching 500 Voltage as fast as possible; Activating Alter Ego during 500 Voltage will make Alter Ego immediately usable after the effect ends. Recovers 50 HP per hit. This skill allows pet to exit the field and retains the field's effect for 30s. Melon needs only 2 hits to maximize its Strike PA, but if you hold the PA button after the throwing animation, you can catch Melon back, like a yo-yo. These sweets are arranged from the highest priority to the lowest. Player attacks until PP runs out and let pet normal attacks until PP is full, during normal attack, pet's Shifta is reapplied. Damage transferred by Alter Ego counts and will reduce the multiplier. What is the best parfait combination for Vulcan? You'll need both Shinkuro and Zanverse to keep your damage up. Plus value will usually be close-to-maxed, if not maxed, once they reach L130 by feeding random Pet eggs. Eligible skills are Popple Plode, Trim/Aero Spiral, and Rappy End. Each pet type has a different plus value cap; any Wanda will have same the same cap, but a Jinga will have different cap than Wanda. Activities you can do with Pietro includes: Check the Tutorial Quests on Quest Counter to know the basic way on how Summoner fights. If you mark a part with Point Assist and you attack a different part, that different part will take 110% damage only. Added top navigation to related guides. Hunter doesn't offer as much attack as Fighter but adds more durability. SuBr is best when fighting bosses whose weak point is exposed for a long time to warrant Weak Stance activation, such as Dark Falz Elder, Cuento Dragon, Dark Falz Persona, Demoire Dominus, and Veiled Fordruss. 165.00% (Elemental Stance), 185.62% (Break Stance). Use to correct Vulcan's vertical position. Neither are practical for mobbing, so let's assume it's for bossing. Not subject to pet defense or damage cuts and is applied as-is. Don't make a special mag just to support 1 skill! Pet attacks have no JA. Player uses Switch Strike when using Jinga A (MEL). Trim and Aero are currently outclassed by their glass cannon peers like Synchro, and fellow avian, Rappy. Popple is overall better since it has Charged Popple Plode, a wide area attack; and its main DPS move, Popple Curse, only cost 5 PP. You don't need 200 PP if you aren't using Ph sub. Both require you to use their Curse attack once every 10 seconds. Considering this harmonizer is a drop-only and you cannot make it like other Atras weaponry, it's considered to be useless. Blue Gelatin Cubes will be removed automatically once a pet reaches level 50 (or so). PSO2 Class Guides Build Up Your Pets DPS as a Summoner in PSO2 Gemma Taters 47.3K subscribers Join Subscribe 301 Share Save 17K views 2 years ago Playing Summoner is very different from most. Add 14% from 2 Critical Candy Sticks and 20% from 2 Support Rolls. Somehow this is used as a licence to be a jerkass for players who wanted to keep their boost on while on status effect toward players who want to heal them off their status effect. They can only appear with the use of a Takt. Viola is rather similar to Wanda with its attack motions, though slower and tankier and with a stance-change gimmick that increases the range/damage of its PAs, but decreases . There's also combos, PP management, frame saving, and your enemy's profile. While it can aid your damage as long as the mag has energy, it can backfire against Anga Phandaj as it will have increased chance to resist your harmonizer. The best sub-classes for Gunner are Fighter or Hunter. Blog New Page Macbook Air Apple Hardware Test 6 2 Dmg Avast Free Mac Security_online.dmg Os X Mountain Lion 10.8 5 Dmg Install 10.12 Developer Preview.dmg You can only put 2 rolls and they can be compressed twice to a 2x2 size. full sweets/candy box, and at L130, Have a Light-attributed Melon fully raised, Have a Light-attributed Synchro fully raised, You can accomplish this by trading 63 Sage Crest into 504 Conqueror Crest, also at Zieg's Sage Crest Exchange, In the example above, the base unit is a Schvelle which has 50. Fire Mastery, Light Mastery, etc.) This harmonizer can be and must be upgraded to Guren harmonizer to have any use. During attacks ( higher chance on E-Trials or when attacking enemies with status... 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