pathfinder kingdom building spreadsheet

Example: Jessicas kingdom has no vacant leadership roles, so nothing happens in Step 1. Likewise, the rules assume that the leaders are working together, not competing with each other or working at odds. Thanks for the confirmation! I've finished the next iteration of the spreadsheet! You should be using the Kingdom rules in Ultimate Campaign, as they fixed a number of issues present in the Kingmaker rules. a new kingdoms Size is 1. If you have reached this walkthrough from the Stolen Land article, this walkthrough will be rather brief in comparison as kingdom management is more of a mini-game than it is a necessity. the economy of the Pathfinder universe is kind of warped and non-functional. These rules assume that all of the kingdoms leaders are focused on making the kingdom prosperous and stable, rather than oppressing the citizens and stealing from the treasury. Unrest can never fall below 0 (anything that would modify it to less than 0 is wasted). Hey, guys. a wealthy queen may grant you minor titles and BP for your treasury if you kill a notorious bandit and turn his ruined castle into a town, or a guild may provide you with a ship full of goods and workers and enough BP to start a small colony on a newly discovered, resource-rich continent. | 13th Age SRD Phase 4Event: Check whether any unusual events occur that require attention. I've uploaded the corrected version to the previous (4.1 link). | Cairn SRD I think "Paizo community" is a perfect description. Phase 2Edict: Declare official proclamations about taxes, diplomacy, and other kingdom-wide decisions. Mark, the Royal Enforcer, doesnt want to risk reducing the kingdoms Loyalty, so he doesnt use his leadership role to reduce Unrest. Looking forward to the final product! I've finished the next update I had in mind. Benefit(s): During the Edict Phase, choose one kingdom attribute (Economy, Loyalty or Stability). Thanks for catching this! Pathfinders! Because buildings don't even show up on your list unless you meet the requirements, it's very easy to find yourself going "Should I not build this windmill because it'll block a Sacred Grove? The Viceroy represents the Rulers interests on an ongoing basis in a specific location such as a colony or vassal state (see the optional Vassalage edict). You make your kingdom checks and other decisions about running your kingdom at the end of each month. The Warden is responsible for enforcing laws in larger settlements, as well as ensuring the safety of the kingdom leaders. This sheet is still very much work in progress (I still need to finish adding all activities for instance), but it might still be useful and/or inspiring: Royal Kingdom Sheet for Pathfinder 2E - ALPHA. These skill-based additional bonuses modify the standard leadership role bonuses in the same way that the Leadership feat grants additional bonuses. Support Material. included in this declaration.). When you decide on your kingdoms alignment, apply the following adjustments to the kingdoms statistics: Chaotic: +2 Loyalty; Evil: +2 Economy; Good: +2 Loyalty; Lawful: +2 Economy; Neutral: Stability +2 (apply this twice if the kingdoms alignment is simply Neutral, not Chaotic Neutral or Lawful Neutral). You may have to fend off other challengers for the land. I've got a start on updating the sheet and you can download it here. I was truly afraid I was going to have to either stay with the older Kingmaker rules or start tracking by hand. Unless otherwise stated, the DC of a kingdom check is the Control DC. Tweaked the way a few formulas work, especially in regards to vacancies and edicts (personal preference), Formatting: You cannot use this step to sell magic items held or created by buildings in your settlements; those items are the property of the owners of those businesses. The only long term impact that kingdom management has on gameplay is that if the kingdom fails, your game is over. The population of each settlement is described in Settlements and Districts. Now - all I have to do is wait my first paycheck from my new job, so that | Here Be Monsters Download Links: Let me know if there are any issues, its my first time making a self calculating sheet. If your kingdom controls 0 hexes, skip the Upkeep Phase and proceed to the Edict Phase. For example, a General increases Loyalty by 2, so the General provides a constant +2 to the kingdoms Loyalty (not a stacking +2 increase every turn), which goes away if she dies or resigns. I'll get it changed! PCs and NPCs as Leaders: These rules include enough important leadership roles that a small group of PCs cant fill them all. Many steps allow you to perform an action once per kingdom turn; this means once for the entire kingdom, not once per leader. Table: Improvement Edicts tells you the maximum number of terrain improvements you can make per turn. The key parts of the kingdom-building rules that you'll be referencing are as follows: Explanation of the kingdom terminology used throughout this chapter. You can only claim a hex that is adjacent to at least 1 other hex in your kingdom. (Probably only lots of coding for no gain), Could it be useful to add a list with some info about the buildings for the city map tab? You both add your Charisma modifiers to the kingdom attribute (or attributes, if the kingdom is large enough). Abdicating a position increases Unrest by 1 and requires a Loyalty check; if the check fails, the vacancy penalty applies for 1 turn while the new leader transitions into that role. The Treasurer is in charge of the tax collectors and tracks debts and credits with guilds and other governments. I plan to do the following as I find time to work on updating the sheet further. all text not specifically designated as Open Game Content is not Open Game Content. :). If none of the kingdoms leaders are in the secondary territory when this split happens, you lose control of all hexes (as described above) in the secondary territory. If you want to spend some of the kingdoms resources on something for your own personal benefit (such as a new magic item), you may withdraw BP from the Treasury and convert it into gp once per turn, but there is a penalty for doing so. Time spent ruling cannot be used for adventuring, crafting magic items, or completing other downtime activities that require your full attention and participation. (Size/lots, preq, kingdom bonus, settlement bonus, costs, etc.). Dudemeister's 2e Kingdom Building Sheet (BETA). A subreddit for anything related to the Pathfinder Second Edition tabletop role-playing game. I didn't see one on here so I took the time to make it for my home game. | Forge Engine SRD Could it be useful to add a list with some info about the buildings for the city map tab? The Royal Enforcer deals with punishing criminals, working with the Councilor to make sure the citizens feel the government is adequately dealing with wrongdoers, and working with the Marshal to capture fugitives from the law. Attempt two Stability checks, adding the settlement's Law and subtracting its Crime. Older versions Excel (.xls). Oh, Sacred Groves require a Monolith. You may assume any leadership role (including Ruler) for your colony or vassal state, but any benefit you provide in this role is 1 less than normal; if you do so, you must spend 7 days that month performing duties appropriate to that leadership role in addition to the 7 days spent for Viceroy duties. Modifiers: Corruption +1, Law 1, Lore 1, Society +1. Benefit (s) a method moving from one floor of the building to another without using stairs. Unrest increases by 4 during the kingdoms Upkeep Phase. My group is about to start book two of Kingmaker so, in my rush, I've had to ignore anything related to mass combat for now (as such, Defense bonuses may not be 100% accurate everwhere, although Settlements should be okay), settlements do not currently list slots for magic items, I've stripped out some of the special features (like Zoetrope's Event/Weather generators), and many of the "Optional" rules from Ultimate Campaign have yet to be implemented. While I wholeheartedly agree that Ultimate Rulership needs to be included, I would like to suggest to Brad that he finish the core Ultimate Campaign rules, and maintain that spreadsheet (in case there are further errors found), and once that's done do the Ultimate Rulership spreadsheet. Stability Check Modifer: -4. Standard Version (.xlsx) Success means Unrest increases by 1; failure means Unrest increases by 1d6. While it is possible to convert gp into BP and back again, for the most part youll just be spending BP to run your kingdom. This section uses kingdom as a universal term to represent all kinds of domains, regardless of size, form of government, and gender of the ruler. Found an error in City overview, the waterfront and districts counter only reference to tab: city 1. Frankly I might even just save myself the worry and not do an updated version myself, because these are just awesome. I assumed Mr. Nelson and company would be the awesome type that supports and loves the OGL, though. Who makes each roll depends on the players in your group and what roles they want to play. The Ruler performs the kingdoms most important ceremonies (such as knighting royals and signing treaties), is the kingdoms chief diplomatic officer (though most of these duties are handled by the Grand Diplomat), is the signatory for all laws affecting the entire kingdom, pardons criminals when appropriate, and is responsible for appointing characters to all other high positions in the government (such as other leadership roles, mayors of settlements, and judges). In many cases, a kingdoms initial BP come from a source outside your party. Vacancy Penalty: Economy decreases by 4. The downtime system doesn't normally use BP, but if you are using the kingdom-building rules, you may have ways to spend BP as part of your downtime. The Royal Enforcer may attempt to reduce Unrest during this step. It is the Grand Diplomats responsibility to represent and protect the interests of the kingdom with regard to foreign powers. For example, players may decide to construct a city full of graveyards because of the bonuses they provide to the city, but if the GM believes that is unreasonable, he could decide that the city is prone to frequent undead attacks. Others, such as a rampaging monster, require you to complete an adventure or deal with a problem in a way not covered by the kingdom-building rules. Thanks, again, for everyone's input! For example, you may decide to have low or high taxes, to have more or fewer holidays, and how much effort to put into improving the kingdom's infrastructure. Also, in case there was any confusion regarding the Consumption cost for armies on the "Overall" sheet, armies pay their Consumption cost weekly so the amount listed on the Overall sheet is multiplied by 4 since everything else on that sheet is calculated monthly, not weekly. It has really paid off for us so far. But going back to the real topic, I am blown away by these. Fief: The sponsor places you in charge of an existing domain within his own already-settled lands. ^_^. Edit2: Dance Halls have the same stats as Brothels and any references to Brothels in the UC rules (such as Theaters, the Drug Den event, etc) are essentially typos and should say Dance Hall instead. Alchemy Tracking Sheet. Doing so increases Unrest by 1 for each hex abandoned (or by 4 if the hex contained a settlement). Some heroes found kingdoms, driving out hostile monsters to make room for peaceful settlers. Here's a form fillable, auto-calculating sheet for Kingdom Building. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! The kingdom cannot issue Diplomatic or Exploration edicts. IOW, fire away with the spreadsheet and the rules from Ultimate Rulership. Restoring order once a kingdom falls into anarchy typically requires a number of quests and lengthy adventures by you and the other would-be leaders to restore the peoples faith in you. Step 4Build Terrain Improvements: You may spend BP to build terrain improvements like Farms, Forts, Roads, Mines, and Quarries (see Terrain Improvements). Theocracy: The kingdom is ruled by the leader of its most popular religion, and the ideas and members of that religion often enjoy favored status in government and the kingdom. Thanks for the suggestion, Niilo! My group's next game is this Sunday so I'll probably be working on the sheet again, I'd like to tackle quite a bit this week and I'll probably have armies added back in by the weekend. They defeat the monster, so the event does not generate any Unrest. This sheet was made by Keenan . None of the kingdoms magic item slots are empty, so they skip Step 3. Any chance you might consider supporting the new material in Ultimate Rulership in a future sheet? Those with magical abilities often enjoy favored status in the kingdom. A kingdoms growth occurs during four phases, which together make up 1 kingdom turn (1 month of game time). At the GMs discretion, monsters may move into the abandoned hex, requiring you to clear it again if you want to claim it later, and terrain improvements may decay over time. Whenever you act as the Ruler for the turn, you must succeed at a Loyalty check during the kingdoms Upkeep Phase or Unrest increases by 1. But consumption is automatically listed as 1 on the Army tab, and in the Overall is listed as 4. There is a 25% chance of an event occurring (see Events). If the PCs have larger goals, such as carving out a new, independent kingdom, these rules allow them to build cities and engage in trade, diplomacy, and war. Pathfinder: Kingmaker's kingdom management contributes an overall level of stability to the Baron's territory. Determine which hexes belong to each daughter kingdom. The Ruler is the highest-ranking person in the kingdom, above even the other kingdom leaders, and is expected to embody the values of the kingdom. The game statistics for the types of buildings. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Thanks for pointing this out to me! Benefit(s): Add your Charisma modifier or Wisdom modifier to Stability. You can do this by going to the menu at the top of the page and selecting "File", then "Make Copy". If the kingdom has no official religion, the High Priest may be a representative of the most popular religion in the kingdom or a neutral party representing the interests of all religions allowed by the kingdom. Sometimes, breaking a kingdom into multiple pieces or joining with another kingdom is the best option for long-term survival. I'd love to get the rules from Ultimate Rulership incorporated into the sheet! While there's some fuzziness between what's a rule and what's other text when you have, for instance, a 200-word paragraph with a sentence in there that contains a rule, but that's not really relevant for creating a spreadsheet. Each role grants the kingdom different benefits. 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Ryan Costello, Adam Daigle, Matt Goetz, Tim Hitchcock, James Jacobs, Ryan Macklin, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, Richard Pett, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Stephen Townshend. You may a building in any settlement in your kingdom. Based on leadership role bonuses, kingdom alignment bonuses, and buildings in her settlements, the kingdoms Economy is 52, its Loyalty is 45, and its Stability is 56. I don't have Excel at home but I should be able to fix any problems I find when converting. This represents either a mechanical (pulleys, ropes or cables) or a magical (levitation or flying) elevator system. Treat each lot as approximately 750 feet per side, so overall the district takes up about 1 square mile. I don't spend a ton of time testing these sheets so errors, large and small, are likely to crop up. Step 2Make Deposits to the Treasury: You can add funds to a kingdoms Treasury by donating your personal wealth to the kingdomcoins, gems, jewelry, weapons, armor, magic items, and other valuables you find while adventuring, as long as they are individually worth 4,000 gp or less. I just didn't really like it (personal preference). Likewise, a settlement with more magic shops than houses and businesses may slowly become a ghost town as all the normal citizens move elsewhere out of superstitious fear. Again, thanks for all the excellent work! Add the base Consumption for the army (1) and the adjusted Consumption cost for the Ranged Weapons (2) for a total of 3 Consumption per week for the army. If your kingdoms Unrest is 11 or higher, the kingdom begins to lose control of hexes it has claimed. Then, to claim the hex, spend 1 BP; this establishes the hex as part of your kingdom and increases your kingdoms Size by 1. As for adding a check rule on the name of cities, this sounds like it could be a good idea, but it will likely take a decent chunk of time to implement thoroughly and make sure every reference to city data gets covered. It seems the least we can do for all your hard work\. A Pathfinder Kingdom Building hex is 12 miles across, or 6 miles to the side. At the end of this phase, the kingdom has Economy 55, Loyalty 42, Stability 55, Unrest 4, Consumption 4, and Treasury 5 BP. | Heroes and Monsters SRD During the Event Phase, follow these steps. Modifications: If you are the Ruler, abdicating increases Unrest by 2 instead of 1, and you take a 4 penalty on the Loyalty check to avoid the vacancy penalty. The Event Generator hasn't been a priority for me yet, so I've removed it temporarily until I get a chance to rework everything for the Ultimate Campaign update. I still have quite a bit of work to do on it, but it's been a fun way to get to know the new system and also make something that I will use when I restart my Kingmaker campaign next year. Stability: Stability refers to the physical and social well-being of the kingdom, from the health and security of its citizenry to the vitality of its natural resources and its ability to maximize their use. In Step 7, the leaders issue a Holiday edict of one national holiday (Loyalty +1, Consumption +1) and set the Promotion edict level to none (Stability 1, Consumption +0). Just as a kingdom can divide into separate pieces, kingdoms may want to unite to become a more powerful political entity. | 2d20SRD Benefit(s): Add your Dexterity modifier or Strength modifier to Loyalty. Step 1Assign Leadership: Assign PCs or NPCs to any vacant leadership roles or change the roles being filled by particular PCs or closely allied NPCs (see Leadership Roles). When I discovered that Berhagen and Zoetrope had made an awesome spreadsheet, especially one that incorporated Book of the River Nations, which I had already purchased, I was incredibly relieved. If you believe my calculations are still in error, that I may have overlooked something, or just that I've plugged in different numbers than you had in mind for your example, please, please let me know what I've missed. Elevator. Anyway, as for what's coming next, I think I'm going to focus on getting most, if not all, of the "optional" stuff from Ultimate Campaign added in (like Settlement Modifiers, Fame, etc). The Warden also works with the General to deploy forces to protect settlements and react to internal threats. For example, having a High Priest makes your kingdom more stable and your citizens more loyal, and having a Treasurer makes your kingdom more profitable. 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