it's jesus say hello jesus copypasta

cut off Florida from the rest of the country. They all had this look on their faces as if I had just slaughtered 7,924 Afghanian children. Reminder: You are currently impersonating {{}}. Can you spare a moment for Jesus Christ?", featuring a polar bear sticking his head through a window (shown below). I don't think anyone got the joke becaude no one laughed, so I said "Do you guys know who Keanu Reeves is?" As he was being blinded by my pee, he was stumbling around and bumped into the wall very hard. (After battling several demons and severing a branch of Qliphoth, V finds Dante's bloody body), An Incorrect Summary of Devil May Cry 5 Part 2, "Holy shit! "Alright guys, is anyone able to guess what kind of weapon Torres loaded onto his submarine? four goddamn times now for like 20 years. Here, you will buy the most important item in the entire game. Everyone in the church was screaming and running out the door. Jesus was the message. (shown below). "This is the police! He didn't intend to.". Jesus is not aloof or indifferent. Jesus is the embodiment of all we need. On January 10th, 2013, the Internet . John uses several key words that he refers to time and time again throughout his Gospel as he introduces Jesus as the Son of God. The priest had a look of shock on his face when I said that. (the floor of the level is immediately flooded) That's not a good sign. You have the words of eternal life. I assume it's because it was forst bell and everyone was tired. 12.3 With Magical Mercenary equipped. To my surprise, no one laughed. voice isn't stupid. On today's episode, visiting Spongebob. . . I had to think fast. It's time to talk about that combat, or better known as a 19th century safari. Like really fucking good. No one understood the reference. Navigating the challenges and joys of ministry life. Who can accept it?'" Go subscribe to r/atheism." Bullets from the helicopter were raining down from above but none of them hit me since I was Naruto running so fast. We took our seats and the priest was up front talking about "salvation" and "holiness" or whatever. 1. 3:14). God help you when he picks up that sword again. WHY ARE YOU EJECTING ME?" To the Greeks, Logos was more of a philosophical principle than a power. OH MY GOD ITS 3 IN THE MORNING AND IM IN MCDONALDS AND WE JUST FOUND OUT THAT WHEN U PULL UP IN MCDONALDS AT 3 AM YOU CAN BUY . No way. Yes, you heard that correctly and clearly: Skyrim's weakness to only render 10,000 cheese wheels at once, so much testosterone dripping from its orifices, does not consider or think through his actions and effects on other people, then extends them some more off of a fucking cliff, I'm assuming you've probably played the game. Same thing as last week. I looked at my friend Dalton (He plays the trumpet in band, just like I do), and yelled "Dalton, do you get the joke????" I'M NOT SUS THOUGH! That's not very keanu chungus wholesome 100 of you. We begin by looking at the first pair of words: Word and God. So, I pulled out my gun (I always keep a glock in my foreskin so I can pull the Among Us death animation when I lose my virginity because I know it makes girls horny.) You'll be on there next if you don't SHUT THE FUCK UP. Did someone do a Fortnite dance?". He started embracing me tighter. "What once killed asteroids now kills ass. He held a cross in front of himself and started talking about "possession" and "demons." "\Admit it, you, Por qu parece una maquina de fax? After being chased around the room for two minutes, I hastily undid my pants and peed in the security guard's eyes. On October 7th, 2012, 9gag[2] user daffyduckydack submitted a photograph titled "Excuse me, sir. Everyone in the church was screaming and running out the door. "You might notice something funny about this level. All that can be said about God can be said about the Word. No, I was merely waiting for night time. For my presentation, I decided to troll my entire class by making my entire slideshow about the popular game, Among Us. ", Hey guys it's me, Max0r. I'm sure you'll love all. I limped all the way to the woods where I am now hiding and writing this. . "Dammit, I can't hit him!" The "I am" recalls God's revelation of his name, "I AM," to Moses (Ex. I responded by yelling "THE TEACHER IS SUS I SAW HER VENT" and then naruto running around the room. One time a couple of Jehovah witnesses showed up at my house on my way back from school. However, he had his head buried into his lap. *nuzzles your necky wecky * ~murr~ hehe . Here are some subtitles!Original video by Andy: From the heart the mouth speaks. and our Say hello Jesus. The pastor, not amused, told me to sit down. This war of . But guess what, Jeeves: that garrote wire won't do shit for dick against armour this thick. Bullets from the helicopter were raining down from above but none of them hit me since I was Naruto running so fast. when your private ambulance comes armed because you paid extra, Eating you would do me no good. Rick has earned a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Master of Theology in preaching from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. They were too busy screaming to notice. He challenges people to make a stand. It embodied the creative energy of God. He held a cross in front of himself and started talking about "possession" and "demons." . Biblically Accurate Angels / Be Not Afraid. Endorphins were rushing to my brain and my body began to shiver as I let out a quiet moan. Shamu hasn't been the same since he tried crack. to view the video gallery, or Endorphins were rushing to my brain and my body began to shiver as I let out a quiet moan. John provides stirring eyewitness account. and our How can you say, Show us the Father?' The crowd around Jesus had grown quite large. Jeezums fucking Crikes, it's so fucking wet! "- CM_Punk_sxe. which is obviously a Jewish man pretending to be Catholic, and possibly even Polish since his accent mysteriously disappears. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work" (John 14:9-10 NIV emphasis mine). While there is a warning, there is also a benefit. But then, he said something that really caught me off guard. That statement is only two-thirds true. In this battle against Microsoft Excel, we are faced with a boss too large to be fun and are relegated to enduring his onslaught from inside of the forever box. This video has flashing lights. And yes, there is an upgrade tree dedicated to bees. We just stopped by to ask if" Soon I shall have NATIONAL PARK DESIGNATION and the government will no longer TAX ME! No one laughed. There are six gods or some shit and they made humans for fun. I replicated the Big Chungus pose with 100% accuracy. This level begins as a tutorial, primarily focused on executing basic mechanics, as well as the disabled. ", Final Fantasy 15 "Review" | BTS Adventures. (Why does he look like a fax machine?). John wrote in verse 14, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14 NIV). Lyrics. ITS Jesus! John does this by stating: "He was with God in the beginning." atomize people into their base particles. You shattered my shakashuri. All rights reserved. At the end of the intro Max0r promised that, I'd catch myself looking at 'em. C. S. Lewis in his book Mere Christianity wrote, "A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said wouldn't be a great moral teacher. Many things Peter did not understand; he was just as bewildered and puzzled as anyone else was by the miracles and teachings of Jesus. "WHEN THE IMPOSTER IS SUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Or to put it more simply: What God had to say to us was not only or mainly what Jesus said, but who Jesus was and what he did. the priest was better at the game than me, That's not the last time we're gonna see him, Foreskin Noble, Guardian of the Holy Prepuce, Cain beat his brother to death with a rock, the Boss breaking Naked Snake's elbow on the bridge, conference calls of an unspecified duration. Go subscribe to r/atheism.". We took our seats and the priest was up front talking about "salvation" and "holiness" or whatever. Use it to hit weak points, confuse your enemies and prevent them from attacking, or accelerate deforestation. A crucifix fell off the wall and impaled his stupid, ugly fat head. This internet phenomenom is so big that you can literally post the Image of a trashcan without any context and many people will get the "Amogus" reference But take all of this with a bit of salt. The Word is in the presence of God, face to face with him. Jesus is God communicating to us in a language we can understand. I said that I was playing Among Us and asked him if he was uncultured. I just didn't sign up to play. He is saying that the Word was the embodiment of the divine, the personification of Deity, the incarnation of God. ", featuring a polar bear sticking his head through a window (shown below). So, I pulled out my gun (I always keep a glock in my foreskin so I can pull the Among Us death animation when I lose my virginity because I know it makes girls horny.). Because why aim at enemies when you can aim at a target the size of a fucking coin? He writes with a clear evangelistic purpose. Jesus said, "These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me" (John 14:24 NIV). Rawr X3 *nuzzles* How are you? When I realized no one was laughing, I yelled "Don't any of you guys use reddit?" I said "good imposters get butt humps." I ended up getting escorted to the principal's office and getting suspended for a week, but in my opinion, it was totally worth it. ", "For our next battle, we have Blade WolfJesusand let me say, if you, "Hey, what's up gamers, Max0r here, and today we're gonna be questioning why Blade Wolf is. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Of course, this section would maintain the formal and encyclopedic tone of Wikipedia articles, but things such as the "Among Us Effect" As seen here:1st or in the Lego Piece 26047 (Image of the aforementioned piece, which looks like the Crewmate in Among Us. I slammed my hand down on the crucifix, replicating the button you press in Among Us, which drove the crucifix further into his skull. Copyright 2023 TwitchQuotes. It's the word he I want you to pay special attention to. A car ran over his head, causing his brain and skull fragments to splatter everywhere. It's been pretty tough since the German depression If I came off rough it was not my intention I am always mean to Jews, push 'em round like a bad dude Always wanna tell 'em what to do When they tell me eff you, better pray to baby Jesus You wouldn't like me angry at you I'm so mean to Jews, I don't really hate them, it's cool 12.4 With Spellbinder's Bonnet equipped. "You will not need motivation to kill in this game, it comes about naturally, just like polio. [] Playing the game optimally, in this case, would mean making the game boring and, "Remember, the game is free, and so is, I think a good place to start is with our team, the Feulgonosaria. Same thing as last week. I decided to install Among Us to play, right? This guy is so sus, let me tell ya. It was Jesus' way of saying, "You have to take all of me, not just the feeding and the miracles. I screamed louder than I ever have in my life. (John 6:67 NIV). I went upstairs to the roof to check out what was going on. This battle is a classic case of "wait for him to do anything,", An Incorrect Summary of Metal Gear Solid 3, "Now the Virtuous Mission can finally begin. He held a cross in front of himself and started talking about "possession" and "demons." To accomplish this purpose, John meticulously records seven "I am" statements that Jesus made that can only be attributed to God himself. THOUSANDS of dollars are STOLEN from me to build ROADS and ORPHANAGES! . John is saying more than "the Word was divine." It was Jesus. It's Jesus! I then gloriously slammed the door and walked away. I'm so . I know that you're expecting a gimmick, or a funny voice. Albert Einstein Copypasta, also known as "Malice of Absence," is a fictional account of a philosophical debate on the benevolence of God between a religious-skeptic professor and a student of faith, the latter of whom is revealed to be the world-renowned scientist Albert Einstein. I could not believe what I was hearing. I shot at the helicopter and it started spinning out of control and crashed into the front of the church, causing a huge explosion. Everyone in the church was screaming and running out the door. I Naruto ran faster than anyone has ever Naruto ran before. John wants us to believe Jesus is God. The greatest sign that Jesus was divine is his resurrection from the tomb. I answer the door, I clean up the estate, and I take out the trash. This fight is one of the best in the game as V is forced to remain mobile, balancing the damage of his minions while overcoming the caffeinated super ranting of the Redditoid. John begins his account by writing, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. "I am the bread of life" (6:35,41, 48, 51); "I am the light of the world" (8:12, 9:5); "I am the door for the sheep" (10:7, 9); "I am the good shepherd" (10:11, 14); "I am the resurrection and the life" (11:25); "I am the way, the truth, the life" (14:6), and "I am the true vine" (15:1, 5). The Prologue is one of the most complex theological statements in the Bible. On a simple level, your baby brain is responsible is responsible for two tasks: dodging and hitting, and dodging in this game renders you temporarily invincible (for 1/3 of a second). We took our seats and the priest was up front talking about "salvation" and "holiness" or whatever. I could not believe what I was hearing. The mammoth deserves to be extinct because he was weak. Download a free PDF sermon manuscript| PDF. The Word was with God, the Word was God. I'm, uh, serious about that. I actually had to make sure I wasn't wearing my noise cancelling headphones that I always wear while playing Among Us. So when things take a bad turn and we're at our lowest point, you really feel it. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from This guy was definitely the imposter. That's not made up. We have Amazon. Context: it was common to drone strike gatherings of high profile targets, but difficult to distinguish between a war council and a wedding. Did someone do a Fortnite dance?". John is saying that the Word was of the very essence, the very character, of God, while not being identical with God. It is frustrating when people speak in a coded language or have insider information, and we don't understand. . but complicated in that he has your moveset, the human mind is an evolutionary maladaptation, The longer the Icon of Sin is on Earth, the stronger he will become, This angel is faster than you, hits harder than you, teleports behind you, I wonder if it hurt when he fell from Heaven, I think it's better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven. That's not very Wholesome 100." May 10, 2021 at 04:27AM EDT I believe it. Sinners will be allowed no quarter. If you didn't catch on by now, the word "Jesus" has "SUS" in it, which is a reference to the popular video game "Among Us." Everyone was staring at me as I had a huge grin on my face, perfectly replicating the face from the "when the imposter is sus" meme (Google it if you don't know what it is.). CSB Experiencing God Bible, Hardcover, Jacketed. This guy was definitely the imposter. "Young man, please be quiet" said the priest. Sorry! Jesus will have the last word. Jesus Christ himself was standing on my door mat. I-Is it possible? The man was the message. I'll just have to give you a demonstration then. The angels picked up the trumpets and as they were about to blow it WHEN, Jesus fell down and began to plead in tears. This is a joke. What does a cheese lover say when someone keeps messing around with them? And when someone is speaking to us, we want them to speak in a language that we can comprehend. ", If I can't watch Marine-chan on, then no one else will, crashing into the wing of a downed bomber. I grabbed him and threw him across the church, sending him crashing through the window and slammed against the street outside. Why is it that the world can't spell "lose" or "woman" right??? It is not the end of the story but the beginning, our attention is focused in this message. In this chapter we witness Jesus feeding the five thousand, walking on the water, and proclaiming that he is the bread of life. I replicated the Big Chungus pose with 100% accuracy. AND AMONG US? There's no way he couldn't be. Jesus possessed power over nature, something only God could do. Say hello, Jesus! Reminder Wumaos aren't worth engaging with. Even Naruto himself would be proud of me. What will be his last word for you? Unfortunately, not a single person laughed. You can't tell me that they are somehow super biased. HE DOESN'T GET THE AMONG US REFERENCE!" I limped all the way to the woods where I am now hiding and writing this. I slammed my hand down on the crucifix, replicating the button you press in Among Us, which drove the crucifix further into his skull. I limped all the way to the woods where I am now hiding and writing this. There are many implications, but let me offer a few. I trolled EVERYONE. He was literally the one who made the Among Us reference in the first place. The literal translation could be "the Word was towards God." [4], [2] 9gag Excuse me sir can you spare a moment for Jesus Christ, [3] Daily Dawdle 10 animals that wonder if you can spare. He was literally the one who made the Among Us reference in the first place. And I slapped his face and yelled "EMERGENCY MEETING!" Before I go, I want to give you all, Monster Hunter: World "Review"| Extinction | Colonialism. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. For some reason, no one laughed at the meme. . A car ran over his head, causing his brain and skull fragments to splatter everywhere. MORE LIKE EMERGENCY MEETING!" Same thing as last week. The speech was pretty boring, but there came a point in his presentation where he said "I know there are some students among us who have been subject to bullying." What do we know about words? "On hearing it, many of his disciples said, This is a hard teaching. Will it be: "Welcome home my good and faithful servant; I have a room prepared especially for you"? In Genesis 1 in the Creation story we read nine times, "God said." If you want to know of how to get to heaven follow the one who came from heaven, Jesus. Please don't misunderstand, Jesus, The Word, embodies information. Every 10,000 years, every moth combines all their collective consciousness into one gigamoth called the Khan Makyr, who is the Moth Pope. It's not like, "You look up to the sky above, and you think that heaven might be up there, but you don't know for sure. Discover your favorite sound bites, sonic . And were all in it for the same reasonto fuel the churchs mission of making disciples. staircases that are required to progress the game. "Here's a fun tip that most Genshin players don't know: "I literally installed this game after downloading 60 images of Ganyu, since the official lore of the game specifies that she killed a monster, "It is simply not worth it for me to engage in combat if I cannot also yank it. So, last Sunday my parents made me go to church ,which made me really mad because my parents don't let me play Among Us in church. No one laughed. People have been saying "Jesus is coming" for 2k+ years. Proceeds to shoot Edward from behind the door, letting his new authority get to his head a little. Everyone fell dead silent and looked at me. Or will it be: "Depart from me, I never knew you"? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It's all because of borders and police officers telling me that I can't eat the drywall at Home Depot. Your Bible study. Tahrif in Islam claims Judaism and Christianity edited their holy books. It's Max0r here, and today we're being beat to death by a gorilla. Hu Tao is pretty cute. I sat back down but then later when he said that Jesus was accused of blasphemy and crucified I couldn't contain myself and I yelled out "JESUS WAS NOT THE IMPOSTER!" Instead, he sent himself and became that Word to us. This was John's flash of genius. I am no less a man than anyone with a pacemaker or hearing aid. On your cuttlebone? But don't let us come up with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. Jesus said no one would know when he would come. Whatever. sugoma balls, The Gospel of John begins a new Genesis which depicts the redemptive work of Christ. To: Talk:Among Us The heavy amount of shitposting which satires the videogame "Among Us" seems massive and relevant enough to me to have some sort of brief mention in this article. Excuse me sir can you spare a moment for Jesus Christ. I screamed back at her "SCHOOL ASSEMBLY?? He is not mute but articulate. I had to think fast. Same thing as last week. by Alpha was the first letter in the Greek alphabet; Omega was the last. That's not very keanu chungus wholesome 100 of you. This sets in motion a sequence of quirky adventures to satiate the bloodlust of Park Jimin. The roof started sliding off from the building, which landed on the cop cars and killed 8 cops. My goal here is not to get the funnies, but to make wikipedia a better place, and I think this is a way to do it, but If you don't feel like this is the right way feel free to tell me. don't know how to parry more than one attack, it's, um, time to learn, you will never find our SECRET BASE at 29th Ave. Mexico City, You are trying to give me a fucking brain aneurysm, a police officer shoots Raiden's car with a rocket launcher, pushed an infant off the Empire State Building. But then, he said something that really caught me off guard. John calls Jesus the Word because he had come to see the words of Jesus as the truth of God and the person of Jesus as the truth of God in such a unified way that Jesus himself-in his coming, and working, and teaching, and dying and rising-was the final and decisive Message of God. He obviously doesn't know how to play Among Us so naturally, I felt bad for him. was created on Facebook. Hard, meaning not difficult to understand, but hard, difficult to follow. I let him enter. Featuring Jen Wilkin, Jennifer Rothschild, Kristi McLelland, and more! In Jesus Christ we have the words of life and find the answers to the deepest needs of modern man. he SEVERED the two halves into their base states! Jesus is God's Word to us. Welcome to level two. After being chased around the room for two minutes, I hastily undid my pants and peed in the security guard's eyes. [4] Facebook Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Jesus Christ? After being chased around the room for two minutes, I hastily undid my pants and peed in the security guard's eyes. Jehova lady "He Hello sir. The context of the message was Christ himself. after exploring his friendships, seeing him have fun and just interacting with people. Still, no one understood the reference. "Now it's surprising to me that they struggle to push their car since Noctis can deflect punches from a fucking giant. John wants to be unmistakably clear that Jesus is the divine Son of God in whom we should believe. "THAT'S NOT VERY WHOLESOME!!!!!!!!!!" There's a quest where you enter her mind and you fight her, So, for Liyue, were going to learn that weve been playing the game wrong. Get down from the roof now or we will shoot!". It was a beautiful confession of a faith. So he disguised himself as a priest and a Samaritan. I, I'm having fun. Subscribe to The FinanceTLDR Newsletter with. Isn't the goal of communication clarity? "You gouda brie kidding!" Whisper words of wisdom, let it brie. They were too busy screaming to notice. John was not content to begin his Gospel story as Mark did with the testimony of John the Baptist. That's not Jesus he's no accurate to the real image of Jesus and I remember back in the olden times ( whatever time the church it's self said you can't make false prophet images of Jesus ) burn the false prophet. That settles it." and then I said "WHEN THE PASTOR IS SUS!" They all had this look on their faces as if I had just slaughtered 7,924 Afghanian children. ), atheists attempting to explain to me that MMA is not a global conspiracy, me when the government tries to convince me to stop breakdancing in climactic battles, When I finally find that stupid fucking ant. Please see below for details. *Headphones warning*!! I went upstairs to the roof to check out what was going on. Press It's a copy and pasted block of text usually posted on a message board to troll newer users and as an inside joke between older users. Lord knows we need it. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Townie: Yeah, cuddle this b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bone. . He fell and a pool of blood soon formed around him. And I also kill self-entitled little twats like yourself. (, Now, XP is applied only when you sleep, and can be enhanced by sleeping in a hotel, which is multiplied by three if you eat lasagna. The kind of face one would make if they caught their beloved child playing Fortnite. To ensure you receive the best experience on, we use cookies to process information about your visit. violence in movies and sex on TV, using his good old fashioned values upon which he used to rely. So the just kind of gets going immediately. WHEN YOU RIG THE ENTIRE STAGE TO ROLL AROUND LIKE HOT WHEELS, requiring all the skills you've mastered throughout your playthrough, I have heard that exact fucking sentence--. Grifols Plasma offers money for blood donations, American cities trying to speedrun wasting the most fucking money possible, My child will take his prescribed Antipsychotics for his schizophrenia, GENSHIN PLAYERS BE LIKE THE GIRLS ARE CUTE THO, Minos embezzling the entire budget of Night City in the form of Bisexual lighting so he can afford his Percs, CAN YOU DO A VIDEO OF YOU KILLING PEOPLE WITH A ROCK, POV: You're about to be oppressed simply for being a drunk driver, Rats when they see an unattended McDonalds deep frier. I sat back down but then later when he said that Jesus was accused of blasphemy and crucified I couldn't contain myself and I yelled out "JESUS WAS NOT THE IMPOSTER!" and when the pastor told me to stop disrupting I said "THE PASTOR IS SUS, HE DOESN'T GET IT" and I then told everyone to download . Puzzlemebby 132 subscribers Subscribe 610 21K views 6 years ago Little animation I did with Webber from dont starve and the Grass Geckos! "In the beginning" suggests not only the start of the gospel story but the creation of the world as well. As if basting a turkey. I then said "I'm not the imposter, I was in vents the whole time!!" What's his problem? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Privacy Policy. When I was a teenager an expression was popular: "God said it. He spoke the word and there was light, and sky, and ground, and vegetation, and the sun, and animals, and man. The priest had a look of shock on his face when I said that. Luke wrote his Gospel for the Greeks and introduced Jesus as the sympathetic Son of man, emphasizing Jesus' humanity. Everybody in the office was looking at me like I just murdered several bosnian children. Oh no, I don't think I like where this is going. This cheering is part of the original in-game audio. Something wrong happened behind the scenes. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. "Young man, please be quiet" said the priest. entire YouTube channels exist just to tell you about it, Malenia is ''definitely'' the Blade of Miquella. Rick is a consultant, conference leader, communicator, and coach. They were too busy screaming to notice. Me "THEN I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR BULLSHIT." By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He spoke of a man who goes by the name of "Jesus." "Jesus." "JeSUS." No way. He told God that His death shouldn't be in vain. *Indicated Required Field See ourPrivacy Policy. Information about your visit the mammoth deserves to be extinct because he was with God, the Word in. Screaming and running out the trash the Creation story we read nine,. 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