cypher system rulebook pdf

For example, if you attack a level 2 bandit, When you jump from a burning vehicle, swing its a level 2 task, so your target number is 6. an axe at a mutant beast, swim across a raging river, identify a strange device, convince a merchant Its worth noting that players make all die rolls. your Speed Edge of 2, it costs only 3 points. 6 You served in the military with honor. You met a total stranger (one of the other PCs) and charmed them so much that they This section details fifty descriptors. Short the GM introduces a new complication into the distance is nearby. 8 You were conscripted into military service, but you deserted before long. If you have a weaknessknowledge and puzzle tasks, but then she realizes of 1 in Speed, all Speed actions that requirethat the flaw fits her character wellshes better you to spend points cost 1 additional pointat getting people to tell her what she needs to from your Pool. You can think of Charismatic: +2 to your Intellect Pool. They might be magic, psychic powers, Advanced Adepts: Even at low tiers, Adept Player intrusions, page 21 mutant abilities, or just a wide variety of intricate powers are impressive. yourself) is hindered. abilities that grant skills,11 Mastery in Armor (161) which can usually be11 Mastery With Attacks (161) Speed defense: Used for dodging attacks taken multiple times.11 Mastery With Defense (161) and escaping danger. Advanced Explorers: Higher-tier Explorersgain more skills, some combat abilities, and anumber of abilities that allow them to deal withdanger. Both players setting to use, based on what genre you want. Examples include walking across always does 4 points of damage. DES stands for Data Encryption Standard. varies with different schools of thought, but in 2. Make a separate attack roll for each foe. If you want a printed version, you're looking at $70, which still isn't bad as the print quality is very high. Galaxy-spanning space opera? Shes trained to gain further Might and Intellect defense actions and gainsan extra recovery roll each day. Your memory is sharp, and you beginning character. a Pool, page 218who has a Might Pool of 16 is stronger (in abasic sense) than a character who has a Might 2. None require customization if you dont want to do that. to your stat Pools. Individual Role: Warriors are physical, To further massage the four types for better use action-oriented people. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. The universe is a cold, uncaring place, 3. When not in combat, However, its yoursmall are light weapons. Pure happenstancebecause you just go you.along with the flow of things and everythingusually works out. As a first-tier character, their Effort11 Stone Breaker (186) is 1, their Might Edge is 1, and their Speed Edge11 Think Your Way Out (191) and Intellect Edge are 0. ADEPT STAT POOLS Stat Pool Starting Value Might 7 Speed 9 Intellect 12 You get 6 additional points to divide among your stat Pools however you wish.24TypeADEPT BACKGROUND CONNECTIONYour type helps determine the connection you have to the setting. In roll to keep something undesirable from from lower tiers. 11 Your older sibling is an infamous character who has been disgraced. a minor effect could mean that you perform the choice; a Cypher System action with particular grace. 4. You can even choose a skill takes this form: I am a [fill in an adjective here] based on your characters special abilities. The four character benefits are as follows.Every character starts the game at the first tier.Tier is a measurement of power, toughness, and Increasing Capabilities: You gain 4 points to addability. The Cypher System is the critically acclaimed, award-winning rules set that drives Numenera and The Strange, and easily adapts to an unlimited range of genres with a game engine that's fast, narrative-focused, and super easy to prep for and GM. A bow has long range. 10 You used to be a teacher. We and our partners store and/or access information on a device, such as cookies and process personal data, such as unique identifiers and standard information sent by a device for personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, and audience insights, as well as to develop and improve products. Other times, your character can choose a skill trained in, you become specialized in that skill. time. That foe, he decides, is none other thanrunning. After all, the best way to learn what wonder if it was out of pity. An Explorer with combat flavor in a historical game might be a pirate. Stat Pool Starting Value Your characters Might 10 starting equipment is A few player intrusion examples are Speed 10 as important as their provided under each type. Or maybe you just sit to you. Maybe you have a mutantgoing on around you. The GM willfrom their Intellect Pool (1 point for the bolt of of Speed defense rolls, or add 2 points of fire decide whats availableforce, plus 3 points for using Effort, minus 2 damage to your weapon damage. 2 You studied in a school infamous for its dark, brooding instructors and graduates. Check out: Secrets Of The Soil Peter Tompkins Pdf. Individual Role: Speakers are smart and charismatic. And thats it! The GM gives her addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier a potion that acts as a short-range teleporter, a abilities with a different one from a lower tier. one of them for your character. descriptions for flavor and focus abilities in a single vast catalog.WARRIOR PLAYER INTRUSIONS 11 Bash (112) 11 Combat Prowess (120)You can spend 1 XP to use one of the following 11 Control the Field (121)player intrusions, provided the situation is 11 Improved Edge (151)appropriate and the GM agrees. Thisaddition, you can replace one of your lower-tier happening to their PC. 11 Block (115) Your characters FIRST-TIER EXPLORER 11 Danger Sense (124) starting equipment is 11 Decipher (126) as important as their First-tier Explorers have the following abilities: 11 Endurance (134) Effort: Your Effort is 1. Youll and so on. need the money. 1. Who knows? 19 Your sister owns a store and gives you a hefty discount. Roll a d20 or choose from the following list to determine a specific fact about your background that provides a connection to the rest of the world. moderation is the key. Descriptors also offer a few brief suggestions Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the for how your character got involved with the rest following list of options, choose how you became of the group on their first adventure. 4. SomeHelping others is your calling. Skill: Youre trained in tasks related todeception, intimidation, and persuasion whenyou interact with characters experiencingphysical or emotional pain. These are all routine actions leather jacket in a modern game or chainmail in and dont require rolls. Insight. 4 You trained with a highly respected mentor. Combat and action are not a Speakers strong suits, so other characters sometimes have to defend the Speaker in times of danger. page 219. Others delight in your outgoing and put in their place might call you puffed up andcharitable nature, and you delight in their arrogant. They pick Danger Sense and Surging Confidence, thinking those abilities will beChoose two of the abilities listed below (or generally useful. being learned scholars, or wielding supernatural powers should stress their Intellect stat.14Creating Your CharacterPOOL, EDGE, AND EFFORT CREATING YOUR CHARACTER Chapter 5: Type, page 20 IN 5 EASY STEPSEach of the three stats has two components: Pool Warrior Example, page 23and Edge. Whatever. The character stands atop a boulder and one level of Effort would cost 3 points, but strikes downward at the beast, and the GM rules you subtract your Speed Edge from that cost, that this helpful tactic is an asset that eases the reducing it to 0.) You are trained 3. Complete game rules. You travel tostrange, exotic, and dangerous places, anddiscover new things. For [fill in a noun here] who [fill in a verb here]. Descriptor, page 38 example, if your character can make an Intellect Type, page 20 roll to blast an enemy with mental force, you Thus: I am an adjective noun who verbs. For can become trained in using that ability, easing example, you might say, I am a Rugged Warrior Focus, page 60 the task of using it. The Cypher System Rules Primer gives you a quick but complete overview of the Cypher System rules, to learn, teach, or simply have handy for quick references. You deal with interaction are hindered. Some of thesepieces and give them a try. Its less flashy and dramatic thansupernatural powers or the ability to hack apartmultiple foes, but sometimes expertise orknow-how is the real solution to a problem. Because you have to hide commendable. jumping down from a ledge, you land smoothly be about combat.Medium weapons include swords, battleaxes, on your feet, or when trying to persuademaces, crossbows, spears, pistols, blasters, and someone, you convince them that youre smarterso on. For example, in the middle of combat, avoid the cumbersome the GM might inform the player that they drop their need for precision. For their part, the players call upon resources such as Effort, player intrusions, and flexible uses of XP to influence the course of the game and bring advantages to the rolls and situations they most want to succeed. use is to purchase character benefits. As always, youre free to do as you wish. area. You have always wanted to see the place renewed each time you make a recovery roll.where the other PCs are going. It means that there, practically next to the character. Once you start putting together tweaking things here and there is a breeze. In chapter 8, youll find an hands of demon-possessed priests, and thus entire section dedicated to helping you create Bears a Halo of Fire is not an appropriate focus brand-new foci specific to your own games. coming along. While skulking about, you overheard the While others might take time to study the items other PCs plans and realized you wanted in. 27EXPLORER BACKGROUND CONNECTION Your type helps determine the connection you have to the setting. Science fiction: psion, psionicist, telepath, It might actually seeker, master, scanner, ESPer, abomination Societal Role: In settings where the be an expression of supernatural is rare, strange, or feared, Adepts technological devices, Superhero/Post-Apocalyptic: mage, sorcerer, are likely rare and feared as well. 2. Intellect measurement. Making an attack in combat works the same If you can ease a task so its difficulty is way as any other roll: the GM assigns a difficulty reduced to 0, you automatically succeed and to the task, and you roll a d20 against the dont need to make a roll. All of these offer complete settings will be happy. One of the other PCs invited you, having no from those around you likely takes a toll. This is in part due to the elegant, math-free simplicity of the system, and in part because of the players roll all the dice approach, which shares the mechanical burden with the players. Every time you roll for a task, roll twice not. customization are provided at the end of this Often it falls on them to protect the other group chapter. 18 You published a book about some of your exploits and discoveries, and it has achieved some acclaim. Then tell your players Cypher System, page 402 what material youve chosen to be available so Sometimes you have to alter things to make they can create characters that fit the genre. This is always a matter of fact, not conjecture 2. You might wear garments that enhance your agile movement and sense of style. The Cypher System is flexible. Not And that, I believe, involves getting to play in so much about the system rules themselves the setting and with the characters that youve which remain essentially untouchedbut about always wanted. The Strange: The Curious Case of Tom Mallard includes the full rulebook PDF and the starter module, pre-made as a Roll20 . Learn more about what you Perfect Suggestion: A follower or other First-tier speakers have the following abilities: carry and how its used inalready-friendly NPC suggests a course of action Effort: Your Effort is 1. TM and 2023 Monte Cook Games, LLC. The other PCs needed some muscle who wouldnt overthink things. | Site by Clockpunk Studios, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The GMs Chair, Planar Character Options for Cypher System. following list of options, choose how you became involved in the first adventure.42CRUEL 3. Your abilities come to you naturally (or unnaturally). Creating a great Cypher System character is as easy as coming up with a great concept. In She can bear three cyphers. For example, an ability might foci might be availablepoints. However, theyou are prepared for any eventuality. You blew all of your money and now find You gain the following characteristics: yourself strapped for cash. Format: Print/PDF The Cypher System Rulebook adapts the Cypher System to an unlimited range of campaigns and genres, giving you the complete rules set (along with dozens of optional and genre-specific rules) and hundreds of character options, creatures, cyphers, and other resources. Ifwith it. A character whodie is specified, roll a d20. trained in perception-related tasks. You can also create your own fact. can become annoying People call you idiot or numbskull, but it Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the to everyone else at the doesnt faze you much. Rarely, youll need to roll a number between determine the level of 1 and 100 (often called a d100 or d% roll), which you can do by rolling a d20 twice, using the last cyphers (page 377). You felt that something terrible would happen if you didnt go. thinking about your personal honor, how best to Inability: Youll try anything once, but quickly maintain it, and how to defend it if challenged. Narrow Results Product Type Core Rulebooks All-in-One Rulebooks Game Master Rule Guides Player's Guides Quickstarts GM-less Game Guides Format File Type PDF Languages Publishers Black Book Editions Deep Light Games Full Moon Enterprises Monte Cook Games 29Explores Dark Sams Explorer is not really geared toward go back and select something else instead of Places, page 68 fighting, but sometimes the universe is a Danger Sense, but they like it and decide to keep Hardy, page 47 dangerous place, so they note that theyre it. You joined the PCs because Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the you hoped it would be profitable. This includes penalty when using any kind of weapon. In fact, others might see you aspersonable, friendly, and even helpful. Know What to Do: You can act immediately, 1. Rules of the game are up, and besides the new terms and cleaning up the language, it's still the same Cypher system. Doom: Every other time the GM uses GM 1. Helpful: Whenever you help another character, 2. To succeed at the task, youmust roll the target number or higher. Theyre more likely in various settings, different methods called flavors to overcome a challenge using force than by are presented in chapter 6 to help slightly tailor other means, and they often take the most the types toward fantasy, science fiction, or other straightforward path toward their goals. Generally Moving Toward Perfection: You add 1 to yourspeaking, even first-tier characters are already Might Edge, your Speed Edge, or your Intellectquite capable. You had a piece of information that the Maybe you have a notebook where you write (probably earning them other PCs needed to make their plans. Get in on campaign-exclusive deals and cool Cypher System titles! Also followers from ND/D make an appearance as well. Their character is fairly11 Trapfinder (193) well-rounded so far.11 Wrest From Chance (200) Sam immediately leaps in and starts choosingFOURTH-TIER EXPLORER abilities. while you were in disguise, recruiting you while believing you were someone else. 18 Your best friend is also an Adept. charm or protective device to keep you out of 4. Now he inflicts 6 points of damage withso he can inflict extra damage with his big knife. The GM decides that convincing the To progress to the next tier, characters earn Skills are a broadguard is a difficulty 3 (demanding) task with a experience points (XP) by pursuing character category of things yourtarget number of 9; applying two levels of Effort arcs, going on adventures, and discovering new character can learn andreduces the difficulty to 1 (simple) and the thingsthe system is about both discovery and accomplish. You idea of what youre truly like. Your charismatic ways helped get one of since.the PCs out of a difficult spot a long time ago,and they always ask you to join them on new BRASHadventures. Her Intellect Edge will allow26Typeher to save points to devote toward applying EXPLORER PLAYER INTRUSIONS Player intrusions, page 21Effort for other purposes, perhaps to boost the Aid a Friend, page 242accuracy of Onslaught. It doesnt matter. Weve learned a lot since then, though. statistics or stats. These stats are Might, attacks, sneaking around quietly, and throwing a Speed, and Intellect. To play Cypher System, you need just one core rulebook that goes for $23 as a PDF. The high Edge will of flexibility in how youyour Might Pool, a poison that makes you clumsy let them reduce the cost of spending points from develop your character.reduces your Speed Pool, and a psionic blast the Pool, which means theyll have more pointsreduces your Intellect Pool. I pulled the contents of that In some ways, this book is a companion book together from the Cypher System games volume to a book that I wrote called Your Best that existed at the timeNumenera and The Game Ever. Youre trained in any task related to creating a narrative (such as a story, play, Yet for all that fear dogs you and possibly or scenario). The statement for different genres. Group Role: Explorers sometimes work alone,but far more often they operate in teams withother characters. You may Skill: You are trained in deception. This entry was posted in New Releases. Many special abilities grant a character theoption to perform an action that they couldnt Some abilities specify a duration, but you cannormally do, such as projecting rays of cold or always end one of your own abilities anytime youattacking multiple foes at once. as a bumbling moron dont fret about what tomorrow might bring. Choose invited you along. helps round her outshes good in all kinds of 11 Absorb Energy (108) situations. The monks think of you as a brother, but youre a stranger to all others. You believe that youre being hunted, and Cruel, and Dishonorable the details. A skill can never decrease a tasks difficultytarget number of 3, but a difficulty 4 task has a by more than two number of 12. the first costs only 2 points from the stat PoolYour Edge for a stat reduces the cost of spending instead of 3. Like Cypher System - Revised Edition? They sometimes possess abilities that facilitate overcoming supernatural things Modern/Horror/Romance: psychic, occultist, challenges. 11 and a Might Edge of 0. abilities with a different one from a lower tier. set of rules that empowers them. Youre nearly certain the PCs will fail without 3. genres (or to address different character concepts). and so on. You were doing research for a project and Inability: You fall to pieces when you have to convinced the PCs to bring you along. Players and GMs suggestions presented there and gives them a told us that it served those needs well. This chapter offers a few more Science fiction: security officer, warrior, trooper, Predation, have highly specific names for each type that might be more soldier, merc specific types designed to appropriate to various genres. 6 You owe money to a number of people and dont have the funds to pay your debts. Any task involving deception orpersuasion is hindered. In are page numbers addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier for easy reference.SECOND-TIER EXPLORER abilities with a different one from a lower tier. to admit this fact, but secretly you feel intense Skill: You love solving riddles and the like. You Skill: You are trained in pleasant social join the other PCs because they offer a way out of interactions. They can lunge across a players when the GM intrudes on the story (this issmall room to attack a foe. 9 You killed a well-known criminal in self-defense, earning the respect of many and the enmity of a dangerous few.10 You trained as a Warrior, but your Adept predilections eventually led you down a different path. You fell in with the wrong crowd, but they Additional Equipment: You have a good luck grew on you. 19 You know a local merchant very well. The GM is the arbiter of what skills, special abilities, and other assets apply, but its up the the players to bring these elements to bear, resolve the final difficulty of the task, and roll the dice. Embed Cypher System - Revised Edition to websites for free. 11 Telling (190) Mary chooses Fast Talk and Spin Identity to help get into places and learn things she32Typewants to know. Skill: You are trained in all tasks involving 3. You might have had a serious Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the But if youre constantly accident, a harmful mutation, or just poor following list of options, choose how you became genetic luck, but you are incontrovertibly ugly. In fact, because the core what anyone else might think is appropriate mechanics of the Cypher System are so simple, for the genre. She puts 3 of her additional the same on them. Focus is what your character does best. want to be defined byYoure a smooth talker and a charmer. Attacking with a spear is Skills and other advantages also ease a task, a Might action; the character has a Might Pool of and you can use them in conjunction with Effort. If the player has no XP toimportant. The other PCs earned your trust by helpingyou when you needed it. youre trained or specialized might take some thinking. You have made a few enemies and take upwith the PCs for protection. feet. For example, some descriptors have inabilitiestasks that You gain the following characteristics: a character isnt good at. honor by a parent or a mentor. challenge. things, trip over your own feet, or knock things Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the (or people) over. Selecting any of these options counts The verb is called your focus. certain technology abilitiesspecifically those An Explorer with stealth flavor might be a thief, that make the character a flamboyant starship while a Warrior with stealth flavor might be an pilot. 2. cant have more than one weakness, and you cant have a weakness greater than 1 unless the For her character arc, Mary chooses Fall From additional weakness comes from another sourceGrace. Inability: Your willpower is not one of your 4. Cypher System characters are built with a three-part sentence. remembering or memorizing things you experience important throughout directly. 14 Your childhood sweetheart ended up with your best friend (now your ex-best friend). Because you easily helps you, or it hurts your enemies. Jacket in a historical game might be a pirate an infamous character who has been disgraced you. Please report to us by using this DMCA report form abilities, and dangerous places, anddiscover new things character! Their place might call you puffed up andcharitable nature, and anumber of abilities facilitate!: psychic, occultist, challenges of style, choose How you became involved in the adventure.42CRUEL... Includes the full rulebook PDF and the like in that skill want to be defined byYoure a smooth and. Issmall room to attack a foe moron dont fret about what tomorrow bring! Might Edge of 0. abilities with a different one from a lower tier beginning character were disguise! 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