bay shore high school shooting 1966

Walter Harris, an 11-year-old student, accidentally shot his teacher, B. C. Briggs, in the head while on a school field trip, killing him. The meeting of 17-year-old Elmer Hildreth with a school Trustee ended in an armed encounter over Hildreth's being suspended. Bay Shore High Ranch W/ Water View In 'Prestigious' Community W 5 Beds With 5 bedrooms, this spacious high ranch features breathtaking views of the Great South Bay. 17-year-old Max Alexander Martinez shot and killed 17-year-old Jose Balderas with a .38-caliber revolver in a hallway in, 15-year-old student Jason Smith killed 16-year-old Michael Swann, another student who had bullied him at, 17-year-old Shon Williams fired 10 shots in the. If you know any other students or teachers that went to Bay Shore HS around that time or anyone that might know more to the story please have them post, e-mail or contact me at 703 861-2913. The other three boys were detained for questioning and then released to their parents. Driver was told hidden gun was science project", "Girl dies from shooting at school in N.M.", "Boy sent to juvenile prison for school shooting", "ABQjournal: Teen Who Killed Classmate in '99 Arrested in Drug Smuggling Case", "Seth Trickey's release final, judge declares", "3 die in Missouri abbey shooting |", Federal Report Looks at Crime and Safety in Schools, Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2014, Selected Findings from the Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2014, A teenager fired a handgun at a security guard who had chased him and three friends off the grounds of Ralph J. Bunche Middle School. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. You and all of your classmates, co-workers, and family of Mr. Lane are always in our hearts and on our Memorial. Armed with a .22-caliber rifle, 14-year-old Heather Smith shot and killed 15-year-old Gordon Pickett, her ex-boyfriend, and 14-year-old Christopher Ricco in the gymnasium at. He was sentenced to thirty years to life, however, it is not known how his sentence was commuted to life on parole. They were fined $9.00 each. Lelande was arrested and charged with first-degree assault. During the hostage crisis, Taber killed school nurse Carol Day. Thank you for sharing your story with us. After an autopsy at Albany Medical Center Hospital, police said they ruled Nebraska died of accidental drowning. Putnam Davis Jr. was killed during a fraternity house carnival at the, After some of his dormmates urinated on his mattress during a hazing, Robert B. Bechtel, a 22-year-old student proctor at. 61-year-old Special Deputy Vernon Graves was accidentally shot in the face with a shotgun at the Fairview school. [6] WXBA's first general manager was Long Island radio personality Bob Ottone, [7] the future public address announcer for the Long Island Ducks. I saw the shooter go into the school (he stopped outside my window and was talking with his friend(s); I saw students jumping out of first floor windows; Mr. Lane on the gurney. On a school bus bound for Bingham Middle School, 15-year-old student Justin Allgood shot and wounded the bus driver and started driving the bus himself and led police on a high-speed chase before crashing into a house. Police arrived and encountered the children in a dimly lit hallway, Story still carrying a baseball bat. More Info NEW FAMILIES Welcome to Bay Shore! Professor W.E. This horrific incident left it's mark on the 1966 & 1967 graduating classesthere were many "remember whens" with Mr. Lane. A 15-year-old student was shot in the chest at the PS 147 annex of Brooklyn Automotive Trades High School after refusing to give money to a gang of seven youths. It has certainly stayed with me. Weed was said to be suffering from melancholia (. Five were injured, including a girl who was shot in the face. At Thomas Jefferson Junior High School, a 12-year-old boy fired a handgun at a vice principal, William Crumbaugh. Oct. 1, 1997: A 16-year-old in Pearl, Miss., fatally shoots two students to death and wounds seven others after stabbing his mother to death. 15-year-old student David Brooks was fatally shot in front of other pupils. The shooting remained the deadliest shooting on a college campus for over 40 years until The Virginia Tech Shooting in 2007 Daingerfield church shooting However,bBy then the Suffolk County Police were already in the parking lot surrounding the High School. Bryant Hignight and four other students were at the outhouse of the Mount Zion school. The bus driver was also shot but survived. I came across this on the internet, a clipping from the Albany Times Union newspaper: Times Union (Albany, NY) Feb. 19, 1997: A 16-year-old boy takes a shotgun and a . Barnes had submitted his resignation to the school board, as students had boycotted his class in protest over the whipping. Danny Frampton was in that room with us. At Swainston Middle School, two students were shot by another student with a pellet gun. From an elementary school age, Hubbard was hooked on the sport he came to revere. [145] January 23. Like so many people, I ask over and over, when, if ever, will we stop the insanity? Guns are too easily accessible. EVENTS FOR 2019-2020 Meetings: October 2nd, December 4th, February 12th, April 1st 6:30 p.m. @ Fifth Avenue School Bowling League: Starts at 11:45AM @ East Islip Lanes *10 week league - sign up by contacting bayshoresepta@ January 31, 2020 - SEPTA Shooting for the Stars Annual Fundraiser, 7-11 PM @ Captain Bill's 17-year-old Timothy Stahle was critically wounded in the leg and upper thigh with shot gun pellets as he threw rocks at the windows of, 15-year-old sophomore Darryl Williams was shot in the neck by a sniper during the halftime interval while standing with teammates and coach in the end zone of the. But most of the students, unaware of what was going on in the school, were already boarding the school buses to go home. No one was injured. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. (The defendant was found to be a social misfit whose feelings of hatred and inadequacy fester constantly and he is capable of erupting and killing anyone at the slightest provocation. Raymond Silber, Suffolk County Probation Officer). Our plan as of right now, is to have the dinner dance at Capt Bill's on Friday night the 30th of July. William Benedict Sr. was instantly killed, William Benedict Jr. was shot in the ankle, Bourdon Galloway was shot in the right arm, and Mike Gaddis was shot in the leg. I remember that day Mr. Lane was shot. It has been interesting to learn more of the story. 1960. View Full Article in Timesmachine , See the article in its original context from. A general fight broke out during school board elections. BAY SHORE, L.I., June 13 (AP) A teacher who was shot April 27 when he tried to intercept a youth with a shotgun stalking the halls of Bay Shore High School died today. During a high school assembly, six boys shot off their guns. School principal William Howland was also shot and wounded by Wickes when Howland peered into the classroom. At Cypress Junior High School two students jumped another student who retaliated with a gun and shot one of his attackers who later died. After being suspended for refusing to take off his hat while at school, 13-year-old student Floyd Warmsley pulled out a firearm at Portland Junior High School, shooting and wounding the 53-year-old school secretary Lynn Haddad and killing 36-year-old janitor David Bangston. 14 seed . A group of boys shot into a schoolhouse, but no one was hurt. California. When they were discovered by janitor Howard Parks and policeman Thomas Conway, the latter shot at them. The revolver was to have been loaded with blanks, but it held live ammunition. More Info NEW FAMILIES Welcome to Bay Shore! Written By Emily Brower. If you are a former student of Bay Shore High in Bay Shore, New York, register now to add your name. GreatSchools Rating: 3 out of 10 . McGiffin was a son of Col. Norton McGiffin, and brother of US naval hero. Edward Foster, a 17-year-old student at Inman High School, was fatally wounded by his teacher Reuben Pitts after jerking a rod from Pitts' hands to avoid punishment. I walked home and saw all the police cars and watched it unfold from my living room window. Thank you for message. My memory is that the police made him discharge the weapon in the air before taking him into custody.that probably didnt happen, the brain tends to distort details in 52 years. According to authorities, 18-year-old Daniel Garcia installed the recording device while helping with the school's drama club. Jimmy Frampton had issues dating back to grade school. Commute Distance & Time. A 17-year-old student brought a shotgun on campus and fired a round in the air. A 16-year-old boy was shot in the wrist and abdomen at the PS 141 dance during an argument with a former classmate. During a school play rehearsal, a boy loaded his revolver, unknown to others. We returned to school, a little quiet conversation among the students, a substitute homeroom teacher & life continued. Final Four matchups will be posted next Monday and Tuesday. Mangum had argued with Woodward, who had given Mangum's 15-year-old son a severe whipping. It was such a sad awful day in BayShore. There are plenty. Theresa Wood, My homeroom faced the west lawn of the school. Help us Update the Bay Shore 1966 Class List by adding any names missing from the list below: Know Bay Shore class of 1966 graduates that are NOT on this list? 17-year-old Edward Marley was accidentally killed by a fellow actor with a loaded gun while rehearsing for a play at Blencoe High School. He was a man, according to Court records, that was known to be authoritative and impulsive. 14-year-old Donna Dvorak brought a target pistol to Dubose Junior High School and fatally shot 15-year-old Bobby Whitford in their 9th-grade science class. Girl Shot Dead, 2 Teens Face Charges", "A dozen high school students were slightly wounded trying", "Youth quizzed after shooting at junior high", "A school shooting in Goddard, 30 years later", "Three Teen-Agers Remain in Hospital After Shooting at Prep Football Game", "Youth Shot After Taking Two Hostages At School", "13-year-old held in school shooting spree", "At Junior High, Attempt To Deal With Shootings", "Before Newtown: Connecticut's First School Shooting", "Teacher Shot In Shoulder By Her Student", "Missouri Youth, 15, Shot To Death In Front Of Class", "A 17-year-old student opened fire with a pistol in", "Couple Take Over School But Die After Bomb Blast", "Radical Right Link Suggested in Hostage Case", "A history of violence Can Missoula public schools truly be prepared for a school shooting? 14-year-old Conniston Middle School student Tronneal Mangum fatally shot 14-year-old classmate John Pierre Kamel over a $40 debt. But most of the students, unaware of what was going on in the school, were already boarding the school buses to go home. Now there was confusion, panic and fear. Cruz was sentenced to life without parole for the shooting but was resentenced in 2017 to 25 years to life and was immediately paroled. (And what I witnessed was from a safe distance.). John Butram, a student at the Bear Hollow School, told his fellow students that school was cancelled. Matthews was charged with one count of attempted murder, five counts of aggravated assault, and one count of unlawfully carrying a weapon onto school grounds. My name is Stephanie Lane. 30-year-old Mark Boyd hired 23-year-old Malik Nettles to kill 15-year-old Kyunia Taylor as she rode on a school bus bound for Beaumont High School. A fourth man who acted as the getaway driver, Arthur Ray Jones, pleaded guilty to an accessory charge and was sentenced to 10 years in jail, with all but. Five girls suffered minor injuries from broken glass. Jones coached the girls' junior varsity softball team at Bay Shore High School in the early 1980s. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Memorial to Fallen Educators Facebook Page. Thank you for this. He missed and instead killed 11-year-old bystander Alejandro Vargas, a student at the school. All classmates from 1966 to 1971 can come to this multiple class reunion set up by the BSHS Millennium Reunion Group. 1. When questioned, the other three boys said it was an accident. The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the sleepy town of Newtown, Connecticut, prompted a national outpouring of grief. @BayShoreSchools @bshs_athletics @BayShoreHS @BayShoreSupe @JRTPrincipal @JRT_TigersFB @JRTAthletics @HenricoSchools. This is a chronological list of school shootings in the United States before the year 2000, including any school shootings that occurred at a K-12 public or private school, as well as at colleges and universities, and on school buses. When Butram drew a knife on his teacher, Kelly shot and killed him. On May 4, 1972, 33-year-old Libby Booth Elementary school principal Virgil Ouren was shot three times with a 22-caliber pistol which killed him instantly. A 13-year-old boy, Luckert, accidentally shot and wounded Allie McDonald, another boy at the Neill school. While walking to school, 14-year-old Charles Listman killed 15-year-old Andrew Milton over rivalry for classmate 13-year-old Minnie London. Three youths were convicted for the homicide. Shame on us as a society, that we continue to allow this to happen, over and over again. 45-year-old Shirley Shindeldecker killed school bus driver 54-year-old Gene Green as he stopped to pick up the son of Shindeldecker's estranged husband. Taber was found not guilty of the murder by reason of insanity. This photo can be changed by your Class Administrator. He was sentenced to six years at a reform school. Eight teachers, 20 students, and 13 cheerleaders were leaving Ribault Junior High School after a football game when their bus was pelted with gunfire and rocks. This list does not include the 1970 Kent State shootings, or bombings such as the Bath School disaster. High School principal M. O. Tripp was killed on the front steps of the school by 17-year-old student Ricardo Lopez for unknown reasons. While playing with the pistol, Day accidentally shot and wounded classmate Robert Morton. Frampton returned back to school to settle his grievances. 15-year-old Phillip Powell killed 17-year-old Barrett Modisette at the, 29-year-old Kevin Newman opened fire with a 9mm, 18-year-old Miguel DeJesus was shot and killed on the steps of, 18-year-old Floyd Eugene Brown shot fellow, 24-year-old Darrell Cloud, a former student at Whitman Middle School in. He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. 15-year-old student Billy Ray Prevatte fatally shot 32-year-old teacher Frazer Cameron and injured 25-year-old athletic coach Francis Daniel Wagner and 31-year-old teacher Robert Hicks at Maryland Park Junior High School. 14-year-old Bernice Turner killed 14-year-old Pasquale Coletta inside the science classroom at Kelly High School. The 15-year-old shooter also shot Grand Rapids . Shortly after noon, Wickes entered a ninth-grade social studies classroom inside the school and fired three shots at Burgos, hitting him twice in the stomach and hand, before taking the entire class of 18 students hostage. The shot, intended as a sound effect for a school play, hit him in the chest during a rehearsal minutes before the play was to take place. Subscribers may view the full text of this article in its original form through TimesMachine. Edward Hubbard attended Bay Shore High School where he was a three-time Suffolk County champion and three time Long Island champion from 1956-1959. 81, iss. Alfred Chestnut and Ransom Watkins, who were both 16 at the time, and 17-year-old Andrew Stewart were convicted of the murder and sentenced to life in prison. In 1985, the Bay Shore Union Free School District (the "school district") came into possession of evidence strongly suggesting that Jones had repeatedly sexually assaulted four minor students on his softball team. 32, Total number of 20th century incidents listed here: In 1971, while he was in junior high, upon hearing "Foggy Mountain Breakdown" and "Dueling Banjos", Ernie took to the banjo, followed by the mandolin, resonator, and Dobro. Angered by the refusal of his daughter, 15-year-old Melba, to leave a boarding school and return home, 47-year-old Joseph Moshell went to the school and shot and killed his daughter. Nine-year-old Arthur Roberts was shot in the head and killed outside his school during a military drill by school children of the Dayton school district. Bay Shore School District is committed to educating minds - and to changing lives. BAY SHORE, NY Four people were injured in a shooting at the Bay Shore marina Sunday night, according to Suffolk police. Whatever happened to the boy that killed him? I posted it to Facebook recently and many comments from people who were there or their parents were there. At the Ardmore Child Care Center, 40-year-old teacher Diane Morse was killed by her former friend 36-year-old Arcelia Trumaine Stoval who had a history of mental illness. Victor lives in Washington Heights. Concealed in a wooded area on school grounds, 14-year-old Joseph "Colt" Todd wounded two students as they were entering, 18-year-old Jacob Lee Davis shot 18-year-old Robert Creson at, 14-year-old student Quinshawn Brooker wounded 45-year-old basketball coach and history teacher Gregory Carter and 74-year-old, 52-year-old Professor Andrzej Olbrot was killed by 48-year-old graduate doctoral student Wlodzimierz Dedecjusat at, 15-year-old Andrea Garrett was found dead and 17-year-old Jeff Miller seriously wounded in the girls' restroom at. Ransom, but missed. The unexpected happens. (He stated his chief ambition was to be number one man on the FBI most wanted criminal list. Dr. Wilkins, Central Islip State Hospital). Potter was upset over having been whipped and expelled. She joined the Bay Area News Group in 2022 after writing about the COVID-19 pandemic, housing, disability access, the LGBTQ community and everything in between across the South Bay. Just minutes before the first bell rang on the first day of school at, Three students were wounded when gang-related gunfire broke out at. Keep up with Bay Shore High School sports with football jerseys, baseball jerseys, and Marauders fan apparel for baseball, basketball, soccer, softball, volleyball, and more. I saw him walking across the lawn, rifle in hand and intuitively knew that something bad was going to happen. The most popular television series for 1966 was Bonanza. 16-year-old David Dubose Jr. killed English teacher Horace Morgan on the steps of Dekalb Alternative School. 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