12 characteristics of a leviathan spirit

Even though many of us live in the modern, scientific world, these stories remind us that the Spiritual world is something bigger and more mysterious than we can see. During their time under Leviathans influence, they havent been able to prosper spiritually, but once forgiven and restored, theyll be able to flow with the Holy Spirit, the right Spirit. Others charge into warfarethe wrong way and get beat up and beat down. He is regarded among the. -Mondo De La Vega Scriptures There is nothing that can stop the Leviathan Spirit once it has set its sights on its goal; it will always emerge victorious in the end. Emotions such as grief and bitterness are also associated with the Leviathan spirit. This destroys relationships and creates division. Various books in the Bible make reference to demons or other malevolent supernatural beings that can mount spiritual attacks on people. I do not know if I could have made it during those times. My husband and I were talking about our oldest daughter and I asked that whatever spirit it is to be revealed, and I heard as clear as day the spirit of leviathan, and lo and behold it was ME! According to "Strong's Concordance," Leviathan is depicted as "a wreathed animal or serpent." Isaiah 27:1 On that day, Yahweh will punish with his cruel, great and strong sword, Any type of correction is twisted, and the bringer becomes the enemy causing disunity, To get things to go their way, they manipulate. Leviathan Spirit Prideful (think they are better than someone else, opposite of humble) False humility Twists communication in their minds Wraps around spine and twists Back / neck pain Headaches Insomnia Causes drowsiness when reading Bible or Christian books Scoliosis Fibromyalgia Many other sicknesses / diseases / afflictions Here's a quick summary of the top stories posted oncharismamag.com: Why Are Mario Murillo's Tent Meetings So Powerful? It operates by manipulating people through charm or intimidation in order to gain control over them. If not stopped, this spirit will keep hammering on the division with his manipulation and lies until the relationship is literally destroyed. The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels, and they go down to the inner parts of the body. The truth is we live in a spiritual world. Thank you again for such clear understanding in this critical matter of leviathan. (Job 26:13) Leviathan particularly hates these passages and the first and second commandments. The Leviathan spirit is more about pride, control, aggression, and greed which can lead to domination and control (over a person or entire nation). Reviewing these characteristics can provide a better understanding of how to deal with this type of spirit if encountered. Demons twist Gods word and spiritual laws to use them for evil purposes on a regular basis. This idea is still very relevant and very much alive today, as we can see with fear tactics and manipulation being used to maintain control. Some peoples pride will pull in the spirit of anger to help out here by creating an anger wall (shield) so that no blame can enter. This was so helpful and informative. This creature seemingly cannot be stopped, no matter how hard someone may try; its strength is too great for any mortal man or creature to contain or even begin to understand. How are you able to say good things when you are evil? In most cases, marine spirit is meant as a generic term rather than as a reference to one, unique, named demon. I loose a humble and contrite spirit in me. A person who is operating under the guidance of Leviathan will speak destructive words that have a negative effect on the hearer. It also has the ability to endure great pain and suffering, rarely letting any obstacle stand in its way for long. Like youre fighting a never-ending battle that you cant seem to win? 12 Indicators of a Jezebel Spirit at Work People influenced by a spirit of Jezebel have fear issues of rejection. Ok everyone, strap in for another episode of "Is that a Biblical spirit". It will plant outrageous seeds that are a complete distortion or twisting of the truth and then hammer those thoughts in over and over again. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All content and images (c) WarAgainstEvil.org. The Leviathan Spirit brings chaos and destruction with it wherever it goes, disrupting whatever peace may exist in its wake. Lord Jesus, fill me completely with your Holy Spirit. Watch the video to see what they are. It is constantly on the hunt for more prey, devouring anything and everything in its path. You need to stay full of the Holy Spirit and on guard. God has already given us victory; no matter what we face, He has already give us victory! He aims to thwart Gods purposes and he hates humans, especially those who authentically follow Jesus. Learn how your comment data is processed. The Leviathan Spirit is an apex predator with seemingly no equal when it comes to strength. The fall of Lucifer and his been thrown out of heaven with his fallen angels, further compounded the problems. Lets look at a few books. A lack attack! Despite its strength and propensity for violence, the spirit of Leviathan is seen as majestic. Spirit of Leviathan, in the name of Jesus, I bind you and all the spirits operating with and for you together, now. Its fiery breath, swift feet, and terrifying eyes give it a certain character that cannot be ignored. Thank you! Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. This spirit whispers lies (implants thoughts) which encourages false accusations against people, particularly those in positions of authority. He is still sovereign and has the power to overcome any obstacle. The Leviathan Spirit is relentless in its pursuit of dominance and will never give up until it has achieved its goals. Some people say it is a crocodile, or it is this and that. The Bible says that God is not the author of confusion. The spirit of Leviathan is described in Job 41 as a proud creature, with its back filled with rows of shields that spark fear and awe in even the bravest men. I am mentally, and emotionally exhausted. I have seen enough movies to know that his son was no doubt possessed by a demonic spirit. In the apocryphal book of 2 Esdras 6:49-52, we read once again about Leviathan. They may believe that He is uninvolved and distant in their lives as a result. After all of their natural weapons have failed against it, the Warrior flees from Leviathan. They are left feeling lost, confused, and adrift. Awesome news! Again, this shows that as Christians we need to rely on God- our strength! Give up a whole days meal and He is really listening. This brings maximum destruction, affecting not only the leader but also everyone in covenant with him and even those who witness the fall. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. The questions He asked show us that even though this creature may seem huge and powerful, it is nothing compared to Gods power. Furthermore- He will always be our shield and defender. He has always been this way (he was sexually abused as a child). Those who disagree with them (their own opinions are so important), Critical and condemning attitudes and thoughts, Boasting over achievements and revelation, Dishonor of authority (indicates pride in the heart), Desiring to be served (Jesus did not come to be served but to serve), Dismissive of others opinions and thoughts, Desiring to control others (including narcissism and gas-lighting), A condescending attitude towards other believers. Not only is it a characteristic of the Leviathan spirit to break covenants between humans, but it also rises against the covenant between God and man. You have no rights here. It observes all the lofty (thinking they are better than others); he is a king over all the children of pride. Job 41:34. We also know ofJezebel in the Bible. Many people think it only refers to sexual . We have a sure and faithful God, and we can trust in Him for deliverance. Its mighty claws and sharp teeth can break through even the toughest of defenses, while its enormous size allows it to crush whatever stands in its way. But I tell you that every worthless word that they speak, people will give an account for it on the day of judgment! So, if you want to know what a demons personality is like, look no further than the person its possessing. If we can do this, we can break Leviathans chains and ensure that our voices are heard. Lord Jesus Christ, I believe you are the Son of God and the only way to God - that You died on the cross for my sins and rose again so that I might be forgiven and receive eternal life. May the holyspirit continue to use you to set lives from satanic operations, God bless you. I beg for change and never feel it and Never hear God or truly feel Him. I command you to cease your activities and operations in my mind and life and in those that I have influenced! Your Freedom was Paid for 2000 Years Ago! The Bible is clear that some spirits will not come out or stop oppressing us unless we fast and pray. So, in short- she was saying that it wasnt a myth of fable- it was real. So what you have highlighted is a true concern. Those who feared the Lord would call a fast and pray so that they could avoid whatever punishment was coming their way. Its fleshs folds of skin cling together; it is cast on itit will not be moved.. Some don't fight at all. Pornography breeds lust of eyes that simply led to Adultery and Fornication of the Mind. Out of his nostrils goes smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron. This passage paints a vivid picture of the monstrous size and power that this ancient creature possessed. The Lord rebuked the devil. Glenn Beck: 'Nefarious' Movie, Preparing the Way for the Return of Jesus https://youtu.be/dnsduAMSgDM The topic of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm2VBmV6fK4 What Marcus Rogers saw from Transformation Churchs Easter Play Ransom not only shocked him when he saw it online, but it also grieved his souldeeply. We also know that God will send an evil spirit. Matthew 12:43-45 talks about this very thing: Now whenever an unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it travels through waterless places searching for rest, and does not find it. The Leviathan and Jezebel spirits can often operate together in a persons life and cause destruction. Another characteristic of emotionally intelligent people in relationships is flexibility. Because Leviathan wants to do as much damage as possible to destroy covenant relationships, it tries to involve as many people as possible. We eat three meals a day plus snacks. By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent. Here's a quick rundown of the top stories oncharismamag.com: Jonathan Cahn's Prophetic Insights for Christians Worldwide https://youtu.be/_TMhHIqfrrA As the United States continues to reel from the recent school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee, the question remains At the Grammys in March, English singer Sam Smith put on a center-stage performance that glorified satanic rituals, wearing a skin-tight leather outfit as he sang his song, "Unholy." So my point was to let you know that the descriptions of these mythological creatures in the previous section are really similar to what the Bible describes as the Leviathan. If so, you may be dealing with a leviathan spirit. God alone can give us divine strategy to navigate such a Spiritual battle. We have churches on every corner in many cities. Physical & emotional exhaustion. His fierceness prevents any man from taming him. I am really struggling to communicate with him. It states that the sea trembled at its presence, providing yet another image of a powerful creature. Everything seems to break at once. A person working under the influence of Leviathan is so prideful that they cant admit when theyre wrong. In fact, the scales block the expression of the real person trapped inside of them too. In Job 41:15-17, the word air is the Hebrew word , Ruach (Strongs 3707) translated as spirit. Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. They will be able to feel major resistance rise up inside of them in these types of situations. This creature seems to be part water-serpent and part land monster, a composite of multiple animals combined into one powerful being. Finally today God revealed that to me and when I looked up the characteristics hes got at least six out of 10. 2 Esdras was in the original 1611 King James Bible; it talks about Leviathan being created by God before man existed. The only way to break free from this control is by becoming conscious consumers of any information and actively questioning the messages we see around us. We have been instructed to fast, pray, and read the word of God. Standards were definitely high. I believe my other posts on Spiritual Warfare would overlap here, but counseling and discernment are true anchors. A marine strongman may be a serpent. The leviathan spirit is a sneaky beast, twisting reality into half-truths and lies that can hold a person bondage. But regardless of whats happened in our past, God still wants us to have a great future. What I saw was almost unimaginable. Now that you know the name of this thing, help is on the way!!! As you can imagine, this causes significant communications issues and division in relationships. Other manifestations of the Leviathan spirit include the inability to concentrate on studying the Bible or other spiritual goals, and learning disabilities affecting children. Ive started with all kinds of mythologies. As charcoal is to hot embers and wood is to fire, so a man of quarrels is to kindling strife. Leviathan wants nothing more than to kill, steal, and destroy anything of meaning or value in a persons life. Its presence often incites fear and disorder among those who stand in its path, as few are willing to challenge this beast for very long. This pride was one of Egypt's greatest sins. At one point while releasing this prophetic word, I shuddered. What Do We Learn from Reading Jesus Genealogy? The leviathan spirit is a sneaky beast, twisting reality into half-truths and lies that can hold a person bondage. This evil people, who refuse to listen to my words, who go in the stubbornness of their hearts, and have gone after other gods, to serve them, and to bow in worship to them, let them be like this loincloth which is not good for anything. Jeremiah 13:9-10. For out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks.. . We have to read the word, pray, and ask God for His spirit. Thank you for freedom and restoration! Once again, God was dealing with these spirits in Isaiah 6:9-10 when he said, Go and say to this people, Keep on listening and do not comprehend! Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. When he makes his voice gracious, do not believe him, for seven abominations are in his heart. Principalities are a higher rank of demonic power. In Gods name dont torture me!8For Jesus had said to him,Come out of this man, you impure spirit! 9Then Jesus asked him,What is your name? This post is all about the Leviathan spirit, African oral literature and other mythologies, The questions God asked Job concerning Leviathan, 15 Characteristics of the Leviathan spirit, Leviathans control and confusion via the airwaves, Difference between Jezebel and Leviathan Spirit and how they can operate together, And thats it, folks, the Leviathan spirit, What is your name? Do you feel like youre constantly at war? If you havent asked Jesus into your heart yet and would like to, I have a prayer to do so here: Prayer to become born again. Desire for old sinful behavior. Because of this, take up the full armor of God, in order that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand. We are going to break all covenants/agreements weve made with them, no matter how subtle they may have been. P.S. Pay attention to what youre thinking about! On his lips, an enemy will pretend, but inside he will harbor deceit. Leviathan's Purpose From the beginning of time, serpents have been representative of evil spirits. Those who have accidentally or purposely been used by the Leviathan spirit need to ask for Gods forgiveness and repent. It is a spirit. And the evil spirit departed out of him that very same hour. This is what has given the enemy an open door to bring so much destruction into their life as well as other people in their influence. I encourage you to read my post titled, The Complete Guide to Spiritual Warfare with the Armor of God! which is a divine Spiritual Warfare blueprint based on Ephesians 6. There was a man who came to him and asked that He have mercy on his son. And by the authority that the power of God has been in you, you are going to have to stand up and choose a side. Kimberly has a passion to prophesy to those who sit in dark places and held captive by the works of darkness. Leviathan is a very controlling, religious, independent, and rebellious spirit. Much of what we know about the characteristics of a leviathan spirit come from theologians and biblical scholars. Smith lives and resides in Memphis, Tennessee. Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah and promised to kill him by the next day at the same time. If so, you may be dealing with a leviathan spirit. It not only shocked the Christian world, but also many in the secular world. Fast for three days and there is no telling what might happen. Whether or not this being was intended to be interpreted literally or figuratively is up for debate, but either way provides insight into the nature of evil. This power makes them obey without question and submit to its rule without protest. It can do this by twisting scripture and whispering lies about God, stirring up feelings of anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, and resentment towards God. Strife is angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues, conflict. It will mock: Mockery is defined as ridicule, contempt, making someone or something seem absurdly or offensively inadequate or unfitting. How to Recognize and Overcome the Leviathan Spirit. Its a lot hehhe. The disciples wanted to know why they could not cast the spirit out. I thank you, Lord, that you are always faithful and that you never leave me nor forsake me. Remember, be diligent and use the weapons God has given you, and you can be victorious! Website by Graphics Gurl Design Studio, The 12 Characteristics of a Leviathan Spirit, Ancient Ruling Spiritual Prince A Principality, Characteristic #1: The Leviathan Spirit Twists the Truth, Characteristic #2: Leviathan Tasked with Breaking Covenants, Characteristic #3: The Leviathan Spirit Severs Your Relationship with God, Characteristic #4: A Leviathan Spirit is Stiff-Necked, Characteristic #5: The Leviathan Spirit is Hard-Hearted and Cold, Characteristic #6: Leviathan Blocks the Holy Spirit in Your Life, Characteristic #7: Leviathan is Proud, Haughty, and Arrogant, Characteristic #8: The Leviathan Spirit is a Whispering Liar, Characteristic #9: The Contentious Leviathan Spirit, Characteristic #10: Leviathan Lifts up Leaders in Order to Crush Them, Characteristic #11: The Demonic Spirit of Leviathan Brings Depression, Characteristic #12: Leviathan, Master of Blame and Self-Pity, Characteristics of Those Operating in the Spirit of Leviathan. The devil or Satan is often referred to as the great dragon. Here, we are informed that Leviathan resides in the seas and was created by God Isaiah 27:1 (ESV) 1 In that day the LORD with his hard and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent, and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea. Gonna reblog it AFTER I reblog about the Jezebel Spirit. Excellent post! I am 100% consumed by Leviathan and I never knew one thing about this. Better it is to be of a lowly (humble) spirit with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:18-19. Be sober; be on the alert. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. In essence, the person is trapped inside, and their authentic self cannot get out. Undoubtedly he is the Leviathan is one of the most iconic figures in both theology and mythology. If they had exhibited faith, they could have cast the spirit out. 8 Supercharge Benefits of Speaking and Praying in Tongues! It loves to . Since we live in the end times, we may feel that the enemy has won in certain issues, but this is not the case. Bring Charisma magazine home with a subscription today! Every time he sings a word of praise to God the enemy cringes. Jesus told them that they had unbelief. Demonic spirits push boundaries and will keep checking and testing to see if they can get back in their house.. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full. This combination allows those who have been influenced by these spirits to be able to control and direct the lives of others. This spirit is one of the most powerful and destructive spirits in the spiritual realm because he is an ancient high-ruling demonic prince in the spiritual world. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy . That was basically the way things operated through the priest or prophet. Lord, please remove any influence from the spirit of Leviathan in my life and mind. Among other things, with his death and resurrection we have the right to freedom from demonic oppression/possession, we just need to realize whose we are and the rights we have as children of God. Feeling overwhelmed. Praise God! Why are the tent Evangelism Giant George Verwer Dies at 84, Morning Rundown: Jonathan Cahns Prophetic Insights for Christians Worldwide, Too Close for Comfort: Transformation Churchs Easter Service Eerily Similar to Recent Satanic Grammys, Top of the Week: Glenn Beck: Nefarious Movie, Preparing the Way for the Return of Jesus. Was Spiritual Discernment Missing From Transformation Churchs Easter Play? Theyre very stubborn in believing that they know more than anyone else, and they are right. Prophetic messages from respected leaders & news of how God is moving throughout the world. I loose a humble and contrite spirit in me use the weapons God has already given us!... 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